What Happens at an Asylum Hearing in Immigration Court?

There are now more than 1,000,000 people with cases pending before our nation’s Immigration Courts. The culmination of this process is the Individual Hearing, where the Immigration Judge (“IJ”) usually decides whether the applicant gets asylum, some other relief, or is ordered deported from our country. For asylum seekers, the Individual Hearing can be stressful and frightening. Here, we will discuss what to expect at that hearing. In prior posts, I discussed the Master Calendar Hearing, and how to prepare for the Individual Hearing.

Before we get to the substance of what happens at the Individual Hearing, I should mention that there are detained and non-detained hearings. A detained hearing is similar to a non-detained hearing in terms of the order of events, but sometimes the IJ and the alien are in different locations, and so cases are done by video (non-detained cases can also be done by video, but this is less common). These video hearings are more difficult to litigate, in terms of looking at documents, hearing each other talk, reading non-verbal cues, empathizing with the applicant, etc. Detained hearings are more difficult to prepare for, as it is difficult to gather evidence and get ready for your case when you are in jail.

Also, of course, different IJs have different styles (in Immigration Court, IJs decide the case – there are no juries). Some IJs ask a lot of questions; others ask no questions. Some are professional and respectful; others, not so much. It is helpful to know something about your IJ before the court hearing, so you can have an idea about what to expect. Statistics about asylum grant rates for many IJs can be found at TRAC Immigration.

Also, if the Judge makes a joke, don’t forget to laugh. Even if you have no idea what the heck he is talking about.

Finally, as I discussed previously, many cases are won or lost before the trial even begins, and so how well the case is prepared will likely affect how the Individual Hearing proceeds.

As for the Individual Hearing itself, it begins when the IJ arrives in court. Everyone stands up for the Judge. Once everyone sits, the hearing usually begins with a conversation between the IJ and the lawyers (assuming the alien has a lawyer). During this discussion, the parties may try to narrow the issues that need to be discussed. Perhaps there are some areas of agreement, and it is helpful to know this in advance. Also, in some cases, the IJ will not need to hear testimony about the entire case – maybe the alien will only need to testify about part of her story.

At the beginning of the hearing, the IJ will ask what “relief” you are seeking. This can be asylum, Withholding of Removal, relief under the Torture Convention, Cancellation of Removal, Adjustment of Status, Voluntary Departure, and/or something else. The IJ will also mark the evidence and hear any objections. So if you submitted evidence, and the DHS attorney objects to that evidence, the Judge must decide whether or not to admit that evidence into the record, and how much “weight” to give to that piece of evidence (some evidence is considered more reliable than other evidence and hence receives more “weight” in terms of how much it influences the IJ’s decision). At this time, the IJ will also ask whether there are any changes to the form I-589. You can update your form and make any corrections. Once the form is updated, the IJ will have you sign the form under penalty of perjury. You will also be “sworn in” under the penalty of perjury. This is basically a promise to tell the truth, and if it is found that you are not telling the truth, there are potential immigration and criminal consequences. If there is an interpreter in your case, the interpreter will also be sworn in.

If you have brought any witnesses to court, they will typically be asked to wait outside, so they cannot hear your testimony. That way, their testimony can be compared to your testimony. If there are inconsistencies between your witness and you, it could cause the IJ to think you are not telling the truth. For this reason, it is important that the witnesses are prepared in advance, and that you and your witnesses are on the same page. Keep in mind that different people may have different memories of the same event, and even if they are both telling the truth, there is still a risk that the two accounts will not be consistent. For this reason, it is important to go over each person’s testimony prior to the court hearing.

Normally, the “respondent” (the alien who is the subject of the court proceeding) testifies first. This usually begins with your attorney asking questions (assuming again that you have an attorney). This is called the “direct examination,” and usually involves you telling your whole story. Once the testimony is done, the DHS attorney asks questions. This is called “cross examination.” During cross exam, the DHS attorney will often try to test your credibility. There are different ways to do this: Asking about prior inconsistencies in other applications (including any visa applications), at the Asylum Office, or during the credible fear interview; asking about testimony that seems implausible or inconsistent with country conditions; asking about documents or evidence that seems fraudulent. Hopefully, as you prepare your case, you will think about some possible avenues for cross examination and how you might respond. Afterwards, your attorney has an opportunity to ask some additional questions, based on what happened during cross examination. This is called “re-direct.” The IJ can interject with questions at any time.

During your testimony (and for your witnesses’ testimony), remember that if you do not understand a question, ask for clarification. Do not answer a question that you do not understand. If you do not know the answer to a question, or you do not remember the answer, just say that you don’t know or you don’t remember; don’t guess. If you need a moment to collect your thoughts, ask for that. If you need a break, ask for that too. If you have an interpreter and there is a problem with the interpretation, don’t be afraid to raise that issue as well (especially if you do not have a lawyer or your lawyer does not understand the language). Also, on cross exam, the DHS attorney often asks yes-or-no questions, and will sometimes insist on a yes-or-no answer (sometimes, the IJ will do this as well). If you cannot answer the question using a yes or no, try to explain that. If you feel that you have no choice but to answer yes or no, you should at least alert the IJ that you have more to say. On re-direct, you will have an opportunity to elaborate on your answer. Remember to always be polite and don’t lose your cool.

After your testimony is finished, it will be your witnesses’ turn. Sometimes, the IJ will accept a “proffer” of a witness’s testimony (assuming both your lawyer and DHS agree). This means that the IJ will accept the testimony as recounted in the witness’s letter (witnesses generally submit a statement in advance of trial), and that the witness will not actually need to testify. A proffer can be beneficial to your case (since it eliminates the possibility of inconsistent testimony), but it can also be a disadvantage (since the IJ will not hear the witness’s testimony, which would presumably support your asylum claim).

After all the testimony is done, most–but not all–IJs allow the lawyers to make closing arguments. This is an opportunity for the lawyers to explain why they think you should win (or, for the DHS lawyer, lose) your case. Some IJs prefer to have a discussion at the end of testimony, to see whether there is agreement about resolution of the case.

Finally, the IJ will either make an oral decision, reserve decision for later, or inform the parties about the next step (in some cases, the IJ needs more information from the parties before she can make a decision). In the majority of of cases, the IJ issues an oral decision that same day.

If you do not like the IJ’s decision, you can “reserve” appeal. If the DHS attorney does not like the IJ’s decision, DHS can reserve appeal. If you (or DHS) reserve appeal, you have 30 days to file the appeal using form EOIR-26. The IJ should give you the deadline for the appeal. If you or DHS appeal, the appeal will be resolved by the Board of Immigration Appeals. But that is a story for another day.

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  1. […] written before about what happens in Immigration Court, and it’s helpful to have an idea about how things will proceed. Here, we’ll focus more […]

  2. Dear Jazon,
    Thanks for all your support to asylum seekers community. Your work helps us a lot in such a painful and long process we go through.
    I applied in 2014 in Newark office, and got interviewed twice in 2016, and I was unfortunately referred to immigration court. my Master hearing was this November 2019 ( already 05 years without my wife and kids living in a very socially unstable African country), the Judge scheduled my individual hearing early 2023 ( so my the final decision will be taken in 03 yrs, for a total of 08 yrs, with no assurance to be approved).
    -Is there any hope the calendar changes so my individual hearing could happen earlier?
    – is there any possibility to expedite my case? if yes how?
    – can I apply to transfer my case? if yes where can be better?

    • Sometimes, cases do get moved by the court, but usually that makes them slower. You can ask to expedite the case – I wrote about that on April 20, 2017. As for transferring, this will probably make things slower, but the only way to do that is to move to a new jurisdiction. Take care, Jason

  3. Hi Jason,
    I had came to US on F1 visa and I went out of status a couple months later. I applied to Asylum and I won. Last week I applied for my GC, and I said “yes” with no explanation to one of the questions that asks about violating non-immigrant visa terms, as I am sure I did violate my visa terms. So, would violation of initial visa terms effect my GC process negatively?

    • It should not affect eligibility, but it would have been better to provide an explanation for your “yes”. If you have the receipt, you can write the explanation, and mail it to USCIS with a copy of your receipt (so they can match it to your file). Maybe that would help move the case along. The concern is not that you would be denied, but that the case might be delayed while USCIS tries to figure out what your visa violation was. Take care, Jason

  4. Dear Jason,

    My individual hearing is next year and I recently got a job at Maryland. If I move will they move my case to Maryland too and will my individual hearing still hold as earlier schedule?

    • If you move, you are required to file a change of address (form EOIR-33). That could cause your case to move, but not necessarily. It depends on the judge, the DHS attorney, and you. You can try to keep it where it is, but if the Judge wants to move it, there is a not much you can do to avoid that. In many cases, the judges will not move cases that have been pending for a while. Take care, Jason

  5. Hello Jason,
    one of my friend recently detained by immigration official and we are looking for lawyer to represent his case and to find a way to release him from detention until the end of his trial. could you please help us? we will cover all cost related to this case. he has not any criminal issue just overstay his visa.
    thanks in advance

    • If you want to arrange a consultation with our firm, please email Sinit at SHaile@DzubowLaw.com. If you are not close-by to Washington, DC, you might be better off with a local attorney, but if you are near us, maybe we can assist. Take care, Jason

  6. Hi , do my kids allow to play Dv lottery while i have a pending asylum case? . And suppose one of them wins ,is he going to allow the vis to Us?.

    • You have to check the instructions, but I think a person must be 21 to apply to the lottery (I am not sure about this, but I think so). If the child wins, talk to a lawyer to see whether they can actually get the GC. Since applying for the lottery is free, they can try, and if they win, they can talk to a lawyer to see whether they can actually get the GC. Take care, Jason

  7. Hello Jason!
    I wrote before, I have an individual hearing scheduled for next year with my previous spouse, no judge. I’m derivative. We didn’t divorce yet but we are separated. My question is, if we go through with the divorce early next year and I submit AOS or at least I-130 with my future spouse who’s a USC, how that will play out? How long the wait should be? As I know of, we should inform the court, is it before the hearing is scheduled? I mean we write a letter asking them to severe the case from the old asylum application and go forward with the AOS? How that works when there is no judge assigned? Will they give us a new date possibly years in advance or AOS cases are faster? I’m in a dilemma because I’ve been waiting 5 years now and now that my circumstances change there is a possibility for waiting another couple years… what do you think the best strategy would be? Is it somewhat easier to go forward with AOS or much harder?

    Also, do you take cases from NYC if we want to hire you? Is there a phone number you can be reached at?

    Your answer is appreciated!

    • There are too many variables to really know what option is best, but the most obvious path is to get divorced, re-marry the USC, and then start the GC process (I wrote about that process on August 2, 2018). That may not be best for you, depending on the situation. For example, if your soon-to-be-ex spouse and you are on good terms, and the spouse has a strong asylum case, you may be better off taking that path. On the other hand, if you are separated, you might need to be careful, as you do not want to be accused of fraud. I think your best bet is to consult with an attorney about the specifics of the case. I can potentially do that, but I am in DC, and your case is in NY, and so it may be more expensive for me to go up there for a case than if you find a local lawyer. Anyway, if you want to do a consult with me, you can email me at jdzubow@dzubowlaw.com. Take care, Jason

  8. Hi Jason

    Thanks for your incredible support
    I have a question my application for green card I-485 after transferred to another office and next day again transferred to lee’s summit Missouri which is National benefit Center from TSC after 6 months, why .? What does NBC doing , do you think I need interview for principal asylee , and when they send to local office , which office can make a decision on the case..? Any body else have the same issue or which kinds of case through this process.? Thanks a lot

    • I do not know, but normally, they do not interview the principal applicant when an asylee files for a GC. They can, but normally, they do not. As for the transfers, USCIS transfers cases around depending on their workload, so I would not read too much into that. Take care, Jason


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