By now, you may have heard that the Asylum Division–in a surprise move–has changed the order in which cases will be interviewed. This means that new cases, filed after January 29, 2018, will be interviewed before older, pending cases.

To understand what’s happening, let’s review a bit of history. Since the mid-1990s, when an asylum case was submitted, the Asylum Office attempted to interview the applicant within a couple months. But as the number of applicants increased, the Asylum Office was less able to handle the volume. Further, starting in maybe 2011 or 2012, large number of asylum seekers began arriving at the U.S./Mexico border and requesting protection (many of these applicants were “unaccompanied minors” – i.e., children without parents – whose cases received priority). In addition to their normal workload, Asylum Officers were assigned to assess these border cases and administer a credible fear interview (an initial evaluation of asylum eligibility). All this resulted in an inability to keep up with affirmative asylum applications. The result was The Backlog.
In my part of the country, the backlog began in probably 2012. We would mail asylum cases as normal. Some applicants would be interviewed within two months; other cases disappeared. Of the cases we mailed, about 60% were interviewed and 40% disappeared.
Although the Asylum Division recognized the problem, they were reluctant to change the way they processed cases. Their fear was that if they interviewed cases in the order received, all cases would move slowly. This would create an incentive for more people to submit fraudulent applications, knowing that their interview would be delayed and that they could remain in the United States for years with a work permit (150 days after she files for asylum, an applicant can apply for an employment authorization document). The problem, of course, was that cases in the backlog (the ones that “disappeared”) would never be adjudicated, and would remain in limbo forever.
Then, in December 2014, the Asylum Division decided to try a new approach: They would interview the oldest cases first. In a sense, this was more fair, as it gave people with “disappeared” cases a chance for an interview. At about the same time, the Asylum Division created the Affirmative Asylum Scheduling Bulletin. Now, for each asylum office, we could see who was being interviewed based on the date the application was filed. This at least gave applicants some sense of how their cases were progressing.
Whether the new system worked, or whether it encouraged fraudulent applicants who only wanted work permits, I do not know. I do know that cases have been moving very slowly since December 2014. I believe this is largely due to the prioritization of cases–unaccompanied minors and credible fear interviews received priority over “regular” asylum applicants, and since there were a lot of these, the Asylum Office has been crawling through its backlog of regular cases. We could see what was happening (or not happening) on the Affirmative Asylum Scheduling Bulletin.
Enter, the Trump Administration, which views asylum seekers as fraudsters. USCIS (which oversees the Asylum Division) announced the change in policy yesterday, and the change is retroactive–all cases filed on or after January 29, 2018 will (supposedly) be interviewed within 21 days. There is, of course, a caveat: “Workload priorities related to border enforcement may affect our ability to schedule all new applications for an interview within 21 days,” says USCIS.
According to USCIS, the new priorities are as follows:
- First priority: Applications that were scheduled for an interview, but the interview had to be rescheduled at the applicant’s request or the needs of USCIS.
- Second priority: Applications that have been pending 21 days or less.
- Third priority: All other pending affirmative asylum applications will be scheduled for interviews starting with newer filings and working back towards older filings
From this, it appears that unaccompanied minors will no longer be a priority, which may make things faster for “regular” applicants. Also, it appears that the system for requesting expedited interviews will remain in place: “Asylum office directors may consider, on a case-by-case basis, an urgent request to be scheduled for an interview outside of the priority order listed above” (I previously wrote about expediting affirmative asylum cases here). Finally, since cases are being interviewed on a “last in, first out” basis, there is no longer a need for the Asylum Office Scheduling Bulletin, and so USCIS has eliminated it (though wouldn’t it be nice if they used that website to provided updated information about what they are doing?).
USCIS has made the reasons for the change pretty clear: “Returning to a ‘last in, first out’ interview schedule will allow USCIS to identify frivolous, fraudulent or otherwise non-meritorious asylum claims earlier and place those individuals into removal proceedings.” Presumably, it will also allow legitimate cases to be granted more quickly, which may be good news for people planning to file for asylum in the near future.
Rumor has it that other changes are coming to the asylum system, but what they are, we do not yet know. Given the government’s view that many asylum seekers are fraudsters, I can’t imagine that such changes–if any–will be positive, but we shall see.
There is a lot to say about this new change, but for now, I want to urge people to remain cautious. We will have to see how this plays out in the coming weeks and months. Obviously, if you are a new asylum seeker, or if you filed recently, you need to complete your entire case now, so that you are ready if an interview is scheduled quickly. If you have a case in the backlog, and are now losing hope of ever receiving an interview, you should try to be patient–it may be that because unaccompanied minors are no longer a priority, and because fewer asylum seekers are arriving at the Southern border, cases will begin moving more quickly. Only time will tell, and if I have any news, I will try to post it here.
Curious how long after the asylum application was received (confirmation by FedEx) in Vermont, did you receive the receipt. We are in a unique situation and NEED the receipt by June 4th. It arrived at the office May 15th.
I received it pretty fast, in 5 days after they got the application. They also sent another copy three days later. Hopefully you will get yours very soon.
By the way, I would recommend using Informed Delivery tool by USPS, if available at your location – you can see in the morning what mail is coming your way.
Thank you for that information! I will certainly check out that tool!
We normally see the receipt take 3 or 4 weeks, so hopefully you will get it by June 4. Take care, Jason
Did anyone who applied for asylum in Virginia office area after LIFO get interviewed? I submitted my application on Feb 21, 2018, did biometrics on March 14, 2018, still waiting.
Thank you.
We had one case filed in mid-January that was interviewed, but our cases filed in March have not yet been interviewed. Take care, Jason
Vermont office received asylum application packet on 5/15/18. How long to get receipt? Am I automatically “asylum pending” if they received packet? Current visa running out soon.
Your asylum case is pending. You should have the receipt in less than 4 weeks, and then a fingerprint appointment. Take care, Jason
I submitted my application october 2013 , does it mean i am.not going to be any time.soon???
No one knows. If your asylum office is doing LIFO and old cases as well, you might get an interview soon, but if they are just doing LIFO, you will have a long wait. You can try to expedite your case – I wrote about that on March 30, 2017. Take care, Jason
I have applied for asylum in USA and still pending. My wife how lives with me and I have put her name on my case. But now she wants to file a separate asylum application for herself. Is it passable for her to apply for asylum while she is on my case? Thank you.
I believe she can. However, the procedure is different. Probably she will need to file at the local office – check the instructions to the I-589, available at, or contact the local asylum office to ask. You can find their contact info if you follow the link at right called Asylum Office Locator. Take care, Jason
Hello Jason,
Do we not get credit for the time we have waited as asylum seekers? I mean according to the recent change. If they pick the cases back ward what would happen for the applicants who have applied years ago and still pending ? Does the time applicants spent count or that means a waste of time for them? Thank you.
If you mean time credited towards the green card or US citizenship, then the answer is no. The time is “wasted” in that sense. I wrote something about this on January 9, 2018. Take care, Jason
I applied my asylum application on January 09/2017.
Wan do you think my interview will be?
It’s possible to be this year 2018 .
Under the LIFO system, I think it is unlikely to be very soon, so I doubt it would be in 2018. But in truth, I have no idea when it would be, and I think no one else knows either. Take care, Jason
Thanks for all the info!
I applied for asylum in September 2016 and still waiting for my interview. Would you say with the new system I will get the interview sooner compared to the old system? And also when do you think I should expect the interview? I applied to the San Francisco office.
P.S. I also moved to Washington state last year.
If you are in WA, your interview should be in Seattle. When that will be, I have no idea. And whether LIFO will make the case faster or slower, I don’t know. I am doubtful that the asylum office will get through their backlog any time soon, so if you want a sooner interview, you might try to expedite – I wrote about that on March 30, 2017. Take care, Jason
Thank you for prompt reply!
Hi Jason,
We were interviewed on Dec 2017 in San Francisco and still haven’t heard from them.
Do you know what might be a reason for such a delay with the decision?
Such delays are common and there could be any number of reasons for them – the officer is slow, the security background check, headquarters review, etc. You can contact the asylum office to inquire about the status of your case. You can find their contact info if you follow the link at right called Asylum Office Locator. Take care, Jason
Thanks for your quick answer! Our attorney did contact them but never got any response in return! I guess at this point we should continue being patient!
Thank you Jason!
I filed my asylum case in Jan 19 2018 in San Francisco office..Does the new scheduling system apply to me or no?
It does apply to you, but you may already be in the backlog. If SF moves through the backlog from newest cases to oldest, you should get an interview soon. That is how they said they would interview cases. However, all offices are not doing that, and I do not know what SF is doing. Take care, Jason
It is slow. But you can file to renew up to 180 days before the old card expires (for asylum pending EADs), and the renewal automatically extends your card by one year. You should have the new card well before the one year, so you should be ok. Take care, Jason
Thanks for your reply, Jason.
Renewal is for 2 years or just one year? On USCIS it says effective october 2016 for initial or renewal application on or after effective date.
Renewed EADs based on asylum pending are for 2 years. Take care, Jason
Hello people!
Does anybody know about interviews in Houston, Texas?
Hi Jason, There is a way to update my phone number?
I just changed my address online but I’m afraid that my appointment does not arrive and they can not contact me because I don’t have the same phone Number.
Thanks in advance! Take care!.
The AR-11 form should have a space to list your new phone number. Maybe double check that. Take care, Jason
Hey Jason,I have applied for asylum with my cousin and our two affidavit are linked I mean connected.i want to know if there will be any bad persecution on his case if I withdraw mine?thks
Probably not, but he may need to explain, especially if you return to your country. Take care, Jason
My asylum in Washington State is pending from may 2016 .Can somebody please tell me when i can be scheduled for an interview in washington state?how long it can take to be scheduled here?is 2018 and still no interview..should i moove to san francisco for faster interview? really stressed and sad and want to talk with them sooner…..thank you!
As discussed above, no one knows when an interview from 2016 will be. Moving probably won’t make much difference, although interviews in Washington State are done by the San Francisco office, and so SF is probably normally faster because it is the main office, while Washington State is the sub-office. You might think about trying expedite your case – I wrote about that on March 30, 2017. Tae care, Jason
i am in usa applying for asylum if somebody know good lower in usa about asylum please give me the no,
1 more think what is the new law about asylum they are doing good job for quick interview how many days they will take for make a decision,
The new policy applies only to interview dates; not decisions. As for a lawyer, you can try – they have a referral service. Take care, Jason
Hi, I have applied for asylum in April 2016. I am still waiting for an interview. Can i re-apply/re-submit my case so it gets some priority and as per the new rules it should be addressed in 21 or so days.
And, what will be its affect on my case which i submitted in 2016?
I will be grateful if you respond to my quesry.
Thank You
We have not tried that, or heard from anyone who has. I suspect it will not work. If you have a pending case, they probably will not accept a new case, but I do not know that for sure. If you try it, let us know what happens. You may want to contact the local asylum office first to ask about this. You can find their contact info if you follow the link at right called Asylum Office Locator. Also, double check the instructions for where to file, as the procedure for a second case is different than for the first. Take care, Jason
Hey Jason,can I get a mariage in order to get a green card even if I’m in asylum process?and how can I terminated my asylum application?thks
Contact the asylum office to ask about termination. You can find their contact info if you follow the link at right called Asylum Office Locator. Take care, Jason
Hey Jason Can I engaged a mariage process in order to get my green card if I’m all ready in asylum one?and how can I take out an asylum application?thks
Asylum is filed using form I-589, available at Check the instructions for the form, as they talk a lot about the process and what is needed. You can do a marriage-based immigration case and an asylum case at the same time, assuming you are eligible for both those benefits. Take care, Jason
Hey Jason
How can I take out an application for assylum?thks
Hi I applied for asylum in September 2017 texas Does anybody know when can I expect my intervew.
thank you
I appreciate this information.
I have three questions.
1- does this undermine the rights of those who have been waiting for a long time, and maybe they never come along with this law!?
2- my asylum case in july 2015, and it was the turn of the month, compared to the previous in los angeles. Now we do not know what will happen! Please tell me
3- the government could do this for the new cases of 2018 and continue the asylum cases before 2018.
Can you submit this offer?
It can be done by creating two parts: an administrative part for new asylum case and an episode for cases before 2018 in turn, as before.
1 – Yes. 2 – No one knows. I do not know whether LA is still working on old cases or they are following the LIFO policy as it was announced (meaning, they are working backwards). Maybe someone from LA can comment. If not, we will know eventually, as more cases are interviewed. 3 – I do not understand the question. If you are suggesting that they interview new cases and try to interview older cases as well, some offices are doing this; it depends on the office. Take care, Jason
I had my interview in October 2017 in Chicago and no decision yet, did somebody get it from October?
Should i go to their office? My attorney says this can delay my decision even more.
Any help will be appreciated.
You can contact them by email and inquire and/or you can go in person. I do not see why this would delay your decision. You can find their contact info if you follow the link at right called Asylum Office Locator. Take care, Jason
Hey Jason, I live in PA and filled my asylum application with the Vermont office on March 27. Arlington and Newark offices service PA applications, under the LIFO rules, do you have any update on either office about the timeline for interview scheduling? Thanks
I believe that newly filed applications like yours will be given priority, so most likely, you will have an interview soon. Let us know, as that would help others. Thank you, Jason
Filed on March 27, received my biometrics appointment today April 5 for April 20. Any idea about when the interview might be scheduled as the 21 day priority level gets done by April 17. Also, do they give you a notice for interview right after the biometrics?
I think 21 days is a fantasy. Maybe the interview would be scheduled in month or two, but that is a bit unclear – if they receive too many cases, they cannot schedule everyone, and then what happens, we do not know. Good luck, Jason
Hello mr/mrs
My immigration court is still pending. I have been delaying 3 times from immigration court. It was without the reasonableness. My lawyer can’t do that. I don’t know why they delayed. What shall I do??
Many cases get delayed. Your lawyer can try to ask for a sooner hearing date. I wrote about that on April 20, 2017. It is possible, but difficult. Take care, Jason
Hello Jason, I applied for asylum February 21st 2018, got my fingerprint appointment tommorow, 03/30/18. But I just got a mail for an interview for me and they asked me to come with the family member on my form(which is my sister, she filed for asylum last year but never had and interview) what’s the interview about please?
The system changed and now interviews are going to come more quickly. So it is probably your asylum interview. Though I have no idea why they would ask your sister to attend. Normally, siblings are not part of the same case, so maybe check that this is not boilerplate instructions about bringing family members who are part of your case (spouse and minor, unmarried children). But if for some reason they want her, I guess she needs to attend as well. She may want to contact the asylum office to clarify. You can find their contact info if you follow the link at right called Asylum Office Locator. Take care, Jason
Hi Fawad, I read this news yesterday, will it affect on asylum seeker and refugees as well?
Trump proposal would penalize immigrants who use tax credits and other benefits
I think this will not affect people with asylum or refugees. But we will have to wait for the final regulations to be sure. Take care, Jason
God bless you and your family Jason. I appreciate your help.
Hi Jason you made this statement at the start of your blog and am not sure how accurate it is “This means that new cases, filed after January 29, 2018, will be interviewed before older, pending cases.” Looking at a statement from USCIS, which says “Second priority: Applications that have been pending 21 days or less.”
Therefore cases received by the 01/08/2018 have been pending 21 days and might apply to this too don’t you think?
Yes – Cases filed after January 8, 2018 could have been interviewed. However, not all cases were interviewed, and the asylum offices have implemented LIFO inconsistently. I wrote about that on February 28, 2018. Take care, Jason
Hi Jason,
I applied for asylum in jan 2017, and I can’t check my case status on the immigration main page,letters “ZNK” literately “My Case Status does not recognize the receipt number entered. Please check your receipt number and try again. If you need further assistance, please call the USCIS Contact Center at 1-800-375-5283.”
And another question is , anybody knows anything about the New Jersey asylum office , when I should expect my interview?
Thank you.
You cannot check asylum case status on-line, so that is normal. As for NJ, our last client interviewed there filed in 2015, and I think he was interviewed in February. Take care, Jason
Hie Jason
I was interviewed on February 28 2018 and given notice to pick soon after interview to pick decision on Marc 14 but got a call early morning March 14 from hearing officer saying I should not come pick results as they will mail them. Almost 3 weeks after that call I haven’t received decision. Any idea what delays?
This is very common. When the decision will come is not predictable. Sometimes it takes a days; other times, the wait is for many months. If you do not have an answer in a month or two, you can contact the asylum office and inquire. You can find their contact info if you follow the link at right called Asylum Office Locator. Take care, Jason
I am a new believer to Christ, and going to school in U.S.A, and I am from Iran where such a faith counted as apostasy which means since I have converted from Islam to Christianity, I may be tortured or executed if be arrested in my country, and I want to know in this situation if I apply for asylum, is there any priority for my case, and if anything has changed for case like me, because I’m really worry of my situation.
We have done a number of such cases. The US government is sometimes skeptical that the conversion is true, and that is usually the key issue in such a case, so try to get as much evidence as you can that you actually converted and are an active Christian. Your case will be interviewed and processed the same as any other asylum case. Take care, Jason
I just filed my affirmative asylum case 020918 and received my biometrics appointment for 032618 but still no interview date. How long does it usually take to have your interview after the biometrics?
If you are under the LIFO system, it should be quick (a mother or two), though I suspect that not everyone will be interviewed on this schedule. Take care, Jason
Hi Iliana did you finally get the interview? its almost 21 days.
Hi Conrad I still haven’t received my interview appointment but as soon as I get it I will post it as a reference for all.
ANY good NEWS ABOUT SCHEDULING INTERVIEWS for PENDING ASYLUM APPLICATIONS in LOS ANGELES ASYLUM OFFICE? Just want to know if anyone went for interview so that can get idea which month they are taking interview?
Filed date July 2014
Interview Jan 18/2018
Result: 02/01 approved.
I have no news about LA, sorry, Jason
Hello Jason, i had my interview last August 2017, they send me the notice literally one day before the interview, then one week after the interview they send me notice to take my finger prints, till now i am waiting the decision, i know no one can say when they will send it, but is it possible to take more than a year or even years to just know the interview’s decision?
Unfortunately, it does sometimes take this long, or longer. You can contact the asylum office to inquire about your case. You can find their contact info if you follow the link at right called Asylum Office Locator. Take care, Jason
I applied for asylum in May 2016 and awaiting interview. With LIFO in place, is it an option to take out the old application and refile for asylum to be interviewed within 21 days?
I have heard this idea discussed, but I know of no one who tried it, and I am doubtful it will work. But if I hear differently, I will post it here. Also, if you decide to try it, please let us know what happens. Take care, Jason
Hi Jason – everyone
Can anyone help me out. I want to petition for my husband but really don’t know how to do it.i have seen the i-730 form online but I don’t know whether I have to print, fill it out and post to the given address or I have to do the application otherwise, maybe online which I don’t know if possible.
Also don’t know if any of my documents should accompany the application.please help
If you won asylum, and you were married at the time your case was granted, you can petition for your husband within 2 years of the asylum approval. You would just have to ready the I-730 instructions to know what to do. Or you could hire a lawyer to help you. Maybe you can find a free lawyer – I wrote about that on September 22, 2016. Take care, Jason
If you won asylum, and you were married at the time your case was granted, you can petition for your husband within 2 years of the asylum approval. You would just have to ready the I-730 instructions to know what to do. Or you could hire a lawyer to help you. Maybe you can find a free lawyer – I wrote about that on September 22, 2016. Take care,
Can anyone share update from Los Angles Office? Just want to know which month they are taking interview
More updates on Chicago Asylum Office
Case interviewed in November 2017 received decision March 2018
Cases interviewed in July 2017, September 2017 and December 2017 are still awaiting decisions.
With the LIFO, is the interview of those who applied in september 2017 predictable?
Not really. But you are probably closer to the front of the line than you would have been under the old system. I wrote something about this February 28, 2018 as well. Take care, Jason
Hi I applied for asylum in June 2017 Los Angeles Office. Does anybody know when can I expect my interview? @Jason please advise if you have some info. Thank you everyone for sharing useful info, it really helps. thank you!
No one knows, as I discussed above and last week. We will have to see how things progress in the LA office. Take care, Jason
Hi Jackson I just want ask one question my date of pending of my asylium case is 04.decembar 2017 I just wander it is new schedule from USCIS better for me to faster get interview notice or maybe worse.. your opinion? I know that you ask question on this website so many times about this I just want your opinion about what I asked you.. you are the best…👍👌
You may get a relatively quick interview if you filed in December 2017. It depends on whether they can get to the backlogged cases and whether they do those cases in the order that they said they would do them. I wrote something about this last week – maybe that would help. Take care, Jason
You are the best thanks…👍👌
hi Jason,
is it safe to inquiry for LIVE SCAN fingerprint self-check report if the person already have an NTA? wouldn’t be that a trigger to ICE agents to detain such person ?
thanks for your help.
I am not quite sure what you mean, but we often send people with NTAs to get their fingerprints done, and we have not seen any problems. Take care, Jason
Hi Jason
Could you kindly send guide me to the correct i-730 form to be used for petition as i am told that there is old and new.Also the correct location to hand it in the sanfrancisco jurisdiction as I understood has been changes.
Could you also guide me to the documents needed to be filed with the portion for my husband as someone told me I need to present a copy of our marriage certificate and his passport size photos
Thanks alot
I cannot provide this type of specific information. The form is available at, and that is the most up-to-date form. The instructions to the form explain where to submit it and what needs to be submitted. Take care, Jason
Pleas notify me
Dear Jason
you said that it will be long wait for those who applied before 2018 so could you predict for feb 2017 , for how long i have to wait for interview ?
Unfortunately, no one can predict that. As the new system starts to operate and we see how it works, we may get a better idea for people like you. Take care, Jason
Hi Jason, I applied for asylum in August 2016 at the Arlington office. With the new system,Do you have any idea when I will be called for an interview?
No, but if you filed in 2016, you will probably have a long wait. You might try expediting – I wrote about that on March 30, 2017. Take care, Jason
Thanks Jason,
Do you predict the long wait up to a year? Please can yougive me an estimate?
Also, Could please write the link for the expedition process. Hope to hear from you, thanks
There is no way to predict, at least not until the new system starts operating normally and we see how things are moving. I wrote about expediting cases on March 30, 2017 – you can check that post. Take care, Jason
Hi Jason,
I applied for asylum on Jun 2017. My first interview was in August 2017. I applied for I-765 after 152 days and got rejected due to 150 days has not passed! I got a second interview in Jan 2018. I asked the officer during interview why my I765 rejected and she said she does not know… somewhere else is processing this!
I applied for i765 again and got rejected for the same reason… 150 days clock has not passed!!!
When I applied 210 days had passed from my asylum application. I have not received any decision from asylum office. Both interviews went well. I never rescheduled any interviews. What is going wrong? What should I do. I must start working. Should I get a lawyer? How can I found what is wrong?
Please help me.
Contact the asylum office by email and ask them about the Asylum Clock. You can find their contact info if you follow the link at right called Asylum Office Locator. Maybe the clock stopped for some reason. If so, it should have re-started once you attended the interview. If they cannot help you, maybe talk to a lawyer. Take care, Jason
Thank you Jason,
I did what you told me. They just emailed me back that my clock has been corrected and I have 240 days now. They said I should have no problem refilling I-765.
Just like that. No apology or expediting offered! So frustrating.
I will keep this post updated when I get my results.
Thanks again.
I have been doing this for almost 15 years, and I have only gotten one apology from USCIS. Anyway, at least they seem to have fixed the problem. Hopefully, now you can get the EAD. Take care, Jason
Update on Chicago Asylum Office
One of our clients just received an interview notice for March 19th. They applied in June of 2017. We have cases pending from December of 2015 through November 2017 that have not been called for an interview and a case that was received on February 5th 2018 that was not called for an interview.
For the case that was scheduled for March 19th the only significance compared to other cases is that it has a one year bar issue per say. But we also have cases with similar issues that were filed before and after this case and those cases are still pending.
Thank you for sharing this. The unpredictability makes it very difficult to guide clients or run an asylum practice. Imagine these non-profits that have many pending cases, and they have no idea what order to prepare the cases in. Ultimately, this impacts the ability of people to obtain representation and present their cases affectively. But maybe that is the point. Take care, Jason
Thank you for update Chicago Office.I have a case here from December 2015.Any information from they such as gold.
Hi Mat!
You applied June 2017 and two months later you were interviewed? I feel like you’re so lucky to have your first interview when you mind was not loaded with stress and frustration. I waited three years to have my first interview. USCIS is showing some improvements but so many people will have hard time getting work permits.
I was under 18 years old. Minors have priority.
Jason, I applied for asylum in Sept 2015. I was expecting to be interviewed by end of this year. Now being said that applications are accepted on LIFO basis, when can I expect for an interview? My wife and kids are also included in my application. Thanks for creating such a wonderful platform.
No one knows, but I doubt you will get an interview quickly if you filed in 2015. You can try to expedite if you want – I wrote about that on March 30, 2017. Take care, Jason
Jason, Thanks for your reply. on your blogs, i read that someone lied in Part C 2b. In the same form I selected option “no” to question . I applied before fleeing to US in different country for PR but it was taking too long to get my application processed. My situation becoming worst in my home country, so without any delay I appeared for US visa interview and came here. When I checked my email, I came to know that i was rejected for PR of that country. But by that time, I already had VISA for USA. Can I correct my answer in the form I-589 already submitted? What changes/updates can be made in the statement submitted in Form I-589?
You can correct that – it should not be a problem. Bring evidence that your PR status was rejected – copies of email or letters. Take care, Jason
Hi Jason,
Thank you for all the information here, I have done my interview in the first week of January at Seattle office. Does this Last in first out system will affect my decision time? I knew they will not send it in two weeks since Seattle is not the main office, how long is the common wait time? from your experience.
Thanks and have a Great Monday!
The new system should have no effect on your case (though you never know – if it messes everything up internally, that might cause some delay). Wait times are not predictable, but hopefully you will get some good news soon. Take care, Jason
Hi man. Have you received your decision already? I have interview soon in Portland
Hi Jason,
I`m abit confuse,I wanted to immediately petition for my husband with the i-730 having gotten my asylum approved but someone told me that I first need to apply for social security,medicaid and others.could you please guide to through the process of petition after being approved.I`m really confuse as I dont know what to do.
Many thanks for all the help
As soon as you have the asylum grant in your hand, you can file an I-730 for your husband. You do not have to wait for anything else. Take care, Jason