Comments on: Seeking Asylum from Friendly Countries Asylum and Its Discontents in the United States Fri, 09 Sep 2022 11:59:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jason Dzubow Fri, 09 Sep 2022 11:59:29 +0000 In reply to William Cagliostro.

You are welcome to post your own email. Take care, Jason

By: William Cagliostro Fri, 09 Sep 2022 02:04:56 +0000 In reply to Jason Dzubow.

Jason you said you retracted the names because you do not know me and the circumstances of my case.Statute 119 allows you to make public information requests so you can find out the circumstances of my case or I can give you that information.Please do not cover up the truth and empower the criminals who committed crimes against me.Please let the truth come to light.They have harmed me physically several times.I am still seeking asylum.If anyone can help my email is

By: Jason Dzubow Sun, 10 Oct 2021 11:37:13 +0000 In reply to William Cagliostro.

I am redacting names because I do not know you and I do not know the circumstances of your case. You have a right to free speech, but I prefer not to leave names up where I do not know about the case. As such, I will remove names from people’s posts, as that information is not appropriate to put on this forum. I would appreciate if you would respect my decision on this point. Take care, Jason

By: William Cagliostro Fri, 08 Oct 2021 15:38:28 +0000 In reply to Jason Dzubow.

Jason why do you redact the names in my comment when statute 119 allows the public to request public information.All the names I gave are in public documents and have been substantiated.You can even hear several crimes being committed against me by [redatced]

By: william cagliostro Wed, 04 Oct 2017 21:04:25 +0000 In reply to Jason Dzubow.

Hello Jason.I am still seeking asylum.Colombia was the last country I tried to get asylum in.I was mugged in Tanganga Colombia.The muggers took all my ID,passport,survival equipment and money.I went to the american embussy in Bogota for help but they refused to help me unless I returned to america.They left me homeless in the streets of Bogota with out warm clouths,rain gear,passport or money.As a result of the harassment sent my way by the man who extorted my condo I am crippled.My heal socket and foot bones were broken.I was being harassed at a homeless shelter I stayed in a short time.It was called the Oasis Foundation in Bogota.They had locks on the doors and windows.I told them to stop feeding me gluten because it makes me extremely ill.It was a joke to them.They kept putting it in my food.I saw them puting flour in the soup that they told me was gluten free.I told them I was so sick I could not sleep at night.Then they laughed and told me I must stay awake and pray all night.I took bags and told them Im leaving.I could not get out because of the locks on the doors and bars on the windows.I waited by the front door and when ever someone came in I tried to run out but they restrained me.I ran up stairs and found one window that the bars were loose on so I pulled them off and jumped into the grass.I was in extreme pain.I yelled for the Ambulenca.The director of the Oasis Foundation told everyone not to call the Ambulence.I crawled to a basket ball counrt and asked people there to call the ambulence but the director ran over and told them not to call.She then took my bags and left me there.Eventually the police came.Then they called the ambulence.When I got to the hospitol I was left in a wheel chair for a week.They even took the wheel chair away a few times and left me in a chair.Then a doctor wraped my foot.He said we must wait to put a cast because it was to swolen.When he was done wraping my foot and calf he leaned over and said William get ready because things are really going to get nasty now.I told him I want to go to the american embussy.He said I must speak to the social worker.I did and she said to wait in the wheel chair while she calls a taxi.She came back and said the taxi was on the way then someone took me to another building with crazy people.I was locked up and drugged up there.I kept saying I want the Embussy.They kept asking if I want to go back to the United States now.I said never.Several weeks later agreed to go back to the U.S. but not the state of Florida were my life was threatened and were I was being served with frivlious law suits to drain me financially.I agreed to go to brownville texas.I am now in Port Isabel Texas seeking help.Please if anyone can help me write to me at William Cagliostro general delivery 103 north Manautou street Port Isabel Texas.

By: Jason Dzubow Wed, 26 Apr 2017 03:12:17 +0000 In reply to Michael William.

I am not sure how I can help you. If you are in the US and want to meet about an asylum case, let me know. Thank you, Jason

By: Michael William Mon, 24 Apr 2017 10:10:44 +0000 Sir, My father-in-law had accepted Christion religion after marrying Christian women (My mother-in-law). The relatives of my father-in-law has been continuously teasing and disturbing him badly because of Christianity. Now after my marriage, I and my wife are also facing such acute hardships. My father-in-law died. But I and my wife are still in trouble due to attitude of my father-in-law relatives. Even it is not possible for me and my family to live in Pakistan as have no such sources and position to face such problems created by relatives of my father-in-law on his acceptance of Christianity. I cannot discuss to any body, you know this a Muslim country. A false and forge case 295/c P.P.C.FIR No.198/14 dated 13.03.2014 in Garhi Shahu, Lahore Police Station, had been registered against me by Hafiz Manzoor Ahmed Khateeb Jamia Masque Chowk Garhi Shahu, Lahore. I am sending you personally because I have come to know very late. I am facing many hardship in Pakistan. If you could help me liberally, I am very grateful to you. I am not seeing to way, I am going to where. If you could help me, I shall be very thankful to you. My three children ( Two Daughters One son). I hope that my request will be consider sympathetically for necessary action please help me sir, I expect to hear from you Excellency very soon that my dream say come true. You know very well circumstances. I may be able to live in peace and in accordance with my religious and your law. It is my humble request to you. I am waiting for your answer anxiously. God may shower his blessing on you.

By: Jason Dzubow Fri, 21 Apr 2017 10:16:42 +0000 In reply to Magda.

Such a situation could form the basis for an asylum claim. You would have to be in the US (or whatever country you want to seek asylum in) in order to file a case. Take care, Jason

By: Magda Thu, 20 Apr 2017 23:56:01 +0000 What about asylum from south africa and the white genocide and farm murders? Fear for my children’s lives ? As they have tasted some of this racial hate!

By: Jason Dzubow Tue, 04 Oct 2016 10:41:23 +0000 In reply to Ricardo.

As a famous asylum attorney once said, “No country is safe for everyone, all the time.” Take care, Jason
