In light of the terrorist attack in Boston earlier this week, I wanted to write about security at Immigration Courts, USCIS, and the Asylum Offices.
As of this writing, we don’t know who perpetrated the attack on the Boston Marathon. But we do know that as residents of a free society, we are vulnerable. We also know that people who would harm others have all too easy access to powerful weapons: guns, explosives, you name it.

In the context of immigration, there are those in our society who not only oppose immigration and immigrants, but who hate foreigners and would do them—and the Americans who work with them—harm. Behind such people are others—people who would not engage in physical violence themselves, but who encourage such behavior in others with their racism and xenophobia. For these people, their hate is matched only by their dishonesty. Because if a person is honest, and considers perspectives other than his own, it is hard to hate. I am thinking about people like Pam Geller, who says that all Muslims are terrorists and “savages,” Lou Dobbs, who claims that illegal immigrants bring bubonic plague, and Pat Buchanan who is fighting to preserve white America (ok, I admit to a soft spot for Pat Buchanan; at least he is entertaining). But I digress.
For the small number of people who might consider attacking immigrants and “the system,” Immigration Courts, USCIS, and the Asylum Offices are potential targets.
Of course, such offices are part of the federal government, protected by armed guards and metal detectors. Before this week, I hadn’t given it much thought. Mostly, I assumed that the security officers were there in case an immigrant becomes violent (or, perhaps more likely, a lawyer becomes violent and decides to clobber his client). But in the aftermath of the Boston attack, I am reminded that the officers are there to protect the immigrants, their advocates, and government employees from harm.
I suppose it is an obvious point, but for busy people (like me) who view the security checks as a nuisance, it is important to remember how essential they are. Also, lest anyone thinks security officers at the Immigration Courts (and elsewhere) don’t put their lives on the line, check out this virtual tribute to private security officers killed in the line of duty.
Today, I passed through three different security check points—at my son’s day care (he’s in a federal building), the Asylum Office, and the Immigration Court. I try to be friendly to the officers whenever I see them and to thank them, but it’s not always easy when I am rushing from one place to the next. Today, I tried to make a special effort to express my thanks, and going forward, I will try to be better about that. So, to the extent that anyone pays attention to what I write here, I’d like to say to the security officers who protect us: Thank you.