For some time now, we’ve been hearing from the Asylum Division that they would post a “Scheduling Bulletin” to give affirmative asylum seekers a better idea about wait times. Well, the Bulletin has finally arrived, which is–in a sense–good news. But it’s also bad news, since now we see exactly how slowly things are progressing at most asylum offices.
First off, if you’re curious about the status of your asylum office, check out the Bulletin here. What you’ll see is a breakdown of each asylum office and which cases they are currently interviewing (as of July 2015). So, for example, in July 2015, the Arlington Asylum Office was interviewing cases originally filed in August 2013. The chart also lists which cases each office was interviewing over the past few months, so you can see how quickly (or not) each office is moving through its cases.

Reviewing the Bulletin, a few things jump out at me. First, and most distressing, cases are moving very slowly at most asylum offices, and a few offices–notably Chicago, Los Angeles, and Miami–have made no discernible progress in the last four months. One mitigating factor here is that it’s summer, a time when the Southern border is particularly busy. Hopefully, once the number of asylum seekers arriving at the border wanes (as it generally does in autumn), the asylum offices will start interviewing more backlogged cases (if you are not familiar with the “asylum backlog,” please see this posting).
Another point worth noting is that the two asylum offices with jurisdiction over the Southern border states–Los Angeles and Houston–represent the slowest and the fastest offices, respectively. Los Angeles is currently interviewing cases filed in August 2011 (which is slower than I realized–I had thought they were interviewing cases from 2012) and they have been stuck on the August 2011 cases for the last four months. On the other hand, Houston, Texas is the fastest asylum office. They are interviewing cases filed in April 2014, though they have made almost no progress in the last four months either. What’s strange is that there is such disparity along the Southern border. I do not know why resources cannot be distributed more evenly to give some relief to asylum seekers at the LA office.
The only asylum office that has shown significant movement over the last four months is New York. In April 2015, the NY asylum office was interviewing cases filed in January 2013. By July 2015, they were interviewing cases filed in June/July 2013. Newark, New Jersey has also done reasonably well, advancing from December 2012 to April 2013 during the same period.
Rescheduled cases and cases involving children (many of the asylum seekers at the Southern border are children) receive priority over “regular” asylum cases. And according to the Bulletin, the asylum offices in Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, and Miami have had many such cases. Presumably this explains the lack of progress in those asylum offices.
Finally, for people with cases pending at one of the sub offices, the Bulletin notes that it “currently does not include asylum interviews occurring outside of the eight asylum offices or the Boston sub-office (e.g. interviews occurring on circuit rides).” “Asylum offices schedule circuit ride interviews as resources permit.” The Bulletin suggests that applicants contact the “asylum office with jurisdiction over your case for more detailed information” about the schedule at sub offices. You can find contact information for each asylum office here.
So there you have it. The Bulletin will be updated monthly so you can track how quickly each asylum office is moving through the backlog. Though the current situation is discouraging, at least the Bulletin provides some information about where we stand now, and maybe some hope for those who are waiting.
Hi hope u will be fine ,i submit my asylam application from newyork in 2015,my lawer is from Florida,am still waiting my schedule of interviewsbut no news my lawer said i have to wait 2 more years ,me and my daughter is here and my husband is in my homland country,i want to know do u have any idea wen the 2016 year will be schedule,and i want to transfer my case to another lawer so what is the prosseger,and if I transfer my case to u so how much fees u will be charged?
No one knows how long you will wait. You can request to expedite the case – I wrote about that on March 30, 2017. As for changing lawyers, that is fine, but you are better off finding a lawyer in NY if that is where your case is now located. Take care, Jason
Good morning
Доброе утро.У меня вопрос.Моя сестра в июле летит в Лос-Анджелес и выходит замуж за человека,который находится в америке в политическом убежище и два года назад подал документы на грин кард.Если она выйдет за него замуж,то при получении ее мужем грин кард она автоматически тоже получит?У неё также есть двое детей.Ее беспокоит сможет ли она выезжать в Россию к родителям.Ее мужчина выезжать не может .
My Russian is a bit rusty, but if a person comes to the US and marries someone with asylum, and then he wins asylum, she probably could return to her country, since she is not the one who fears persecution. However, given how nasty the government is being, she probably takes a risk if she does that. Talk to a lawyer about the specifics of the case before she travels. Take care, Jason
Hello Jason,
I filed my asylum case in July 2016 in Los Angeles jurisdiction. I was wondering if it’s possible to change the jurisdiction like say for example to San Francisco. What does that process look like? I was also wondering if I can travel or am i eligible to apply for a travel document outside the US to a different country other than my home country?
Also, what does it mean if my case is pending?
Thank you,
If you move, you can change your asylum offices. You can see which asylum office covers which areas of the US if you follow the link at right called Asylum Office Locator. If you have a pending asylum case (meaning, it was filed and you are waiting for an interview or decision), you can file for Advance Parole to travel. I wrote a blog post about that on September 11, 2017 – maybe that would help. Take care, Jason
I got my interview notice for next week and I am thinking about rescheduling it because my attorney won’t be able to attend with me at that day.
Does anyone have an idea about the average of waiting time? Estimated time?
If you plan to do that, you should do it soon, as the interview is coming up. When we reschedule a case, they almost always give us a new date within a month (in Virginia – I am not sure about other offices). Take care, Jason
My wife was wodering when will she get her case with an immigration judge she filled hers 2013 december she currently lives in ohio any advice would help
If her case is with the asylum office, she has to check the Asylum Office Scheduling Bulletin (her office is Chicago and there is a link at right to the Bulletin). If her case is in court, it depends on the Judge’s schedule, and so I cannot predict that. Take care, Jason
Thanks buddy
Hi,, Jason,
I hope u will be fine, I applied my asylum case in sep2016, I received interview date in Nov,2017. It is early one year as per bulletin.
What you think it is any good sign in my case or it is regular thing.
I do not know why that happened. Maybe you contacted them and they put your name on the “short list” or expedited your case. If not, you might want to talk to a lawyer, as this is unusual and it would be worth exploring whether there are any issues in your case that caused you to receive an early interview. Take care, Jason
Thanks your reply, I don’t contact to asylum office or not give any request for expedition, what you think sir the early hearing is positive sign towards case consequences?
I really do not know. I doubt it is a positive sign. I recommend you talk to a lawyer before the interview to examine whether there are any issues with your case that would cause them to interview you out of order. Let us know what happens with the interview. Thank you, Jason
Hi sir
I am najmeh , I live in Seattle Washington, Just I have some qustion ! did you go to interview, I am concern about my status in us , I am as asylum hear , And I applid as same you , but I did not receive any thing from government , could you please discribe your situation
Can somebody apply for assylum with form I-589 online?
You cannot – you have to mail it in to the office listed in the instructions (which is based on where you live in the US). Take care, Jason
Hi Jason
Thank you for your valuable information. My question is I received the interview later two days ago, and received another letter today saying I day will reuse the biometric and fingerprints of the one that I did last tow years and a half. Meanwhile others people that I know after receiving interview letters they got fingerprints letter as well. So is that normal ? By the way I live in New York.
Thank you in advance.
Hi Jason,
A question related to applying for asylum. I understand visitor visa holders should apply for asylum within one year of their entry to the US. How about people with F1 visa? Since, most of them are in the US more than one year, does it make them automatically illegible for asylum or they have options? If so, what is the requirement for F1 holders?
Thank you,
And how much is safe travelling with refugee travel document and if i have my green card based on asylum, do i still need travel document to travel outside.
It is much better to use the RTD than your home country passport (which could cause the US government to question why you are traveling on a passport for a country that is persecuting you). You should have no problem re-entering the US with the RTD. The problem is that some countries will not accept the RTD as a travel document, and so you will be forced to use your own passport, which might create trouble for you with US immigration. Take care, Jason
The rule is one year for everyone. People who are in lawful status (such as a full time student with an F-1 visa) can meet an exception to that rule, and so usually they can file beyond one year, as long as they maintain lawful status the whole time. Nevertheless, the rule is one year, and even for students, it is safest to file within one year if possible. Take care, Jason
My asylum was approved from california and i moved to texas. Can i filled my i 845 from texas.
Yes – But you are required to keep your address updated with USCIS. If you have not done so, you should do that. It is form AR-11, available at Also, the form to adjust status is form I-485. Take care, Jason
I just have a quick question hoping that you can provide the best information you have. My husband keeps on moving from one state to another because of his nature of job task. For temporary may be about 1 -2 years ,he is planning to move to Texas . In this case, if i have to move along with my husband, LA asylum office will have to forward my asylum case from LA asylum office to Houston asylum office, which does make sense to me. So my question here is that, if i again have to move out from Texas assuming that my asylum interview is still in pending and have no any interview date scheduled for me( currently it is running for those who have filed asylum in May 2014) , will the Houston asylum office will do the same way like LA asylum office does by forwarding the case where ever i move ?
Thank You for your time and information.
Shradha Khanal
Maybe I do not understand your question, but if you move to a new asylum office, you will keep your place in the queue, and you will be interviewed according to the Asylum Office Scheduling Bulletin for your current office. Each time you move and change your address, the asylum office should forward your case to the appropriate office. Take care, Jason
I am preparing to apply for asylum including my spouse and two you think we can get early interview schedule because of the kids priority?since i have learned that in the asylum bulletin mentioning child asylum applications will have priorities on the schedule .
The priority for children only applies to children who are without an adult. If you are filing as a family, you will be interviewed according to the Asylum Office Scheduling Bulletin, unless you try to expedite the case. Take care, Jason
Hi sir , i did my my interview in San Francisco on June 5 they give me a paper to pick up my decision on June 20 when I went there for pick up my decision they Said your case still pending my question is I want move to San Diego I have family in there ,what happen to my decision if I move? Did they suspicious my case and may result in an investigation . Or may impact the outcome of my case ? Your answer highly appreciated
It is common for decisions not to be ready (though usually, they have the courtesy to call you before you travel to the asylum office). Moving should have no effect, but make sure to change your address with the local asylum office using form AR-11, available at You can do that on-line, but you might want to take it to their office directly, just to be sure they receive it. Take care, Jason
Who make decision to my case San Francisco asylum office or my case transferre to Los Angeles.thanks
I have applied for Asylum in 2017. My Daughter is a US born Citizen and becomes 21 on 2020. My question is:
1- If my Asylum is pending or I’m
on removal process on 2020 can my kid apply without me leaving the country?
3-What happens if I’m out of status in USA when my Kid apply for my immigration?
1 – I do not know your case, so I cannot say for sure, but for most people who entered the US with a visa, if they have a US-citizen child over 21, that child can petition for them, and they can get their green card without leaving the country, even if they have a case in court. 2 – I think we skipped 2. 3 – Again, I do not know about you specifically, but in most cases, if the parent is out of status, it has no effect and they can still get the green card. Take care, Jason
HI jason
i was reading the bulletin and for very frustrated, i filed for religious asylum in August 2016 in Florida i can see that the interview won’t take place until 2020 very disappointed. Add to that am separated from my husband and he is unable to visit us anymore because his visit visa has expired and he couldn’t renew it through the USA embassies overseas.
i want to ask you if i would like to transfer me case to NY how long does it take to do that? and should i represent a reason why i want to transfer it to NY? or i simply can?
i have filed for expedite in Feb 2017 because am going through depression for not being able to see my husband, no news till now,
i understood from a previous question by one of the people above that if i transfer the case to NY i will be as if i filed original from there means no delay in the waiting time is that correct?
please give me a quick reply am getting even more depressed
appreciate your time
thank you
You can only transfer your case if you move to a new address. Other than that, you do not need any reason. If you do move, it is as if the case was originally filed in NY; there should be no extra delay (or at least, not much), but you do need to contact the new asylum office to make sure they have your case and you kept your place in the queue. You can find their contact info if you follow the link at right called Asylum Office Locator. You should probably also contact your current office to inquire about your expedite request (I did a posting on expending on March 30, 2017 that might be helpful) or make a new request, if the first one disappeared. Take care, Jason
I was helping a client for asylum, everything was ok, she was fingerprinted after a week we submitted the application. Although, she did not receive a “receipt letter” the only thing she received was the “notification letter for fingerprinted.
But, After about 2-3 weeks she received a notification for interview.
We were wondering why is it so FAST/ normally she would have applied for EAD first or wait at least 2-3 years.
What is your take on this?
I am not really sure I understand the facts of your case, but sometimes interviews are faster for unaccompanied minors or other people who get priority (such as people on the Interpol watch list), so maybe that is the reason. You might talk to the client to ask if there is some reason she thinks USCIS would give her priority. Take care, Jason
Thanks! I will talk to her
is it possible to have your asylum granted within the 180 days speculated time if there are no issues? and can one apply for school financial aid immediately after getting it?
assuming the asylum is pending, can one apply for school financial aid during these period? what options are there for a person who has his asylum pending but still wants to go college?
Thank you
It is usually not possible these days to have an asylum case decided in 180 days. Maybe if the person is under 18 and unaccompanied, or maybe if they expedite the case and are very lucky. But otherwise, it usually takes a few years (as discussed above). You would have to talk to the school about help with financial aid. Most people with asylum cases pending do not qualify for in-state tuition, but they might, and there might also be scholarship money available – normally the schools have an office that can help you look for that. Take care, Jason
Hi Jason
I filed my asylum case on march 2015 in los angeles and intended to move to san Francisco. How does my file take to be transferred to san Francisco?
Will they give me the interview date after receiving documents due to my filing date?
It usually takes a few months to transfer a file, but you should keep your original filing date at the new office, so you should get your interview sooner in SF. I recommend you contact the new asylum office to make sure they have your case and that it is in the queue. You can find their contact info if you follow the link at right called Asylum Office Locator. Take care, Jason
Hi Jason,
I had submitted my asylum case from Los Angeles office in 2017. Didn’t heard any thing from them till yet. My mother is too sick and he is back in my country. Do you have any idea when I will get a call for interviews. It’s very frustrating.
You can check the Asylum Office Scheduling Bulletin – a link is at right. Also, I wrote an article on expediting asylum cases on March 30, 2017 – maybe that would help. Take care, Jason
hello sir
I applied for religious asylum from Chicago and get my EAD after 6 months but I want to move to san Francisco because of my university and work.
1. what will be my waiting time for the interview? 33 months of Chicago or 25 months of Sanfranscios.
2. will my transfer affect the decision of my asylum?
After you move your case, you will follow the schedule in the new office, and you will keep your place in the queue (it will be as if you originally filed your case in SF). The transfer should not affect the decision. Take care, Jason
thank you so much for your reply, sir.
I need to take some suggestion from you about my asylum case.
1. Many people say that SF has higher rate of approval and Chicago have the least, So as a religious asylum applicant, what do you suggest me; move to Sanfranscios or stay and wait for the interview in Chicago.
2. will the different states make difference in the approval of asylum filed?
3. as an asylum pending and F-1 visa student can i apply for US army.
1 – I do not think it matters. I wrote about this on February 25, 2016 – maybe that would help. 2 – I do not think so. 3 – I do not know, you would have to contact the army. Take care, Jason
Any idea how long the San Francisco office takes to make a decision after the interview? We had ours a month ago and have not gotten any response. Thank you in advance!!!
I have limited experience with that office, but in my experience, they are pretty good. The problem is that it may be the security background check, and that is not in their control. So the basic answer is, I do not know. People from Muslim countries tend to take longer, and men tend to be slower than women. Also, if there are issues in the case, like paying money to terrorist for ransom, for example, that can cause a long delay as well. You can contact the office to ask about the status of your case. You can find their contact info if you follow the link at right called Asylum Office Locator. Take care, Jason
Same situation here, and I have been waiting for over two months. According to the forum discussions I’ve seen, it’s a more common trend happening in SF. But we understand background check is necessary so god bless my case will get approved finally and also my wait is so worthy!
Hey Jason, when you said “they are pretty good”, did you mean in general the SF office treats applicants well or did you mean taking longer time for the decision might indicate that the main body of the case is good and only background check is needed?? Tons of thanks!!
My impression of the SF office overall is positive. I think there is no correlation between the length of the wait and the outcome of the case. I only base that conclusion on my own cases, and I think it is probably too small a sample size to mean much, but that is my impression. Take care, Jason
Thank you Jason! Hopefully my lucky star shines in SF LOL!!
Hello Sir,
we applied for asylum in July 2015 in Miami, and beginning of August we did fingerprints, half year after we got the working permits, so was wondering, is there any option that we can know when could be the interview, because i have some friends that applied same time in NY and already finished all…
thank you
You can get some idea about the interview date if you check the Asylum Office Scheduling Bulletin – a link is at right. If you want to try to expedite your case, I wrote a post yesterday that may help. Take care, Jason
Hi Jason, our case iscwith San Francisco office and based on what’s on the schedule they are currently processing cases from February of 2015. We filed well before that (November 2014) but we have not received the letter for interview. What do we do? Thank you so very much for your support.
You should contact the SF asylum office and tell them what has happened and ask for a status update of your case. You can find their contact info if you follow the link at right called Asylum Office Locator. Take care, Jason
I am on a student visa which is valid until December 2020. I intend to file an asylum application in Seattle and from what I heard, it may take up to a few years until I get my interview scheduled. My question is, after I file that application, my visa becomes null? Also, my husband is here as my dependent, on F-2. Will we continue to be F-1/2 visa holders or will we just be asylum applicants?
Thanks a lot!
As long as you maintain your student status (full time student in school), your F-1 (and his F-2) visa should remain valid. If you stop going to school, the F visas are done, and your only status is asylum pending. Take care, Jason
I did my asylum interview 2 months ago and my impression was that I really convinced the officer in Chicago. I have been waiting for the results but nothing has come out yet and I feel scared of what has happened. Could you tell me the exact length of the results to get out? Thanks
There is no average waiting time. We have cases where the person waits a few days, and other cases where they have been waiting for years. I recommend you email the asylum office where you interviewed and inquire. Maybe they can give you some idea about your case status. You can find their contact info if you follow the link at right called Asylum Office Locator. Take care, Jason
I &my family with 2 little kids came to Newyork on visa.we filed asylum application in October 2016 now 150 days are going to over in march.
I want to know about how many days they take to send EAD. Some say 30 days for asylum cases some says 90 to 120 days. I want to make driving licence so I m curious to know.
It varies, and I cannot really tell you. For most clients, we see them get the EAD 2 to 4 months after they apply. Take care, Jason
Thanks jason
Hello sir,
I and my family including 2 brothers and ny mother applied for asylum and we are done with the finger prints. I live in texas and my asylum office was Houston, Texas. I have few questions.
1.I applied for asylum in september 2016. So when can i apply for my work permit? I have heard it takes 150 days after which you can apply for it.
2. What is the shortest and longest period for asylum approval in Houston,Texas?
3. Can i study in a community college of my asylum cas is still pending? And do i get any financial aid for my studies?
Please do reply here
1 – you have to wait 150 days after your asylum case was received, and then you can apply for your EAD; 2 – I do not know that information. You can check the Asylum Office Scheduling Bulletin (a link is at right) to get an idea for the pre-interview delay. Depending on the case, there might also be delays after the interview; 3 – You would need to talk to the school, though most of my clients with EADs seem to be able to attend school. Take care, Jason
It is possible, but probably unlikely. If your asylum case causes the US government to believe your brother will also seek asylum, they may cancel his visa. It is really not predictable, especially these days. Maybe if he wants to come here, he should do it sooner, rather than waiting until September. Take care, Jason
dear jason,
thank u for helping us about some issues regarding asylum. i have a question about my case. i applied nov and did my biometrics dec 2016. my question is, my h1b visa as a teacher expired may 2013 so im out of status and currently have the pending asylum application now. i want to know if once i get my ead this year and is able to work again as a teacher, can the school sponsor me for green card while asylum is pending? would appreciate your response. best regards! ann
The school can sponsor you for a green card, but whether you can actually get the green card without leaving the country, and whether you will be allowed to return once you leave, I do not know. It depends on several factors, and you would do well to consult with a lawyer before you start the process, in order to be sure you can get your green card in the end. Take care, Jason
thank u jason. really appreciate it. we’ll try to contact you once we get our eads. God bless!
Hi, I submitted my asylum application in December 7th, 2016, for me and my daughter… I hAve read comments from other asylum aspirants that they received a biometric request after a month or 43 days.. however I have not heard yet.. could u advise me something.. I m having a panic attack. Please..
If you have the receipt, you should be fine. There were the holidays in-between, which slows things down. If you don’t get the biometrics soon (and assuming you got the receipt), you can contact your local asylum office to ask about the biometrics. You can find their contact info if you follow the link at right called Asylum Office Locator. Take care, Jason
Hi sir. My attorney just got back to me saying
1. Unfortunately, the asylum bulletin is not reflective of the reality on the field. The bulletin only shows the interviews scheduled locally for the listed office, not circuit wide. So for example in our case, the dates listed are for San Francisco locally, and does not include Seattle, Portland, and Anchorage which are also covered by the same office.
2. From the San Francisco asylum office director, we gathered that for Seattle, they are currently processing 2012 cases and most of them are expedited cases such as children, then add Iraqi and Syrian refugees which are required to be processed immediately upon receipt.
What are your thoughts? What can we do to not have to wait for another 10 years?
Hi sir. Myself and my sister submitted our request for asylum seperately in June 2016, I actually submitted mine a week before hers and we already completed the biometrics a month after. My sister was called for her interview in December and she was granted asylum but I have not beeen called at all. What do you suggest I do?
I do not know why that would be – she would not normally be called that quickly, unless she is a minor child, or she expedited the case. If you are concerned about your situation, you can email or go to your local asylum office to inquire. You can find their contact info if you follow the link at right called Asylum Office Locator. Take care, Jason
Thank you so much Jason, she is not a minor she is 25 and I am 28. Do you think my case can also be looked into since we have the same reason for coming here to stay with our father?
I really do not know why her case was heard so quickly. You can check the link at right called Asylum Office Scheduling Bulletin to get an idea of how cases are interviewed. Maybe contact your local asylum office and ask them. You can find their contact into if you follow the link at right called Asylum Office Locator. Take care, Jason
Hello Mr. Jason
I asked lawyer and he told me you are on pending, USCI will not accept you travel document ( for me , my spouse and son) while you are on pending.
is it right, i doubt on it, maybe someone needs to visit family in the third county because of disease.
If you are talking about an asylum case pending with the Asylum Office, you should be eligible for Advance Parole (form I-131, available at, which allows you to return to the US if you travel abroad. There is no guarantee about this, but unless something is wrong in your case, you should be able to do it – we have had many clients do that. If your case is in Immigration Court, you cannot travel and return to the US – leaving the US will be considered as a deportation. Take care, Jason
Hello Mr. Jahnson
Happy new year.
actually i have student visa and it’s valid till 2018 (multiple visa) and i have applied for asylum on September 2016, i need to go to Europe on march for 10 days, do i need to get permission to renter to USA? or i can use my valid visa yet?
sorry for mistake in you name “” Jason””
We have had clients leave and re-enter on their valid non-immigrant visas, but this is a bad idea, as you are technically inadmissible to the US on the F-1 visa since you have applied for asylum (F-1 visas are only for people who plan to stay here temporarily; since you asked for asylum, it shows you want to stay here permanently). You should apply for Advance Parole (form I-131, available at and use that to travel. The problem is that it takes 3 to 5 months to get it, so I doubt you will have it by March. You may want to talk to a lawyer about this to see whether you can somehow expedite the I-131 or to better evaluate the risk of traveling without it. Take care, Jason
Hi, my name is stephanie
And i applied for asylum
Almost 2years now at new
York city and still haven’t received
Any interview scheduled yet
Do you think it’s coming soon or
Its going to take more time
No one knows – you can get some idea if you check the Asylum Office Scheduling Bulletin – a link is at right. Take care, Jason