Some asylum seekers file their applications and never receive an interview. Others are interviewed for asylum and never receive a decision. I’ve discussed the first problem–called the backlog–several times, but today I want to discuss the second problem. What happens to people who are interviewed for asylum, but then wait forever for a decision?

I’ve had a number of clients with this problem. They fall into a few broad categories.
One group are people from countries that are considered a security threat to the United States–countries like Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, and Somalia. People from such countries are subject to more extensive—and thus more time consuming—security background checks. The security check process is very opaque, so we really don’t know much about what the government is checking or why it takes so long, and the length of the delay seems to have nothing to do with the person’s personal history (for example, I’ve had clients who worked in the U.S. Embassy in their country or with the U.S. military, and still the background check was delayed). To me, the security background check delays don’t make sense. If the person is a threat to the United States, allowing him to live freely here for months or years while the government investigates his background seems like a bad idea. Another aspect of the background check that does not make sense is that asylum seekers in court never seem to be delayed by security checks. Also, aliens seeking their residency in other ways (marriage to a U.S. citizen or through employment) don’t seem to have problems with background checks either. While the need for background checks is clear, the inordinate delays for asylum seekers is hard to understand.
Another group of people who face delays after the interview are people who may have provided “material support” to terrorists or persecutors. I have a client like this–he was kidnapped by terrorists and released only after he negotiated a ransom (which was paid by his relative). Had he not paid the ransom, his case would not have been delayed post-interview. Of course, had he not paid the ransom, he would have been killed by the kidnappers, so the point would probably be moot. I imagine that his case is subject to review by Headquarters, which again, seems reasonable. But why it should take 10 months (so far) and what they hope to discover through an additional review, I don’t know.
A third group of people whose cases are delayed are members of disfavored political parties or organizations. Such people might also be subject to the “material support” bar, but even if they have not provided support to persecutors, their cases might be delayed.
A final group are high-profile cases, such as diplomats and public figures. When such a person receives asylum (or is denied asylum), there are potential political ramifications. Again, while I imagine it makes sense to review such cases at a higher level, I am not exactly sure what such a review will accomplish. The law of asylum is (supposedly) objective–we should not deny asylum to an individual just because her home government will be offended–so it is unclear what there is to review.
These delays are particularly frustrating given that decisions in asylum cases should generally be made within six months of filing. According to INA § 208(d)(5)(A)(iii), “in the absence of exceptional circumstances, final administrative adjudication of the asylum application, not including administrative appeal, shall be completed within 180 days after the date an application is filed.” Unfortunately, the “exceptional circumstances” clause is the exception that swallows the rule. These days, everything from backlog to background check to Asylum Office error seems to pass for exceptional circumstances. I know this is not really anyone’s fault–the Asylum Offices are overwhelmingly busy, but it is still quite frustrating.
Indeed, I have had clients waiting for more than two years (two years!) after their interview, and the asylum offices can give us not even a hint about when we will receive a decision. The worst part about these delays is how they affect asylum seekers who are separated from their families. I’ve already had a few clients with strong claims abandon their cases due to the intolerable wait times. The saddest case was an Afghan man who recently left the country, two years after receiving a “recommended approval.” The client had a wife and small children who were waiting in Afghanistan. After he received the recommended approval–in 2012–we were hopeful that he would soon receive his final approval, and then petition for his family. After enduring a two-year wait, during which time first his child and then his wife suffered serious illnesses, the client finally gave up and returned to his family. This is a man who worked closely with the U.S. military in Afghanistan and who has a very legitimate fear of the Taliban. In his case, we would have been better off if the Asylum Office had just denied his claim–at least then he would have known that he was on his own. Instead, he relied on our country for help, we told him we would help, and then we let him down.
Delays after the interviews seem to affect a minority of applicants, and they have not garnered as much attention as the backlog. However, they can be just as frustrating and never-ending as backlogged cases. At the minimum, it would be helpful if the Asylum Offices could provide some type of time frame for these people, particularly when they are separated from family members. As DHS struggles to deal with the backlog, I hope they don’t forget about those who have been interviewed, but who are also stuck waiting.
Hi Jasson,
As requested asylum office inquiry my case after I got letter.they said
You were interviewed by an asylum officer and your case in pending preparation of a written decision. The decision will be completed and mailed to you as soon as circumstances permit.
What does mean about this letter? Could you advised please?
I don’t think it means anything – this looks like a standard response. Basically, they are saying, “We will send you the decision when we send it.” Hopefully, it will be soon, but there is no way to predict how long. Take care, Jason
I have J2 Visa and apply to the Asylum in March,2014, and i already have SSN and work permit, But My question I have also COM since July, 2013 and qualify for SIV because I worked with US military in Iraq and have all the picture and document, But because delaying the SIV process and my bad situation there, I applied to USA visa and traveled with my family to USA…now I have pending and my question: can I apply and continue in My SIV visa?
You should be able to continue your SIV application and your asylum case at the same time. There is no conflict between the two applications. Take care, Jason
Dear ,
I have made my asylum interview on Dec,2014
Till now I Didn’t received any answer ,
What do you advise me to do please.
You can contact the local office to ask them (follow the link at right called Asylum Office Locator to find contact info for the local office). You can also contact the Ombudsman – a link is at the right for that also. In general, we have not found any way that seems to help, but these are two things you can try. In the worst case, you can file a mandamus lawsuit and see whether that helps. Take care, Jason
Thanks for answering me,
Is it normal Time or not to wait , it seems like 15 month till now ?.
Unfortunately, people are waiting a long time these days for their decisions, and 15 months is not at all unusual. Take care, Jason
does homeland security has anything to do on Asylum, or give a pass to something in Asylum Office ?
appreciate your help.
The Asylum Office is under the Department of Homeland Security. They (along with other agencies) do the background check on applicants. Take care, Jason
So they check medical report ( for example ), in order to see that they are not fake?
They have a Forensic Document Lab that can analyze documents, but I do not think they use it very often (though I really do not know). More likely, they examine the document to see whether it appears genuine. They can also send it to the US embassy in the country for them to look at it. Take care, Jason
Can i get ID and Credit Card in California ( as asylum seeker )?
If you have a work permit, you should be able to get these things, but I really do not know about the rules in California. Take care, Jason
Todat I mailed two private letters to asylum director and chief officer of homeland security by their names, explain to them my situation which is pending asylum decision more then 17 months and what I’m going through.
Do you think that would positively affect my case ?
I do not, but I suppose you never know. There are many people with delays as long as yours, or longer, and so I doubt they will respond. But maybe they will. Good luck, Jason
Does the judge give decision on the day of interview ( even thoug they dont tell their decision )? Does they check information we provide them on interview?
If you are talking about the Asylum Office, the decision maker is not a judge; it is a government officer. They do not give a decision on the day of the interview. Sometimes, they tell you to return in 2 weeks for the decision; other times, they send it by mail, which can be very fast or very slow. If your case is in court, Immigration Judges often give the decision on the day of the merits hearing, but not always. Take care, Jason
sir sorry for again, please help me i have send a email to my asylum office, they send me answer by email: {your case decision is being finalized by your asylum officer at this time; once the decision is finalized, it will undergo a final review by a supervisory Asylum Officer before being transferred to the decision service unit.}
It sounds like a positive sign – hopefully you will get a good decision soon. Take care, Jason
Hi, Jason I am in the same situation, mine is actually being reviewed by a supervisory asylum officer. How long do you think it will take to get final result?
Thank you for your help.
It is unpredictable, so I really can’t tell you. We have had many cases waiting longer than a year. I am trying (without much success so far) to get more information about these, and if I have any news, I will post it. Good luck, Jason
I think you should contact (or go in person to) the local asylum office to ask about your case. You can find contact info if you follow the link at right called Asylum Office Locator. Good luck, Jason
How should i translate articles from my language to english? ( articles/web pages which i want to represent in the court )
You can use a professional translator or you can use anyone who speaks both languages. For each translated document, you need a certificate of translation listing the translator’s name, address, phone number, and with his signature. It is best not to have someone who is part of the application sign the certificate of translation – they prefer someone more neutral. Take care, Jason
Can I do it by myself, since i study english:)
You can, but you should find someone else who is fluent in both languages to review it and sign the certificate of translation. You should not sign the certificate in your own case. Take care, Jason
What whould happen to asylum seekers if Donald Trump wins?:-)
Probably, there will be some asylum seekers FROM the US if Donald Trump wins. If he wins, he could make it harder for asylum seekers, though to really block them from coming here, the law would need to change, and Congress would have to make the change, so it would take some time. Hopefully, this is just a hypothetical scenario. Take care, Jason
One more question, can I apply for LGBT asylum because gay marriage in Serbia is not legal? And we are not in Europe Union so i can’t leave my country and go somewhere in Europe
If the only issue is that gay marriage is not legal, I think you will have a very hard time winning asylum. Typically, you need to show that you will suffer physical harm (persecution) in order to win asylum. Take care, Jason
Is 6000$ attorney fee too much? I thought that attorney fee in SF is cheaper
I am working on an article about this very topic, which I hope to post this week or next. $6000 is on the expensive side, but if the lawyer is good, it is reasonable. I charge $3000, but each lawyer has his own fees, and there is little relation between price and quality. If you have a good recommendation for the lawyer, and you can afford the fee, the price is probably fair. Take care, Jason
Good Morning, how long does it take asylum process ?
You can get an idea about this by checking the Asylum Office Scheduling Bulletin. A link is at the right. Take care, Jason
I will apply for an asylum, but what should i do until i get work permint, or approval? Without a job and opportunity to work, how to survive in the usa for the 6 or more months?
Good question – I do not know. However, while you are waiting for the work permit, if you manage to find work for cash, it should not affect your eligibility for asylum. Good luck, Jason
I have SSN but i can legally work only during my J-1 visa program ( from may till oct ). Will I have any problems with asylum or government if i work after my visa expiration with my SSN?
Working illegally does not block a person from asylum. However, it could affect other areas of immigration (for example, if you wanted to change to another visa, like an F-1 visa). You would have to talk to a lawyer about your specific situation. Take care, Jason
how long asylum take in USA if we have granted asylum we are then permanently in USA or not????? (If not please tell me why and how can be permanent in USA through asylum)
If you are granted asylum, you can stay permanently. After one year, if you want, you can apply for a green card. Four years after the green card, you can apply to be a US citizen. Take care, Jason
Could you please tell me what document do I need to apply for gay asylum? Do i have to prepare Corroborating documents for an interview or do i have to send them with my application at the very beginning? Thank you for you answer in advance
I really cannot tell you that – each case is different. You should try to get supporting documents for each aspect of your case. If you are gay, get some evidence like letters from people who know you, or organizations you belong to. If you were harmed, get a hospital report. I recommend that you talk to a lawyer who can review your specific case and suggest documents that will help you. Take care, Jason
Are that supporting document needed for applying or i have to bring them to the 1st interview?
You can submit them when you file the case, or you can submit them BEFORE the interview. I do not know the rules of each asylum office, but in my local office (Virginia), all documents must be filed at least one week before the interview. Take care, Jason
Good Day Madam,
I am Jay from Ireland and been through my political asylum claim. I provided evidences such as hospital reports, pics of my torture, police convocations,my education docs, work docs, bank docs, political membership card,identification docs, written statements from the president of my university etc. I went for 5 consecutive interviews in relation to my claim unlike just 2 normal interviews as is the case here. Just want to get your expert view and if the summary of my claim gives me good footing to win my case. Just anxious though my lawyer told me it was a good sign as i was been called up for more interviews because it showed the case worker was interested and wanted to get detailed information. However I am expecting my claim any time soon. Will just be glad to get your own point of expertise view. Best regards and thanks for the time you offer on the blog.
I am not sure if you are in Ireland asking the Irish government for asylum or if you are from Ireland seeking asylum in the US. If you are in Ireland, I can’t help you. If you are in the US, I have never heard of someone having 5 interviews, but I guess it is possible. I cannot evaluate your case based on the info you gave me, but they are obviously working hard on the case if you were interviewed 5 times. Take care, Jason
HI Jason,
Thank you so much for your instant response,
HH- House Hold
Hi Jason,
Today we have received our finger print and bio-metric letter again for all HH members, what does it means? please note our decision is pending last two years.
Looking forward to listening from you soon.
I do not know what HH is, but typically, if a case has been pending a long time, USCIS sends a notice for another fingerprint appointment. In some cases, this is followed by an interview notice (after a few weeks or months), but often it is not. Hopefully, it will mean that they are actively working on your case and you will get a good decision soon. Take care, Jason
I want to apply for an asylum in california this year. what documents do i need from my country ( europe/serbia ) ?
LGBT asylum
It depends on your case – Anything you say, you should try to get a document. For example, if you were beaten up, get a hospital report or evidence of your injuries. You want to give them your passport, evidence of your education and job history, evidence about any harm you suffered or you fear that you will suffer. It is an attorney’s job to assist with this and if you can afford a lawyer, it is worthwhile to hire one to help you. Take care, Jason
Thank you for prompt reply. When i apply for asylum how long do i have to wait to get work permission?
After the application is received, you have to wait 150 days and then you can file for the work permit. It takes usually 3 or 4 months to get the work permit after you file. Take care, Jason
Thanks. And while i am on pending what status do i have? I can do everything in the usa except working legally?
If your status is asylum pending, you can remain in the US. You cannot legally work or (generally) change to a new status. Take care, Jason
Hello Jason,
I am from Pakistan. It’s been almost 6 years since I was interveiwed. I haven’t heard anything from immigration office. I renew my EAD every year. I m a single parent of two kids now 13 and 10. Is it normal to have this long of a wait.?. If not than what step should I take?. Two years ago I went to the local immigration office in Tukwila, Washington and was told its under review.
It is common to have a long wait after the interview (unfortunately). Normally, it is faster for women than men, but Pakistan is one country where we have seen delays. You can inquire again (maybe by email if it is too far to go in person – you can find the email address if you follow the link at right called Asylum Office Locator). There is no harm in inquiring, but generally, it does not help either. Take care, Jason
Hi Jason,
We have been waiting for our decision almost two years, as of today we didn’t hear anything from USCIS Arlington Office, my father knocked there quite a few times to get some update of our case (I-589) but no luck. only we know our case is under review and security back ground check.
Meantime we get our renewal EAD for further one year, they took 130 days for renewal purposes.
What will happen if they rejected our case after two years? Please note that we had a very good interview with the Asylum officer. we weren’t asked to submit any additional docs at the time of interview and after interview (last two years)
Thanks and have a pleasant weekend.
If they reject they case, and you are out of status, they will send you to an Immigration Judge, who will review the case again and either give you asylum, or some other relief, or order you deported. We have many cases where the people have been waiting a long time for a decision, and unfortunately, there seems to be no way to make things faster. Good luck, Jason
Jason, my lawyer filed my documents 1.5 weeks before 1 year of my stay in the US (20th of July).
USICS Nebraska office returned them back and send notice of action to fix documents, she fixed my document and sent back.
On our fingerprints USCIS put current date – aug 21st. It that means we filed after 1 year of presence, or Notice Of Action from 28th of July is ok and on the interview Asylum officer won’t send us just to immigration court? Thanks
It should be ok – if you have the rejected notice indicating you filed before the one year, they should consider that date and not reject you for missing the deadline. Take care, Jason
Thanks! Looks like I have not rejected notice, but Notice of Action :). Have a great day!
Hi. Jason. I was interviewed on january 7th of 2016. My case got referred to immigration Judge. The reason was i filed it in period of 1 year and 10 months which exceeds the filling deadline 🙁 my question is i was going to college until December 2013 after i lost my status and filed my asylum case in june 2014 6 months later… basicly what im trying to say could be a good reason for delay ? thank you Jason 🙂
If you were in valid F-1 (or J-1) status attending school full time, that is an excuse for the delayed filing. However, if you waited 6 months after finishing school to apply, that is usually considered too long, so maybe that is why the case was referred to the IJ. You can try this argument again before the IJ, and maybe there are other excuses for the delay as well (changed circumstances, for example). Good luck, Jason
Hello Jason, thank you for all the responses. My question is that I applied for asylum in October 22 2015, I was a medical student in China (not the country I fear prosecution from) with only two years to complete my degree before I applied for asylum in the US in October 22nd 2015. I was hoping if I could use my waiting time wisely and go back to finish my two years in China by applying for an advance parole. Do you think that this is a good idea or I will complicate my case/ or will not be let back in the US? Thank you in advance.
I think it will not work – I do not think you can get advance parole to go study (though maybe you can – you have to show that the reason for the trip is “humanitarian”). However, even if you get it, it is usually only for a month or two – not two years. Anyway, you can try and see what happens. You never know. Good luck, Jason
Hi jason
I’m waiting for asylum decision more then one year.
I mailed them last week and the respond was different, they just mark on(your case under routing review by asylum officer and the decision will be mailed when circumstance is permit)
They used to mark on (your case pending under completion of background check….) as well,
so what do you take on this ?
Maybe it means the background check is done, but I would not read into this. I think they sent you a generic response and I do not think it has much meaning. Hopefully you will get a decision soon. Take care, Jason
Hi Jason
I received a notice that my Ead has been again transferred from Nebraska to my local office,
I m little bit confused what that mean local office, because my Ead is based on asylum case pending.
USCIS transfers these cases around all the time. It is normal for that to happen, so I would not worry about it. But EAD cases are now taking about 4 months. Take care, Jason
Hi Jason,
Thank you for all the responses you are providing here. You have no idea how many frustrated people you are helping, I am one among many. This is my question.
I had my interview a year ago and still waiting for a decision. 12 days before my interview they asked me to go have another finger print thing and I did.
I am not from those five countries (Syria, Somalia, Afganistan etc) that usually require extensive security check. And I am no diplomat or public figure either. My girl friend (a US citizen) and I have been dating for the last 2 and a half years. Now we have decided to get married in the next 6 months. What are my options of adjusting status if my asylum interview decision doesn’t come in the next 6 months? Are they going to say I married for status? I have to move on with my life. I waited for the interview 2 years too. I don’t see any decision being made any time soon. Can you please throw so insight into this mess pease?
If the marriages is legitimate (and it sounds like it is), you should be able to adjust and get a green card (assuming you entered the US with a visa, you are not a criminal, and you are not otherwise ineligible. The asylum will not affect that. You might want to consult a lawyer to make sure you are eligible, but it seems that you should not have a problem. Of course, you can also contact the asylum office to check the status of your case, but that is pretty useless. I do not know why you have a long delay, but sometimes, it is for a random reason, like your asylum officer has retired or quit. Anyway, it sounds like you have another option. Good luck, Jason
I interviewed at San Francisco office in February 20th 2015
I’ve been told to come next week to receive answer is went the 27th the officer interviewed me again as he said he have more questions.
After the interview he told me to go do fingerprints and i did next day and I should wait for an answer in the mail till now when I follow up with them they respond to me I am under security check.
I applied for ead at August 31st and didn’t receive it yet.
I filled a request to get update they respond to me that I am under security checks.
What you think I should do???
We are seeing EADs take about 4 months, so hopefully you will get it very soon. Security checks can take a long time – we have 22 cases that have been waiting over 400 days. There is not much you can do. I suppose you can try the Ombudsman or a mandamus lawsuit. Good luck, Jason
Hi jason Dzubow
I applied for asylum on April,2014.
And interviewed on October,2014.
week after interview they asked for evidence document and they would send decision by a mail. After one years which on October,2015 I had second call from asylum office, and they require original of document that they already had copy of it, said we need original and we gonna send the decision within few days, now been more then 2 months.
Newark Asylum Office
See the previous reply.
Sir how many months processing your asylum case
You have to check the Asylum Office Scheduling Bulletin, a link is at the right. Take care, Jason
I applied asylum on november 2014 and how many processing time for my interview.. thanku
You have to check the Asylum Office Scheduling Bulletin, a link is at the right. Take care, Jason
Please Bish , can I talk with you, send me an email to answer you please.
Hi jason Dzubow
I applied for asylum on April,2014.
And interviewed on October,2014.
week after interview they asked for evidence document and they would send decision by a mail. After one years which on October,2015 I had second call from asylum office, and they require original of document that they already had copy of it, said we need original and we gonna send the decision within few days, now been more then 2 months.
Newark Asylum Office
You really cannot rely on the time frames they give you for a decision. Obviously, they are working on the case, but they will make a decision in their own time. Good luck, Jason
hello Jason.
I want to ask about which city its more easy to get the asylum case proved . I heard that Texas its very strict and very difficult and I heard the diffrentt about NYC . Please can u help me I got just 2 more months before i need to start my papers.
I do not have statistics on that, but I know the grant rate at the Texas office is lower than most other offices. Supposedly, this is because they have a lot of gang asylum cases, which are difficult to win. If you Google “asylum office quarterly stakeholders meeting statistics” you will likely find some numbers from the different asylum office that will give you an idea about grant rates. Take care, Jason
Fingerprints are valid for 15 months, and then you need to be re-printed, so maybe that is the reason. Also, it could mean that a decision is coming, as we have seen that. Good luck, Jason
I applied for asylum but during my application , i did not include important fact and details in my application but i have all details and proofs to defend my case. I later realised also that i made some minor mistakes in my application. Please advice me. I expect attending interview very soon. Thanks Jason, expect to hear from you soon.
This is a very common issue and it is generally not a problem. You should submit additional information before the interview (you can check your local asylum office website for the rule on when evidence must be submitted – you can find that if you follow the link at the right called Asylum Office Locator). At the beginning of the interview, the officer will allow you to make corrections and updates. Take care, Jason
Hi Jason Dzubow
It’s my first time your forum , seems to me very alleviate.
I did interview in nawark asylum office for 18 months I dont yet received any decision until now , secondable I applied for my renawal EAD card it’s more than normal process time filed in sep,01 ,2015
now I see uscis web it says ::Case Was Transferred And A New Office Has Jurisdiction
On December 18, 2015, we transferred your Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization , Receipt Number EAC1590761413, to another USCIS office. That office now has jurisdiction over your case. We sent you a notice that explains why we moved your case. Please follow the instructions in the notice. If you do not receive your notice by January 17, 2016, please go to to request a copy of the notice. If you move, go to to give us your new mailing address.
My question is that transfer related to the asylum Office or just for EAD..
thank you
It sounds like it is just for the EAD, and it is pretty normal for USCIS to transfer such cases to different offices – it just depends on their workload. Take care, Jason
Well, people have shared their views on different asylum related issues. Someone might help me. After 1 year of waiting and second interview. I was so disappointed that the Home Office has withdrawn my case with informing me. This made me really upset and emotionally and mentally effected. Therefore, I wrote a huge letter with all the evidence and my one year telephonic and writtem communication with them. Because the gave me the reason as non responsibe towards the claim for withdrawn. I dont know whether I have done good or bad by writting it. But I have send the copy of all those evidence and letter to Prime Minister as well. Because I am so disturb by living in this scenerio.
Sounds like you are applying for asylum in Britain – most of the information here is related to asylum in the US. Good luck with your case, Jason
Hi Jason. If a married couple escaping persecution applying asylum in the US are both going to be interviewed or only the principal applicant?
Both – but usually they ask very few questions of the dependent person (though once in a while, they ask the dependent a lot of questions). Take care, Jason
Hi Jason,
My father contact with MVA and applied for the renewal of DL without renewed copy EAD, MVA recvd his application along with a copy of acknowledgement letter fm VMC and, send a query to DHS. after 10 days, MVA sent a mail to my father stating that your case has been verified with DHS, Please come to the MVA full service office to get renewed of your DL. my father went there and got renewed of his DL for further 6 month.
but as of today ( after 117 days from the date of filing our renewal application ) on line status shown that your case was received, my question how do the MVA renewed my father’s DL. why it is 6 month in srtead of one year or the date of EAD expiration?
looking forward your response.
thanks and and have a blessed night.
I don’t know anything about the driver’s license issue – it depends on the state, so I cannot offer advice about that. Sorry, Jason
Hi Jason,
Thank you so much for the response.
Just one question, can we retain our Job without EAD, if yes; what is the way?
Looking forward to hearing fm u soon.
Have a pleasant weekend.
You cannot legally work without the EAD. However, if you work without permission, it does not affect your asylum case. So I suppose if the employer doesn’t care (or doesn’t notice) that the EAD is expired, you can keep working. Take care, Jason
i applied asylum in Feb2015 and get EAD after wait time, and right after day i received EAD i went SS office to apply, they gave me a letter and let me know that once they confirm my EAD with dHS and then mail to me, it been more than 4 weeks but still no SS # i received.
in this sense , Govt’s clock to apply EAD is not only six month but actually 7-8 month to get EAD and SS #.
Do you have any idea when can i get SS# and what is wait time for interview. what is actually going on?
I do not know what the delay is – if you have the EAD, the SS office should issue you the SS number. Maybe try going back to the SS office again to inquire – and talk to a supervisor. Good luck, Jason
Hi Jason,
I have contacted the USCIS service call center today ,and the representative advised me to go the USCIS service center and ask the officers for an extension of our EAD card. He said that is the only thing I can do at this point since my current EAD is about to get expired soon. Do you think this will work? Do you know if I go to the USCIS Arlington Office, their officers can help me? Or is the USCIS service center different from their Office?
Kind Regards,
The asylum office cannot assist with an EAD, that is the local USCIS office. However, the local office will not issue an interim EAD, so I think it will not work. I suppose there is no harm in trying, but I will be surprised if you get any help from them. Good luck, and if you try, please let us know what happens, Jason
Hi Jason,
Our Interview decision is now 18 month from the date of interview had with the Arlington USCIS office, meantime we received our first EAD last year 3rd week of NOV/2014, our driving license will also expire this month as it’s validity based on EAD.
do you know anything about that? especially for the DL, can we drive as the delayed occurred in the USCIS.
Kind Regards.
The problem is the delay at USCIS, but unfortunately, you are a victim of it. Without the driver’s license, you cannot legally drive. You could try to contact the DMV and explain the delay, but I have not heard about people doing that successfully. Hopefully, you will get the EAD soon, and a good decision soon too. Good luck, Jason
Hi Jason,
Please note our EAD about to expire on the 3rd week of this month’
we applied for renewal of EAD in the month July/2015 which officially received by the USCIS on 6th August, 2015 as per acknowledgement letter, since then no luck! we are very much worried as the state ID, DL and JOB everything based on EAD.
looking forward to lsitening from you,
Kind Regards,
Lately, many people have been facing delays with their EAD. We are seeing cases take 3 to 4 months. You can try contacting USCIS about the delays, but this seems to be a useless exercise (except maybe in cases with much longer delays). Unfortunately, there is not much to be done except to hope that you get the new EAD soon. Good luck, Jason
can you do anything to get granted of your refugee case
Hello Jason,
I live in Kenya in the refugee camp never been to America
I was interviewed by uscis/dhs then after my case has been approved by uscis, improbably i received a denied letter from uscis and was told my case is pending for security check.
I have been awaiting final decision for more than 1 year still awaiting. what causes your refugee status to take a long time?
Security checks can taka a long time, but typically the whole refugee process takes 18 to 24 months (at least according to the State Department). If your case was denied, it is done. Was it denied? Or is it still pending?
Hi Jason
I am still waiting if u will writ about headquarter delay
Good Luck for all
Barring death or disaster, it will be posted no later than close of business on Tuesday….
Plz I ricived the recommended approvel as well as refinger print in same day for my family and the did . Any one have information about what will be happen ??? Thanks for all
Most of our clients with recommended approval get a final approval in a few months. However, some wait for a year and a very few have been waiting more than two years. Several of our clients who had a recommended approval and then received fingerprints received a final decision after a month or two. Hopefully, you will too. Good luck, Jason
Thanks for help
Hi Ali , you get recommended approval from court or assylum office?
Hello Jason,
I have a similar situation as someone already described about asylum receipt case number which starts with ZCH, my status changed to “fees were waved” on october 6th. On October 6, 2015, we received your case and waived the filing fee for your Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization , Receipt Number ZCH****. We mailed you a notice describing how we will process your case. Please follow the instructions in the notice. If you do not receive your receipt notice by November 5, 2015, please call Customer Service at 1-800-375-5283. If you move, go to to give us your new mailing address.
I know people on forums say that it means I got approved, but on October 7th my LIN number status for EAD changed as well for card been shipped.
and today I received my 1st EAD card with C08 status on it. I called asylum office and 1-800-375-5283. They both didn’t tell me what it means, just told me that my ZCH not supposed to be trackable, and not supposed to show me any info.. I asked if it’s a mistake but they told me it’s not…
Should I still hope for the approval of the case? did you have any clients who got this kinda a message and didn’t receive an approval later?
Thank you..
Congratulation , same thing happened with my Neighbour few days later he received his approval by mail.
I think all this has no meaning – Did you have your interview yet? If not, you certainly cannot be approved without an interview. The code C08 means that the asylum case is pending, and USCIS waives the fee for the first EAD. So what you describe seems normal to me. Take care, Jason
Hi Jason
Did u ever face or heard denial asylum case after more than tow years since interview ?
I think so, though I do not remember for sure. I do not think a long delay means that the case will be granted – sometimes it just takes them a long time to deny a case (which seems ridiculous, but I think it is true). Take care, Jason
Hi Jason,
My husband has applied for asylum 1 year and 9 months ago and appeared for the interview one and half years ago- the decision is pending. At the time we filed for his asylum we did not add my name in the application as i was out of the country.
I am currently residing in the U.S. and have been trying to apply my derivative asylum case for the past 6 months to no avail. Here are the steps we went through:
1- In February 2015 we filed the first time and we did not get a receipt. Assuming that USCIS have received the application, my lawyer filed for an EAD card. We then got a reply that there was no reference case in the USCIS system to which the EAD can be linked. The exact phrase was :”lack of proof” for the EAD card.
2- My lawyer re-submitted the derivative asylum application in July 2015 and we still did not get a receipt.
Do you think this is at all deliberate? What can we do about it? The customer service center cannot help us without a receipt number. What do you recommend we do?
P.S. we submitted the application to the Texas Service Center.
Thanks a lot for your help.
I am not sure, but I do not think you should have submitted the derivative application to the Texas Service Center – it has been awhile since I added a derivative and I do not remember. You should contact your local office (where your husband was interviewed) and they can provide you with the procedure to add a derivative to his case (if that is possible after the interview). We did this before, and followed their instructions, and it worked, so it should be possible. Good luck, Jason
Thanks for your reply, Jason.
Do you think adding my name to my husband’s case at this stage i.e. while waiting for the decision after the interview, may cause delays? Do you recommend i add my name after we get a decision on the case?
Appreciate it!
You cannot add your name after you get a decision, and given that the interview is done, I do not even know if you can add yourself to the case now (you have to ask the asylum office). If he is granted asylum, he can file an I-730 for you and you can get asylum that way – that is the normal way to do it, and assuming no issues in your case, it should work just fine.