An asylum claim by a white Afrikaner farming family from South Africa has sparked a debate about whether their claim is based on a real fear of persecution or is “the result of paranoid (and racist) whites wanting to leave because they want no part in a black-governed South Africa.”

The family’s claim seems to be that they are being discriminated and persecuted by the government. Also, they face a severe risk of racially motivated crime and the government is unwilling or unable to protect them.
The family’s attorneys have been searching for an expert witness, but they have been rejected by several academics:
Professor Mark Behr, of Rhodes College, in Memphis, Tennessee, and Dr. Dennis Laumann, of the University of Memphis, have rejected requests that they help the family. “I am not interested in assisting Afrikaners claiming discrimination in a non-racial, democratic, post-apartheid South Africa,” wrote Laumann. “In my scholarly opinion, there is absolutely no basis for their allegation – whatever evidence they may present.”
Such rejection seems to me to represent the worst of academia. To assume that any claim of asylum by a white South African is based on paranoia and racism is bad enough, but to publicly state that “there is absolutely no basis for their allegation – whatever evidence they may present” is completely irresponsible. As a top asylum attorney once remarked: No country is safe for everyone all the time.
Nevertheless, it seems to me that the family will face an uphill battle for asylum. For one thing, it appears that much of the case is based on the claim that the South African government discriminates against whites. Assuming this is true, discrimination is not sufficient for a grant of asylum. Also, to the extent that the family faces violence, they would need to show that there is nowhere in South Africa where they could relocate and live safely. Given that there are about 4.5 million whites living in South African, I am not sure how the family can demonstrate that internal relocation is not an option.
Finally, the articles about white South Africans cite a figure that I find misleading. They state that between 2001 and 2010, a total of 129 South Africans were granted asylum in the United States. The articles imply that all these South African asylees are white. DHS statistics show that 129 South Africans were granted asylum, but there is no reason to believe that these asylees are white. Indeed, given that only 9% of South Africans are white, it is likely that the majority of asylum seekers coming to the U.S. are not white.
In any case, the asylum claim of the white South African family–like all asylum claims–should be evaluated on its merits. Despite the irresponsible public comments of some academics, if the family has a well founded fear of persecution in South Africa, their application should be granted.
Will we as South Africans get Asylum
Can we to leave SA to go to USA
Maybe, but it depends on the specifics of the case – you need to show at least a 10% chance of persecution on account of your race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or particular social group. General country conditions are normally not enough to win, without a specific threat also, but again, it depends on the case. Take care, Jason
Unfortunately the world has chosen to close their eyes to what is happening in South Africa. As a white South African I am living in fear every day of my life. Not because of racial issues although they are there. Believe me. But because of the crime. I was attacked and strangled in November. Dragged through the house. Eventually tied up. This while my children sat helpless in their car seats. My three year old is sitting with one of her first memories being her mommy was strangled and dragged into the house by criminals who happened to be black. It breaks my heart to know that one of my daughters first memories is one she will never forget. We have spent months in trauma counseling and yet I will never feel safe. Why? Because I know it can happen again at any time.
Every day I get reports from the neighbourhood patrol team of armed robberies in houses where they attacked the occupants and robbed the house. Do we want to move? Yes. But the area we considered safer is being targeted by Nigerian drug lords.
I’m afraid driving in my car because I know that hijackings happen every day in South Africa. I’m afraid to go out my back door and keep it locked at all times because I’m afraid they come back and finish the job on me and kill me. Or that some other robbers come and this time we are not so lucky.
To this date eight months later the police inspector that is supposed to handle our case has not called once to find out what my story is. I’m still waiting for the identikit people to come out and do a sketch of the men. It has lot happened and I know that they will not do anything about this. Why? Because there are too many cases like this all across South Africa. Crime has gotten out of control. It doesnt matter why area we move to, we will face crime. One only needs to read the local news papers and listen to the local news.
I also know that our president will not help should the need arrive for political intervention should a South African find himself overseas in danger.
Does this help me get refugee status? Sadly no. Because no matter how bad it is here in soith africa the world has not seen it.
As a white male, my husband battles to find a job. With the BEe system in place he will not score enough points to be hired. The uneducated black male will get higher points and be appointed in the position. Thankfully he is working in the private sector for a small company.
Will this qualify me for refugee status? The fact that my husband as a white male cant find a job? Sadly no.
Our white students are in danger of their lives during exam times on university campuses. The fees must fall campaigns turn violent. Plenty students have to re do their year because they were not able to write exams last year. It was too dangerous.
As I’m typing this I’m afraid for my life and my family. But will anybody overseas here our plight in South Africa? No. It is considered nonsense when a white South African is asking for help. Because they are being labeled racist.
Can I apply for refugee status? No. Because I will be arrested at the airport by the South African government.
There are thousands of white farmers murdered every year. White males cant find jobs. We are scared. Crime is out of control. Our president doesn’t care. Our health care is sky high due to the fact that the government health care is insufficient and sub standard. Cockroaches roam the halls of the government hospitals. Equipment is lacking due to theft. Supplies are virtually non existent.
It is time that the people of the world wake up to what is happening in our beautiful country. My family alone has fallen victim to crime four times in eight months, one violent. And we have nowhere to go.
Thank you for the comment. I am not so sure that you would not qualify for asylum if you applied in the US (and maybe other places). You would have to be in the US to apply, but given what you describe, you may have a case. Anyway, I wish you well. Take care, Jason
I wish that I could help!
Dear Inge, If there is anything I can do to help, I will.
Dear Inge, If there is anything I can do to help, I will.
Unfortunately most people don’t want to know about whites in South Africa, because unlike our American and Australian brethren, we didn’t wipe out our native population. We were more tolerant and less trivial, than they, hence the fact, that they loathe us, whites, living in South Africa, because we actually represent the best of the whites of the world and they are mere shadows of their ancestors.
This is NOT true. our LEFT LIBERAL news OWN 90% of the new agency’s and to get the truth out is very very hard. Now Youtube and facebook are hiding conservative news or shutting them down on their sites so now its even harder to get the truth out, we have BIG problems of corruption here to. but I as an america am telling everyone I know about you . we DO stand with you. this is world wide .. just stock up on everything and for gods sake get guns.
I would MUCH rather have south Africans In america then what is coming up from the south border. they HATE everything about us. they were raised as kids believing we stole there land. we have Marxist in power on the west coast and with you stating you are the best of the whites shows you believe in a Marxist system . it takes a class of people and puts it over others… as an america that loves our constitution I would never do that i believe ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL .. and Im sure you have heard the founders were racists, well you never heard or read the truth .. MANY tried to get rid of slavery at the beginning but many wouldn’t, its what held up the signing of the constitution. read how Thomas Jefferson made a law that any new states that wanted in couldn’t bring slavery into them. they dont teach that. Or Benjamin Franklin and his freedom society he fought against it . but the dont tell you that. anyway what you think is NOT true in america WE DO CARE .
Well black South African politicians such as a certain Mr Julius Malema from a party known as the EFF, is publically calling for the slaughter of whites, and that blacks are going to deal with whites.
Malema has repeatedly claimed that whites are unwanted visitors and should leave or face the consequences.
It is a fact that whites are being targeted in South Africa and with politicians fuelling the flames it is getting worse.
Will the international community only take notice once genocide takes place?
It is already taking place!
News, Accidents, Robberies & Incidents | National SA News | Lorraine Claasen | Afri-Forum
7 May 2017, South Africa: The farm murder and farm attack statistics for the 2016/2017 financial year was announced on 26 April 2017 by the AfriForum Research Institute (ANI) in Pretoria.
The total amount of verified farm attacks for the 2016/2017 period is 357 and the amount of farm murders is a disturbing 74.
Thank you for sharing this information. It is obviously very bad news, but it could be helpful for people doing asylum cases from SA. Take care, Jason
I was beaten and tortured by South African Police for four months because of my sexuality. I was kidnapped from the street and thrown into holding cells where I was imprisoned for a whole week.
They destroyed everything I had. They made death threats towards me. Even this wasn’t enough to qualify for any help. So now I live as a Stateless person with my family in a country that refuses to help me as my own government refuses to protect me.
I spend hours on the internet searching for a lawyer to help. There are none as those who successfully claimed Asylum all over the world keep it secret because if the ANC finds out they will do anything in their power to stop it or reverse the decision.
Only the rich and wealthy who live behind high walls and can afford bribing the police can say SA is safe for whites.
Black people are not being tortured to death by white people. They are not raped or have their children drowned by white people. A black person does not have to fear for his life because of his skin colour. White people have that fear.
I do not know where you are, but the situation you describe sounds like a strong case for asylum in the US. Most countries have similar laws (at least on the books), so maybe you can get asylum in the country where you are residing. Good luck, Jason
Y’all need Jesus.
:D, I’m south african, and I’m Caucasian, and let me tell you somehow.
This self pitying has gone on for almost two decades, the elderly white people who still can’t get over apartheid are reinforcing this reverse -racism victim mindset, they thrived in their day, not because of well educated, decent workers, no. Because they were so few, so poverty was an evil omitted only to africans. I have a PhD, I’m a reknown author and yes, I’ve been held at gunpoint before, but isn’t that normal? In whichever country you enter, there will be places like this, where threat is imminent, yet when you see an African, all south africans Caucasians think is “scum”. How do you expect to be respected, if you are not willing to respect them? BTW I’m an atheist, and the least judgement I’ve ever received was from Africans.
It may be normal, but it also may be a basis for asylum for people who decide to leave the country. Take care, Jason
You are obviously a ANC member or are a Communist troll. You have an agenda for disinformation, not truth.
Afrikaaners are some of the most paranoid, negative, pessimistic, biased people I have ever met. Seriously, it’s no wonder you all stick to yourselves because who else would want to be around you? This is coming from a white Girl from the US, living in South Africa, so I know racism when I see it. Sorry, but when someone still says nigger or kaffir in this day and age, screw you and your white prosecution. Yeah, ok.
I find your comment uniformed, and narrow minded. Its like your saying all the people from the midwest in USA are inbred, stupid, gun crazy, and racist.
I ask you 2 questions:
How long have you lived in SA?
and Where in SA have you lived?
If its less then 2 years and/or you have NOT lived in the freestate/farming towns, then you don’t have experience to have a valid opinion.
If you are American, you should shut the fuck up about what whites in south Africa go through. They are being slaughtered literally. If blacks in the US can complain for months over a fucking picture of a swastika, then whites being murdered have a right to complain. You seem like a liar and a coward. You are either black or not in south Africa. I or you’re married to a black African – then you would be spared. Just like liberals in the US, turn against the innocent to protect those who rape, torture, and murder.
Born there. Didn’t have to grow up in the putrid place. You obviously have not seen pictures of what they have done to people. They meaning the Kaffirs, picaninnies, Jim Fish, Woglets, Moonties. Niggers. Yeah. I’m going to use that word too. It is DISGUSTING. Why don’t you stay there, too? Thank God Thank God I didn’t have to grow up in that filth amongst degenerate trash. I want the whites to ALL come here and the blacks to get the FUCK out. Absolute Scurge of the earth. Leaches – and parasites – violent, lazy, disease ridden, absolutely worthless.
The next Amy Biehl….
Please remember that an American girl with no understanding of South Africa decided to travel into a township called Gugulethu. She was murdered. At the time we lived not far from there and were horrified by what she was doing. Her death came as no surprise whatsoever. Supporters of her murderers laughed in court when her suffering was described. The murderers were pardoned by a racist court (murder was not disputed). You are simply ignorant, as Amy Biehl was. There are nearly no blacks in South Africa who do not have murderous intent towards whites …I personally witness to that, as do my family and many many others.
I could be as prejudiced about you as you clearly are about others but choose not to be
It was YOU american CUNTS that caused all the shit in the first place causing propaganda around the world against about “how bad” white afrikaners were to blacks to cause the uprising and the release of Mandela all so you can come and steel our Gold, South Africa was a power house economy and you could not get passed the Afrikaner in power so your country caused a strategic uprising just like like your country does to every other other country with valuable resources, Oil gas etc, YOU EVIL FUCKS!!! Divide and Conquer thats your motto!! “Anglo American” “De Beers” Now we must suffer and you ignorant pricks won’t even help when our women and children are literally getting slaughtered everyday WITH PANGAS, you want to say we racist, fuck you pieces of SHIT, WE EDUCATED not RACIST learn the real history of how the black people were better off in the apartheid days, how we educated employed, housed and fed them, black people were separated from Whites originally because they were killing us then already and they had terrible diseases etc!!! We were educated to this to prevent what they are doing to us now. Learn the real history on South Africa!! Fuck you and keep your ISLAMIC country, Tables will turn you american ignorant CUNTS!!!
Tyler, U R getting the jUSA mixed up with the USA. It has ALWAYS been the JEWs who stir the shit up and PROFIT from the ensuing CONflict. You say you are ‘educated’? Then WHY don’t you know this???
Wow, and just when I thought that Afrikaaners aren’t all stupid, backwoods, Dutchie, racist assholes, someone like this comes along. Tit for tat, you hick. Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it.
Tyler, you’re a dick!
When your government makes a decision, are you to blame? Is it your fault when king dumbshit does some dumbshit?
We have no more control over our traitorous government than you do over yours. We have 13% blacks in the US and 90% of those are so racist, naive, or dumb that they voted for Obama because he was black. We have even more Mexican immigrants, mostly illegal or related to illegals, and they vote for piece of shit liberals as well because they care about themselves not their country/world. Then we have dumb ass feminazi cunts and their girly men followers who refuse to vote for a Christian so they vote for the party that aids in the slaughter of people around the world and protects terrorist. Get this through your victimized little skull – we have no power. Now if you have a brain in your head, you will either legally or illegally get your family out of that animalistic country. Seek help from Russia or poland. Both seem to be smart enough to understand how bad diversity is for us. Smart people can see that diversity is murder, and it’s usually the whites in these diverse countries that face the most slaughter by diversity.
Whites across the world have been asking to bring you guys over. Unfortunately, all European countries seem to view Africans, middle eastern immigrants, terrorist, as worth more than their own citizens, much less white asylum seekers. I’m truly sorry for what you guys have been facing. The world ignores it while protecting the view of all the criminal and rapist refugees they are boating in now. That sucks. We get it. Whites are under attack by non-whites in every white/Christian country, all while we are called racist, and the news/politicians ignore it.
I wish the best for you all, truly. Now please stop blaming us for the shit your people in power have done, like we can vote on it. Our votes mean shit, just like yours. We don’t wish bad on you, yet you ended your shitty comment by wishing evil on us. I’d say that’s a good enough reason to make others turn away. Don’t be an asshole.
Hey ignoramus have you seen what these things these sacks of black shit in the mold of a fake human have done to these people? The atrocities? Hours of torture? I live here in the States and am an American that was born in that hell hole. Don’t think that can’t happen here, because I see signs that it can, big time. And big signs that it’s happening in Europe. You need to look at some of the videos of what they have done to women, children, old people. THEY ARE COWARDS. Oh, and a cat they crucified. These woglets do not care about whites at all – and it’s not just these people but ALL OF THESE PEOPLE HATE WHITES. They are so jealous of whites they can’t stand it. Their entitlement for being robbed by being butt ugly and stupid has made them absolutely mad off their rockers with violence, degenerate behaviors. So I say ALL OF THE WHITES NEED HELP IN GETTING THE F OUT OF THEIR AND THEN LET’S SHIP ALL THE SHIT OVER THERE – MUSLIMS, BLACKS, BLACK LOVERS, ALL GET THE F OUT OF HERE. LET’S SWITCH. Then we will watch you all cannibalize each other. And the BOER are one of the most beautiful physically beautiful races I’ve ever seen in the world. Whites in America need to pay particular attention to this. These brownies and blackies have bred and bred and bred and it’s the numbers game. The whites have to get out because they are cowards that band together and hijack people. Whites need to come here, if you are breeding age, then breed like crazy, help each other, get good jobs or start businesses. But let them all rot and they will when they have no one to blame and they are starving.
T.J. As a South African I agree with your comments. Thanks for clearing the air.
I think everyone here feel the tension and realize the inevitable but I agree that blaming others will change nothing as this is a targeted attack against whites on a global scale, you included.
It’s time for westerners to rise to the occasion and hold our ground and that can’t be done with division. Stay strong guys and girls!!
Tyler, Muslims represent less than 1% of the U.S. population. America will never be an Islamic country.
Hypothetical scenario: South African whites construct Euthanasia clinics for it’s embattled people.
In the light of SA not wanting us here and International Governments not wanting us there, I personally would rather die in a humane way than be butchered by THE WHOLE WORLD, and having being deceived by THE WHOLE WORLD, (Rainbow Nation theory deception).
I wonder how the few humanitarians in high International circles would react.
Those of you who know the saga’s of ‘Masada’, and Japanese history of mass suicides of humans jumping off of cliffs to escape their demon possessed enemies illustrate why it is better to take your own life than face the monsters who relish in doing so.
I personally would never take my own life for anyone, I’d rather laugh to their face and spit on it whilst I praise the Lord.
I just wonder how the world would react if genocide candidates make it easier and less costly for them by getting the job done by the self.
It’s a sad irony, but there is no reason that a white South African who goes to another country could not seek asylum, just as many others do.
For the professors all around the world I pose 7 challanges:
1. Stay on any farm or smallholding or house or shack in SA with your only means of protection a locked door
2. Bring your wife and daughters
3. Bring only enough money to survive a month. $2000 would do.
4. Apply for a job or bursary or tender in SA, state your sex (male) and race (white), and make no mention of your education level higher than a South African degree
5. Make use of only public transport, and be sure to send your daughters and wife to walk the streets alone frequently, especially at night
6. Make use of only public schooling and public health care
7. Denounce your country of origin’s citizenship when you and your family land
The moment you get back in your country of origin after completing my challanges, write what you wrote above again. See if you can, I triple dare you.
Not one of you will accept my challange.
Well said Rudi…..
White people cannot get job after leaving school. The SADF pre 94 where the iron fist of Africa. Now the new Sa Army cannot even fix a tank. Margret Thatcher quoted that if the Anc rule SA it will be cuckoo land. Afrikaners are suffering you fucking stupid american professors. Have the balls and come and live here and see for yourself. Die 2 professoers is fokken dose
It’s an on-going saga and no matter what they say, if your white in South Africa, especially if you have no money – your “done for”. The reality of it all is that it is not easy to immigrate anywhere in the world.
I actually found this discussion with fear in the back of my mind , wondering what will happen to South Africa in the future and what will happen to the whites living in it. By googeling the subject. I had zero to do with the apartheid, for people to say that i must suffer and deserve what coming to me is a bit harsh an ludicrous. BEE prevents not only whites from getting Jobs but also prevents them from creating Jobs , many companies have policies that state if you are not BEE certified they wont to business with you, is that not a pure act of rasisim ? 20 years later and aparantly the white black equlibrium has not been reached??? The goverment support songs that calls murder among whites “mashingiwang” *spelling* means machine gun and the song goes something in the line of bring my gun kill the farmer kill the boer, seriously is that not enough to see whats going in? if anyone thinks its a lie search it you will probably find some youtube videos look at statistics in context please. A few years back you heard of things happening to whites lately you know someone that had under gone an act of brutal rasism, my friend’s wife’s mom got raped by 3 black men taking turns whilst the other as making them selves coffee and eating sandwiches from the fridge, those people are torned apart! i can clearly see it in their personalities. I can honestly say that i go to bed in fear of waking up with someone standing next to my bed in the middle of the night getting ready to take me out with a pillow case filled with bricks & rubble.
South Africa is a heck of a country even with all of its bullshit it still stands , but unfortunately and mark my words it will fall its reaching its tipping point.
Its not rocket science
anyway be greatfull for what you have
Nkosi sikeleli
En vir jou suid afrika se gat , vir jou is ek gatvol.
Is there a way for white south african to get assylum or to immagrate to the every person has stated on what is happening…may I say its all true..poeple abraud only c what is given to c but doesn’t c it all…some of us are scared to whant a way out..
You would have to be in the US or some other country to apply for asylum. A person who is in his home country, by definition, is not a refugee. Plus, you would have to show a well-founded fear of persecution based on a protected ground (like race). Best to talk to a lawyer before you try this.
If any White South Africans want to come to America and i highly recommend this actions, find a sponsor or do it the way everyone else does, they go to Mexico and cross the Reo Granda. once you are here claim to be Islamic they fast track them in America for the culture war they are creating by design. also we could use your voting power when you become citizens to end the madness of multiculturalism so vote republican and vote often.
I am devastated for this family. We are in such grave danger and for the so called “Educated Scholar’s” We live in fear our people are DYING!!! OVER 80 000 have just been wiped out. 80 000 lives gone!! How can this NOT be GENOCIDE. We are a nation on our knees and the world turns away because we have NO right to complain. As they see it we should be punished for what our forefathers did and we deserve to be TORTURED, OUR PRECIOUS BABIES RAPED, OUR MEN BRUTALLY MAIMED,OUR WOMAN GANG RAPED AND SLIT OPEN, BURNED, STABBED, SHOT,REFUSED WORK, REFUSED FOOD AID, HUMILIATED, THREATENED. So what they are in fact saying is that it is our just deserve and we should live with it or DIE!!! We have lost everything we are one step away from ending up in a squatter camp. We might as well just take our own lives and spare ourselves the TORTURE AND PAIN at least we can choose how we die.
Professor Mark Behr, of Rhodes College, in Memphis, Tennessee needs to get his ass out of MY State and move back to South Africa prefferably to the township in Kwa-Mashu where he can talk his self hating crap to the people there who WILL kill him on site in their township. We do not need anymore self hating Afrikaans crackers here. I would much rather have some productive, compassionate new members for our society. HEY MARK BEHR GET THE HELL OUT OF MY STATE AND GO BACK TO SOUTH AFRICA TO SOWETO AND LIVE YOUR RAINBOW DREAM.
i would be greatful that you inform yhje public about the whites in zimbabwe and to the present day situation of farmers in zuinbabwe thanks
People most Afrikaner whites are peacefull non racists please we beg for assistance the uhurru movement is real and they disarmed us and we can’t get weapons licenses anymore.We are defenseless we made fun of the Awb rightwing movement now we need them they were right about the murderous nature of sa blacks . We men will take what comes but please come and help our woman and children!
The Afrikanners need machine guns.
Hi everyone new to the discussion. Let me start off by saying that I hardly ever watch the news or read the papers as the news is always bad. I listen to what others say. I don’t live in the country as my husband works for a foreign company so we are expats. This is my opinion and it seems that everyone has one and all points of view should be objective and respected. Please feel free to correct me. Pick a country, any country. That country is made up of exactly as we are made up – a ‘rainbow nation’. Within that country there are political differences, political murders by extremist groups – which are not necessary condoned by that particular political group. There are religious differences and again extremist groups causing violence because they believe its the right thing to do. Within that country of choice are other groups – hate mongers to any race groups, homosexuality, gender ect. Within that country is a government made up of people voted for by a majority of citizens who believed in what they said before elections. The minority who did not elect them will obviously disagree and therefore will initiate hate groups, hate speech and it may even spur violence on many levels. Within this country are many groups who do good. They are sometimes made up of all religious sectors, races and genders. They believe in serving good, preaching good, they conduct themselves with dignity, have ethics and empathy for all. There are also groups who help with the enviornment, the teachers that believe they can make a difference…I could go on but I am sure by now you all get the picture. So now we look at SA. Before 94, there was apartheid. I had just finished school when it ended but I was born in the middle of it. I was not and still am not politically motivated because I think its a bunch of bullpoopie sometimes. Yes there were issues and there was tragedy. But with Mr Mandela’s release everyone breathed a sigh of relief. EVERYONE got behind the new democratic dream, that despite what had happened IN THE PAST, was going to change. We could all just be a peaceful. We cannot have a future without having a past. But are forced to relieve it in the most horrific way, as a reminder of – What you did to us. But don’t you think that is where it should have stayed. No. Because it is not in peoples nature to let things slide. Instead it was good for awhile but the past reared its ugly head. It became a dog with a bone – do you remember when ‘this’ happened well lets retaliate. Blah blah blah. So we are a country with many good qualities. We have a beautiful country. We have around 4.5 million whites and almost 50 million blacks and then very small groups of everyone else; coloureds, Asians, and all other nationalities. We have so many wonderful groups of people who try their best everyday to make what they do count. Unfortunately the majority of whom cause all the crap overshadows the good that exists. Will there ever be a change in government? Highly unlikely. There are too many supporters who still believe they will get what they want. They cannot see the forest for the trees what there own government is doing to them. Although the number of population is a huge gap the percentage of crime being conducted is done by the larger demographic. Why do the minority groups think they are being targeted? Because they are. It has been a hard slog; but finally they have enough power to get exactly what they want. There is still that mentality of if I want it I will take it. Yes, unemployment is high, but don’t you think that the government should at least take some of the blame or at least institute some programs for increased employment. What happened to all the promises of granting the disadvantaged the basic necessities. Still waiting. Why? Why are they sitting like sheep for the slaughter. Why do they keep swallowing the bullpoopie the government spews out of their watch towers. I have family in Durban and Johannesburg and I have several crime watch pages on FB. Do you know that in Durban the police and private investigators have discovered multiple roving gangs that keep watch over areas to monitor comings and goings. Just last week they gangraped a man – in his 80’s, made his wife watch, kicked him, beat him, raped her then dragged him out by his hair and bashed his head in. WTF???? Neighbourhoods are being literally stalked. Do I think that the majority ethnic groups are in trouble yes I do. Do I believe they are also attacked by their own ethnic group yes I do. And yet they are the ones supporting the very government they selected who do nothing thereby condoning the itinerant behaviour and yet they never change their vote. What are they waiting for? God only knows. So do I believe that the minority at this point in time is headed for genocide. Yes I do. The majority have to be made to see that what is happening is not to the benefit of ANYONE’S greater good but to the destruction of all. I do not want to come back. It is a joy to be in a country where my children can cycle to school, play outside without looking over there shoulders, where we can go out at night on the one of the best public transport systems in the world and I don’t have to worry too much about the time. Where there are no burglar alarms or fences or burglar proofing. I can say as I did in the beginning it is not a country without its problems – but they are few few few. It is gorgeous here. If granted the chance at asylum I would not hesitate. I do it to save us from the possibility and inevitability of being another statistic. Of not garnering the opportunity for a proper education. The opportunity of employment because I am not the right colour. It is not just because of the possibility of death but of persecution in every part of life.
The white South Africans’ situation has been listed as high as Stage Six on the scale of levels leading to genocide. Stage Seven is actual genocide itself. Stage Eight, the final stage, is when the perpetrators deny the genocide and try to cover it up.
The extensive mutilation and torture of white victims of violence and murder in South Africa confirms the attacks are often racial in nature.
Barring whites from the job market (in effect, denying them the means to feed themselves), and the steady disarming of their population can be seen as sure signs of an approaching calamity. All of the things I’ve mentioned occurred to Jews prior to the Holocaust.
Most alarming, when a country’s leaders verbally promote violence and genocide against a group –without repercussions — then the stink of imminent genocide is in the air.
The “West” should be ashamed of itself, including the U.S.A.
That aside, get your loved ones and friends out of the “Beloved Country” anyway you can.
My daughter Natasha Van Zyl now Grobler got gangraped a few years ago, front page news George Herald! She will never be the same again! If I can get a job in USA today I will leave South Africa tomorrow!
I live on a smallholding in Vereeniging alone. Thank God everyday when I open my eyes, as my gun .357 magnum was taken from me!
You dont live here in SA, so really, stop talking about white genocide. Rapes, murder, robbings, ect. is a part of every community here. These crimes, where 8 mnth old babies are raped, the elderly raped and killed, are everywhere, so my people are undes siege too. I can feel that the government doesn’t care too. It’s just, post-apartheid, post living in a sheltered, cushioned bubble, whites feel it now too. So now they cry foul. We, others are used to a hard life of fighting to feel safe. They are not. Noone’s out to to get them. And they miss being treated by themselves, and forcibly others, as if they matter alone. They hate being shown that they are not, afterall, more significant. Many still treat other races like shit.
are there any countries openly accepting asylum seekers on the strength of the stage 6 genocide watch rating ? I would like nothing more than to apply to a country that I can sleep soundly in, one where i have a shot at meaningful employment, and one where I would actally consider having children !
wow. amazed at how antiwhite racists some americans are,alot of white afrikanners are suffering real persecution and terror in africa, this is a fact, they shouild be allowed full asylum in us and helped, as they are in most western countries. What we are seeing is some people in USA really hate white people and are are denying them the same rights as nonwhites.
Email addresses of the 2 heros:
Mark Behr
Dennis Laumann or (his address at the communist news website he writes for – surprise, surprise)
Wikipedia gives some info on Behr. Behr was born in Tanzania and after the nationalization of white-owned farms under Julius Nyerere the family fled to South Africa. He studied at Stellenbosch University and spied on fellow students for the Government, but he was actually a turncoat working for the ANC. He will not help the Afrikaners but has no qualms writing books in Afrikaans to take their money and awards! Also, not surprisingly he is openly homosexual. So this fine upstanding academic who will not help the very people who gave his own family a safe place to flee to is actually a deviant who sold out his friends and his government and then made his living off the same people he refuses to help while languishing in another country! With all that is it any wonder he cannot be relied on for anything fine or decent. I wonder if this trash that gives whites a bad name knows what the average black South African thinks of homosexuality.
Dennis Laumann – the other little charmer is classified by his students as a man who worships the democrats with no respect for a Republican view – sometimes stopping class to rant about his own views. He is also described as being anti God.
These are the “experts” the US finds to decide on the fate of decent people looking for refuge . . really?
L Whittaker – Your bigotry against homosexuals detracts from your point.
Mentioning him being gay is bigotry? Wow. Glad I know that. I need to tell my friend to stop telling people he is gay. He may be seen as a bigot! Get over that victim crap. There are real victims out there, and gays being called words are not victims. They’re sensitive.
When homosexuality is used as an insult and is called “deviant”, I think it qualifies as bigotry.
To our esteemed Professor Mark Behr and Dr. Dennis Laumann, please have a look at the above link and then tell me that there is NO crime against the white population happening in this country. I am a military vet of the Apartheid regime, and i can tell you that i never came across any savagery or sadistic brutality and murder against any innocent black families by the apartheid government. Yes, there was a lot of attrocities committed by the government, but it was aginst our enemies of the time. Then the whole world had a field day about the terrible White minority of South Africa. Now you please tell me, did we, the white people of the country plant landmines at the entrances to farms on a sunday morning, knowing that the vehicles coming through the gate will be filled with white women and children coming from church. NO. Did we plant bombs in restuarants and night clubs, filled with children…NO. Dis we go into the black areas and rape and murder the women and children, like cowards,,NO.
I see that there is a pension for STRUGGLE veterans, they get a pension, yet the whites get nothing. Now i would like to know where the ANC of South Africa ever fought the apartheid military in a battle, not planting bombs and murdering innocent people, but like a proper military force,a proud soldier fights his enemy face to face, a coward skulks in the shadows and preys on women and children.
No mention of that any where…..WHY??
On another note, my dear narrow sighted professors, we live in a country where;
1. A black only management forum can be formed, but you cant form a white only forum. 2. You can have a back only education fund , but one for whites,3. You cannot get any government or any big business contracts, unless you give a large portion of you company to a black person, yet you can have a company that only employees blacks.
There is so much that i can mention , but you already know that,,,,,Wake up and smell the coffee, or better yet,why dont you return to your land of birth,Prf Behr, and come live in our non racist, crime free, rainbow democracy.
Obama should come to South Africa and talk with ANC and force them to give us eaqual rights . We whites in South Africa are suffering and nobody cares. I am Aafricaner can not find job and living in poverty and we are afraid of the criminals around us.
Seek poland or Russia asylum. They are the only people who care about whites anymore.
Professor Mark Behr, of Rhodes College, in Memphis, Tennessee, and Dr. Dennis Laumann, of the University of Memphis, have rejected requests that they help the family. “I am not interested in assisting Afrikaners claiming discrimination in a non-racial, democratic, post-apartheid South Africa,” wrote Laumann. “In my scholarly opinion, there is absolutely no basis for their allegation – whatever evidence they may present.”
You are both idiots. Experience trumps so-called “scholarly opinion”. The white farmers LIVE in south Africa and have to deal with regular attacks on their lives and livelihoods. Another white farmer was recently killed.
Dr Mark Behr, Dr. Dennis Laumann, you very much are a disgrace to scholars everywhere do you know that?
Those academics are clearly idiots – no clue outside of their protected jobs.Lets invite them over here for an orientation into what South Africa is really like.
how the hell can you call those idiots academics???
they wont come back.
even if they do!! I suggest they bring them daughters with!!! maybe they will enjoy them stay here!!
according to them there is nothing to fear!! if you a couple of thousand miles away! these days they dont bind the girls hands!! they cop them off!!
have you ever heard of the saying long sleeve and short sleeve??
come visit me!!! I will take you for a tour!!
Don’t worry South African Whites !! While Liberals wish to hurt you !!! Many who come here are taking over the courts and legal systems in America !! To set the record straight !! All who see the truth are joining our group !! We enlisted technicians,engineers,law enforcement, DA’s politicians, many races and ethnics groups !! Hatred and racism no-matter who doing will be brought to justice and flat out wrong!!
With 68000 whites butchered since 94 and 4000 productive farms being laid to waste due to the farmers being murdered,how can the USA say theres nothing to support any white asylum seeker in the USA? It boggles the imagination.And moreover, we cant apply for asylum at USA embassies. We have to go to the USA and apply there.Not very helpful
Thank you. Herewith the full reference of the report, as well as Prof. Stanton’s subsequent email advising South African whites to flee before it is too late. and It might be necessary to cut and paste the reference as I am unable to create a hyperlink.
See the report of Professor Stanton (genocide expert) on in respect of South Africa. He should be willing to testify and is probably the leading expert in the world on this subject matter. You will note from the report that Professor Stanton is shocked about the situation in South Africa and has reported to the UN on this matter.
Thank you for the comment – I am not sure if the link you provided worked in your posting. Here it is:
Racism is rampant in south africa.Apartheid never caused it!look at the rest of Africa.i left that sesspool 35 yrs ago and if my family is harmed,i will return and kill every kaffir standing!
Please sir, understand, that the apartheid era had ended almost 18 years ago, during which most white and black south africans were promised a rainbow nation. Many white South Africans welcomed this.
There is a massive amount of fear amongs many white South-Africans that are currently being dehuminized. World renowned genocide expert has increased the Level of Genocide of South-Africa, clearly stating that this country is in the early stages of genocide.
Safe this family from potential murder, it really is that bad, believe me. Our cries are not being heard, yet our children are being brutally murdered daily.
The rampant and increasing crime rate in SA and the well documented high numbers of farm murders certainly lend credence to requests for asylum. One noted author wrote that SA whites have become “professional victims”. Add to this the governmental decree which systematically excludes whites for consideration for middle-to-top level jobs both in business and government and you have a situation where whites are being pushed out of the picture or at least out to the margins. GenocideWatch International, a genocide watchdog group, states that SA whites are currently in ‘middle stage’ of genocide. In other words, time is drawing short for what will be mass murders of SA’s white minority.
To acknowledge that South-Africa is in a down spiral would be to acknowledge that the ANC was wrong in all that they stand for.
Those who made Nelson Mandela a god and now don’t have the courage to admit their wrong do, will never help us.
To be free means to ignore a red light at a busy intersection and get somebody killed and then blame it on apartheid.
To be free means to kill,steal,rob and rape.
Like whites getting killed daily in South-Africa, so the uproar to the mines will begin and at the end close down one by one.
For every white killed in South-Africa it means less tax to government and less production and less food.It let’s me think back years ago of a little joke about the white guy sitting in a big black cooking pot with all the blacks singing and dancing around him.The one black keeps poking the white with a fork and every time the white got poked he laughed and the black could not understand why the white were laughing, so he asked him?.The white replied “every time you poke me with that fork i shit in your dinner”.
This country is on the brink of total collapse(no money),then will the time come for us to take back what we payed for a long time ago-white farmers must send their trucks/tractors and come and collect the homeless whites sitting around cities with no jobs.Let the white people come and work the earth for their food and a place to stay,in that way their would be more people on the land to protect each other against incited blacks.Build stores and get our food supplies/Bio fuel in order ,the rest could start their big black cooking pots and see if they can pickle each other to taste.
Zimbabwe have no whites left-go back there and stay on the farms you wanted so badly……………no whites-no farms-no food!!!!!!!!!!!!
Apartheid was a ballgame that the world used to keep South-Africa in the news and take the eyes of their own people off their own problems,but their problems is only starting now.
Believe in GOD and we will be free again.
This is the response after above US farm manager got attacked:
Rogers was a director of the American agricultural company SBH Farms and had been working as a farm manager on the farm Geluk.
His brother, Dr Stephen Rogers, who was also chairperson of SBH, said on Tuesday it was “no longer possible for them to work like this”. He said their ability to make a difference was increasingly being overwhelmed by crime.
He said he was a representative of a group of American investors who had taken a chance by investing in the new South Africa.
“We invested long-term in the tourism and agricultural sector and brought millions of dollars of foreign investment as well as created a lot of work in the eastern Free State.”
But theft was occurring on a weekly basis and sometimes even more frequently. “Our lives are in danger. It is not possible to work like this.”
When will the world realize the truth? When will they step in? “Apartheid” era never had mass killings and targeted certain demographic. Wake up, before it is too late!
Maybe this article will change some minds. Will the US now get involved, probably not. But it goes to show what White farmers have to deal with every day.
US farm manager attacked with pangas
2012-08-14 12:00
Bloemfontein – A United States farm manager has been hacked with pangas in an attack on a farm in the Ladybrand district, the Volksblad newspaper reported on Tuesday.
Allen Rodgers, 61, was taken to the Mediclinic hospital, in Bloemfontein, by ambulance with lacerations and stab wounds after the attack on the farm Geluk on Monday night.
According to the newspaper, his assailants waited for him in the farmhouse, where they had tied up a female friend of his.
Free State Agriculture district representative Bernard Maree said the attackers apparently stole cash and cellphones.
Police and soldiers along the borderline with Lesotho searched for the men until late on Monday night.
It was believed the attack could be linked to recent job losses on the farm, the newspaper reported.
Professor Mark Behr, of Rhodes College, in Memphis, Tennessee, and Dr. Dennis Laumann, of the University of Memphis?///
Is there any e-mail adresses for these persons that we can send them photo’s how farm murders look like? please answer this. and also provide the emails adresses.
Thanks for the comments about this situation. If you wish to contact the professors, you would have to contact their universities, as I am not in touch with them.
Professor Mark Behr, of Rhodes College, in Memphis, Tennessee, and Dr. Dennis Laumann, of the University of Memphis, have rejected requests that they help the family. “I am not interested in assisting Afrikaners claiming discrimination in a non-racial, democratic, post-apartheid South Africa,” wrote Laumann. “In my scholarly opinion, there is absolutely no basis for their allegation – whatever evidence they may present.”????????
I dare you come stay in this place where your wife of your daugter will be raped brutally killed where your youngest baby of 8mnth old will be killed and still the murderer come away with it, there is over 60 white poor camps in south africa, they get no grants or nothing from the gov, please we invite you all and then you can go and stay in the black community and see how long will you live, and do not everybody know who you are when you come in, other wise you will be treated like a king just to give the world outside how good they are, but back at the ranch they hate white people all over the world,
48 parliamentarians in the european parliament sign a letter to the a n c government protesting racist murders of south african white farmers over the past few years 6000 in all and that doesnt include the raped and maimed .Whites live in poverty in squatter camps like the 50 around pretoria denied jobs , welfare, utilities or food ie 360 000 in all one million forced over seas ….this in a country australia sent troops to in the boer war contributing to their poverty as boers were herded into the worlds first modern concentration camps by the british .There is no right of return to these descendants of dutch german british irish greek italian scandanavian french and even australian ancestory ..Genocide watch has them on level 5 thats moving gradually to another ruwanda or armenian situation ..guess what it gets not a mention in the australian media …why not be the first to bring attention to this situation cuz it is going to get worse for sure ..all these facts can be googled mr saffron a photo journalist from sydney has his pics online see white squatter camps south africa and farm murders south africa ,there are hundreds of thousands of australians who have lived worked or travelled there and its all happening within a short drive from the aussie consulate regards tony smith
There seems to be a large group of young militant blacks contemplating to set a fix date to kill the whites, so they can have freedom, not sure what sort of freedom they asking for as they have freedom. They claim that whites are evil and killers and needs to be killed or driven into the sea. The amount of the group is not known but some claim it could be easily in the region of 8 million, the whites are only 5 million. Genocide watch has already places South Africa on no 6. More details can be obtainable from them. Many of us are not distressed about this threat as many a time Divine Intervention has prevented them from fulfilling their evil aspirations.
The academics may be right! It be perhaps they are too scared and intimidated to step up to the bat, and admit that Zuma and Malema defying the courts and leading the songs that say; “Kill the Boere” at celebrations incites more racism against white farmers. Maybe a picture of Theron crying next to Mandela, (and I would cry to, I deeply respect THAT man), somehow takes the truth out of the pictures of hacked and mutilated white farmers! And where as in a population mix as is in South Africa, I should say it it only common sense that statistically the blacks will feel greater crimes, and there is no doubt of that, as they are necklacing each other still! (see BBC’s report)
The crimes of black African on Black African is enough to make one understand segregation! But, in the name of what is right, we in the US helped dismantle segregation but have done nothing about the human rights issue, and the white African tribe will be the next genocide that we look upon the way we look at the tribal war in Rwanda and wonder why, no one did anything!! The least we could do is grant as much safety to those seeking asylum as Professor Behr enjoys.
Professor Mark Behr, of Rhodes College, in Memphis, Tennessee is a born South African, if he is not willing to assist the white south africans in this matter, what is he still doing in the USA and are not here in SA to assist with the education of all the young blacks that get government funding to study further. Another point that is so called misleading, why would a black family from South Africa be granted asylum after 1994?
The white South Africans are in real danger of survival. With the new B-BBEE that is to be introduced this year by the ANC government, white men and woman will basically be bared from the formal employment sector. More than a million white south Africans now live in squatter camps as the white male of secondary education are no longer able to get employment in South Africa. With the new B-BBEE the likelihood that a white male or female with tertiary education will get employment, is further diminished.
There is a claim that the most murders are against black people, take the ratio of murders against a specific race as a percentage of that specific race population and it will be found that the Whites in South Africa is under definite threat.
One of the stages of genocide is denial by the ruling government, and it can not be any clearer that the ANC government is denying the genocide and targeted crime against whites as with B Huntly case in Canada.
Persecution is real in South Africa.
The world need to realize that the White South African is being victimized, humiliated, DE-humanized and denied as a part of South Africa’s population.