In the immortal words of Adam Sandler, “It’s time to celebrate Hanukkah!” But what exactly is Hanukkah, and why is it relevant to us today?
About 22 hundred years ago, a Seleucid king occupied Jerusalem, looted the Temple, and outlawed Judaism. The Seleucids had inherited part of Alexander the Great’s empire, and they were culturally Greek or “Hellenized.” It seems the Seleucids were egged on by a group of assimilated Jews who opposed the more traditional Jews of Jerusalem. As a result of the Seleucid invasion and the sacking of their Temple, the Jewish population revolted, led by Judah Maccabee (a/k/a The Hammer) and his family. The Maccabees ultimately liberated Jerusalem and re-dedicated the Temple. But they found that there was only enough oil to light the eternal flame and keep it burning for one day. It would take eight days to get a new supply of oil. The miracle of Hanukkah is that one day of oil lasted for eight days.
Today, we celebrate Hanukkah by lighting a menorah (candelabra) that holds eight candles, plus an additional candle called the shamash, which is used to light the other eight. On the first night, we light one candle, and on each subsequent night of the holiday, we add another candle until the last night, when we light all eight candles plus the shamash. I suppose to keep up with our Christian neighbors, we also give presents on each night of the holiday (growing up, my presents were usually socks or underwear, but these days, standards have improved!). To remember the oil, we also eat food cooked with oil, primarily latkes (potato pancakes) and sufganiyot (donuts).

There are a few important rules about the Hanukkah candles. For one, they cannot be used for any purpose other than observing the holiday, so we cannot use them as lights for reading, for example. Also, the menorah is meant to be displayed publicly, and is often placed so that it is visible through a window (being careful not to set the curtains on fire, of course). Also, the miracle of Hanukkah is a funny sort-of thing. The Jewish people defeated the powerful Seleucid empire, cleaned up and restored the Temple, and found enough oil to light the flame for one night. The “miracle” that largely defines the holiday is that G-d kept that flame burning for seven extra nights. Of all the events in the Hanukkah story, keeping the flame lit for an extra week doesn’t seem like such a big deal.
Amidst the celebration of Hanukkah and the deluge of presents, we sometimes give short shrift to the story of our ancestors’ struggle for freedom, and certainly the basis of the holiday is not well known outside the Jewish community. But the lessons of Hanukkah are important, and are relevant to our time.
For one thing, there is the fight itself–a rag tag group of warriors defeated a powerful empire. Perhaps this is the less obvious miracle of Hanukkah, as the victory might not have been possible without divine intervention. But even if we attribute the Maccabees’ success to G-d, they still earned their win through tenacity and faith in Jewish values. It reminds me of the old adage from St. Augustine: Pray like everything depends on G-d; act like everything depends on you. The lesson for our own time (and all times) is clear–despite the powerful forces arrayed against us, we must continue to fight for Justice. That is what our ancestors did, and it requires hard work. It also requires faith: Faith in G-d or humanity, or simply faith that right will ultimately defeat might, as long as we stay true to our cause. Put more eloquently, by Rocky Balboa, the patron saint of Philadelphia–
It ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done!
There is also symbolism in the Hanukkah candles. They provide a light, which reminds us of the eternal flame and the miracle of the oil, of course. But what about the idea that the candle light cannot be used for other activities, like reading? To me, this represents a singularity of purpose. We have to keep our eyes on the prize, as it were. One criticism of the Left is that we tend to lack focus. Go to a rally for immigrant rights and you might see protest signs related to gun control, choice, and gay rights. I get the idea of intersectionality. But I think we need to be better about forming alliances to get things done, even if sometimes those alliances are with people we might otherwise find unpalatable (in typical Jewish fashion, I’ve also argued the other side of this point, but as they say, consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds).
Finally, there is the idea that the menorah should be displayed in a window. This one makes me nervous. I don’t really want passerby to know that I am Jewish. Maybe it’s because I grew up at a time when the Holocaust dominated our religious school curriculum, but the idea of advertising my religion to the whole neighborhood–which may include neo-Nazis for all I know–seems risky, even irresponsible. Here, though, I think the point is that we should not be afraid to state our values publicly. While there may be some risk in doing so, it is important to stand up for what we believe.
We live at a time when many of our leaders encourage us to hate people perceived as different; to hold “the other” in contempt. They want to divide us with lies and turn us away from the better angels of our nature. It’s easy and self-indulgent to hate, especially when we’ve been given permission to do so. Hanukkah reminds us to keep the light of goodness alive inside ourselves, and to show that light to the world. Living the message of Hanukkah is not easy, and it is not always safe. But it is important. And these days, it is a message we need more than ever.
Hi Jason,
Quick question , I have applied for asylum a month ago from Chicago but still did not get a receipt notice … I called to the uscis office , they say that they do not have me in their system. It has been a year yesterday since I entered the USA, I am worried that they might have not received it( but i checked the tracking number, it says “delivered”). What could be the problem ?
We have been seeing significant delays with initial receipts, and many rejections for trivial reasons – I wrote about that on November 20, 2019. So, given what is going on, I think your delay is normal. Hopefully, the receipt will arrive in the next 3 to 5 weeks. Take care, Jason
14 months no decision
Chicago asylum office
I am developing depressive symptoms
Help please
I have been waiting for a decision for 14 months now from Chicago asylum office. I never wrote them about it.My attorney keeps telling me that nothing can be done to speed it up. I think my life has been held for too long now and something need to be done about it.I am thinking about going in person to the office in Chicago and ask them about.But at the same time I am wondering if they will even be willing to listen to me. 14 months of stress,I started to develop some depressive symptoms.
I just need a decision.What is that kind of case which has to take so long time to reach a decision. Jason,can you please tell me what you know about this situation?
God bless you for helping us!
I wrote about post interview delay on October 20, 2015 – that post lists some types of cases that face extra delay. Most delay is caused by the security check. If you have a medical condition, like depression, you could provide evidence to the asylum office and ask to expedite the decision. You can email them or go in person. You can find their contact info and office hours if you follow the link at right called Asylum Office Locator. Also, you can try the USCIS Ombudsman (a link is at right). They can sometimes help with a delayed case. If all else fails, you can try a mandamus lawsuit – we wrote about that on October 2, 2018. Take care, Jason
Hi Jason
Happy Holidays !
Have you had success in humanitarian parole cases where a person with pending asylum can bring his spouse on humanitarian basis ? And how long does it take for USCIS to decide ? And have you had any success in the aforementioned with the current administration ?
I am not Jason but I am sharing my personal experience with you. 3 years ago, I brought my wife and 2 kids on a humanitarian reason. It took 4 months to be approved. Hope this proves helpful
Thank you for your feedback, and I hope your asylum case is resolved very soon. Is there anyways I can contact you personally to ask about the humanitarian parole and your success in that ? it it is ok, then I will ask Jason for your email and he can probably provide that after your consent.
Again, I appreciate your input, and hope I can contact you soon
Sure, if you gave me your email, I would email you and give you my phone number
HI Desarate
Thanks again for offering to share your experience with me with respect to the humanitarian parole. My email is: allawidds(at) I’ll await your email. I also
Thanks a lot
Thank you. With the coronavirus outbreak, I don’t know how much longer I have got to wait. I cannot give my email address here. However, we can both get in touch through Jasonor you can just leave any contact if possible
Hi Desperate, what did you give as the reason you want them to join you while waiting for your case? Asking because I have been looking into this but my lawyer is discouraging it saying it won’t work despite having a toddler here with multiple medical examinations from birth. I am truly desperate and I can use some words of advice from you on this. Thank you
One of my children had been very sick and needed advanced surgery. So, I applied for an advanced parole and my wife and 2 kids got paroled to the US
One of my kids needed an emergent surgery . so, I applied for a humanitarian parole that took about 3 months to be approved. Yet, I gave them billions of reasons why I needed my wife and other children to come along with the one that needed surgery . I personally think you should give it a try because, at times, lawyers tend to discourage us
Hi , I have a pending case from 2016, can please tel me how did bring your family here . M so desperate to get them here .pleas tel me
I have not done such a case, but typically, the person first tries to get a B visa (or other visa) and if that is denied, they try for humanitarian parole. It is normally for medical treatment, but it can be used for other reasons. I have heard about people using to being family to the US, but not lately, and I think it would be very difficult. You might look around for a lawyer who has tried it to get some better advice. Take care, Jason
Hi Jason,
I have a question regarding I-94. As you may know, whenever a person is legally entering the USA, he or she gets an I-94 with his nonimmigrant visa (e.g., B1/B2, F1/F2, J1/J2 etc.). However, when this person applies for asylum and the asylum get approved, the USCIS send him asylum grant letter with an I-94.
What is the difference between the initial I-94 and the I-94 send by the USCIS?
Merry Christmas everyone (:
I’m little confused about a section of the i-765 from. I’m renewing my work permit under c8 category. The form asked about last arrival to the states and the passport number of the most recently issued passport. I used a different passport number when I entered the states and now it’s expired. I have another valid passport thay I never used to enter the US. Should I put the number of the expired passport that I used to reenter the states or the valid one I never used?
Thank you (:
I forget the exact question, but you can probably put your new passport number and include a copy of the new and old passports, so that USCIS has all the info it needs. Take care, Jason
I filled for work authorization and I didn’t wrote anything on passport section and successfully renewed my and my wife’s work authorizations.
There is no real difference – the asylee I-94 just indicates that the person is legally in the US based on asylum granted; the other I-94 forms indicate that the holder is in the US based on whatever status they have (B, F, etc.). Take care, Jason
Compliment of the season to everyone on Asylumist and to our amiable leader JASON
Thank you – Happy Holidays, Jason
Happy Holidays!
Thank you – To you as well, Jason
Hi Jason marry x mass and happy new year
Here is my situation i asked asylum 5 years ago and still pending waiting for the interview meanwhile while I am here my wife and my daughter was in danger, ( my daughter is 6 years old and she is a US citizen) and since the separation and everything was affected us i told them to come here and join me my wife got B2 visa renewal and she is here. since my wife is dependent on my case I sent a letter and all the required document to ADD her on my case ( her name is on the file but i will like notify them and Then after to ask EAD and everything. After submitting the paper i received a very shocking reply which states( “the USCIS unable to accept the application for the reason below the government records indicate that the decision has already been made”) i was very shocked and it is not clear i go online and checked my status but it shows that my asylum is still pending. its very strange please help me i am so confused. Thanks
My guess is that it is a mistake – you should email the asylum office after the holiday, tell them what happened, and ask them for clarification. You can find their email address if you follow the link at right called Asylum Office Locator. Take care, Jason
Thanks Jason i will do that . Happy holiday
Dear Jason
I wish everyone a happy xmas and coming new year hope all of us get a good news this coming year
I have a question its been close to five month since my interview at Arlington but not decision i inquired it myself n Congressmen i get one msg that “ this application is pending a finale decision “
What should i do is it common for a male from Afghanistan this much delay?
Do you think they will sent me approval after all delays!! Im wondering i have waited fours just for my interview and over month still waiting for a decision isn’t it funny!
You think they are waiting for my background?
I have alot of friends and family im Europe , Australia or Pakistan and canada i do talk with them all these year?
Do you think this delay is because US want to check all my friends background as well and whoever im talking too!!!
Based on your experience
Please reply on each above concern
And year please sent me the ombudsman links as well can i call them or i should visit them in person
Please as usual i need your guide
It is common for there to be delays after the interview for Afghan men. It is usually the security background check, and the wait time is not so predictable. I do not know that calling your family members in other countries makes any difference, but I am not sure. You can try the USCIS Ombudsman – a link is at right. Also, if all else fails, you can try a mandamus lawsuit – we wrote about that on October 2, 2018, but for now, given that such delays are common, you might do well to try the Ombudsman and wait a bit longer. Whether the delay is a good or bad sign for the decision, I do not know. I do not think you can guess the outcome based on the length of delay. Take care, Jason
Dear Jason
I dont have a lawyer and based on some commentor its so expensive
Like i did my asylum without a lawyer
Is there any instruction for Mandumas my self so that i can do that my self without help of a lawyer is it possible
Thank you
I do not know – maybe if you Google around you will find something, but I have not seen an instruction sheet for non-lawyer. I do not think it is all that difficult, so it might be worth a try. Take care, Jason
Hay Elop, I am waiting for a decision for the last 2 years after my interview in Arlington. I have made info pass my self that was later canceled by USCIS telling me that they have not reached the decision, I have contacted the ombudsman, congressman and waiting for their reply.
I tried to file mandamus but it is very expensive, normally a lawyer will ask about $5000/- so I am not filing it for financial reasons, but anyways, it would be better if you keep asking them and sending info pass frequently. Or if you can spend money go for mandamus.
Hey seeker
Thank you
R u from Afghanistan as well?
Pakistan brother.
You may look for other lawyers, as you may find a lower price for mandamus (maybe in the $2000 range). Take care, Jason
Thanks, Jason, I will try to find someone under this range, hopefully my current lawyer should not get offended if I find someone else for mandamus only.
Hello jason and happy holidays
I have one question I want to apply for a refugee travel document (renew) do I have to sent the expired one with the application ?
Thank you
If the RTD is still valid, you need to send the original RTD. But if the RTD is expired, you can just send a copy of the expired RTD (double check this – this has been the rule, but sometimes, things change and it does not hurt to double check). Take care, Jason
Hi Jason,
Happy Holidays and thanks for all your supports.
I recently got my EAD and to my greatest surprise, i could not find work with it because all the recruiters are looking for citizens or green card holders.
Is there something i need to do or not getting right?
Its frustrating.
Thanks for being there for all of us.
Some jobs do require citizenship or maybe permanent residency, but with an EAD, you can work anywhere that will hire you. It may be that jobs in your field require citizenship, but there are many jobs that you should be eligible for with the EAD. Take care, Jason
hay Waka, I am working with EAD since last about 6 years. You will obviously not get recruited in the US Army or Department of Homeland Security, or FBI but most of the employers, especially private will take you in. In my case, some of them did not even ask about my immigration status, they just verified my EAD. My recent employer asked me about my status and took me in after hearing about my story, and I am here since last about 2.5 years. As per law, an employer cannot discriminate you based on your status if the requirement of the job does not specifically mention US Nationals. Try hard, you will get there. In my opinion, try to get employment at a lower level of your job expertise, they will promote you once they will know about your abilities.
Happy Holidays to all the Asylumist community
Hi Jason,
Happy Hannukah,
Thank you first for you dedicated time and efforts to those in need.
I have a pending political asylum application since 2016 with my wife and children.
I want to submit another form I-589 for my wife as main application who is a dependent in my initial application because we have found another reason (FGM) to qualify for asylum. do you a reference or law that explain that my wife can qualify to apply for another application. Something that’s state her eligibility. Thank you so much
She can submit an I-589. However, the procedure to submit is different than for a first application – basically, she files at the local office. Check the I-589 instructions about that. She should be able to present her own claim, but in terms of the backlog and getting a fast interview, a second application should not make any difference. Take care, Jason
Thank you for your response Jason. if you can clarify these two question for me.
1-going for another I-589 application will remove my wife as dependent from my first application or we can both figure in both application as each other dependent.
2-based on the new law restricting any one that apply after the one year deadline loss is eligibility for a work permit, will my spouse loss her current work permit if we happen to submit another application.
Thank you so much
1 – She will still be a dependent on your case. 2 – I do not know, and this is a good point. Probably, she can just keep re-applying based on her status as your dependent. Maybe that is the best bet. Take care, Jason
Hi Dear Jason,
I got my greencard today and I found out they forget to back date one year of the card date, I called them and they told me I have to fill I 90 form for request of changing that date and send back the original green card to them and it took to renew it with new date a year later , I looked online and found out that I can keep it and after 4 years I can send my citizenship request and explain about that mistake and they accept it . Is it true ? What do you think What should Now?
I do not know which approach is better. The easiest thing to do is just wait the full 5 years before applying for citizenship, but if you want to get citizenship after 4 years, you are probably better off trying to fix the problem now. The issue is that it may not be easy to fix. It is USCIS error, so you should not have to pay, but it is frustrating to have to return the original card and not knowing how long it will take to get the correction. Maybe you could call them again and try to get an Info Pass appointment. Then you can go to the USCIS office, and ask them to stamp your passport, so you will have proof that you are a lawful permanent resident during the time that you are waiting for the new GC. Take care, Jason
Hello FR
I will be thankful if you can share your GC Application experience, when did you apply? Office ?
Could you please share your timeline, how long your green card takes and in which services.?
Thanks you
Dear Jasón , USPS lost my final decision that was coming in the mail , and they won’t respond and try to find that envelope . What should I do ??
Dear Jasón , USPS lost my final decision that was coming in the mail , and they won’t respond and try to find that envelope . What should I do ??
Maybe contact the asylum office directly or go there to inquire – you can find their contact info if you follow the link at right called Asylum Office Locator. Take care, Jason
Hello Dear Jason
First of all thank you for all of your help, I have question , when somebody get his green card from asylum after his country situation change when he has greencard , could he keep that or apply for citizenship after or the government take greencard and send him back home? Or could he eligible to apply for citizenship?
If country conditions change and become safe while you are still an asylee, you could lose your status. However, once you get your GC, you are safe, and should keep your status even if conditions in the home country become safe. Also, there should be no issue becoming a US citizen. Take care, Jason
Happy Hanukkah to you and yours, Jason.
Thank you – Happy Holidays! Jason
Happy Hanukkah to you and your family, Jason! Great post and also a good reminder to rewatch the Adam Sandler song. Never gets old!
I think that song is now 25 years old, but it is still relevant. Happy Holidays, Jason
Hi Jason,
Season’s greeting.
I have filled for an asylum at the begging of 2018 (my wife is the main applicant).
Mid-August 2018 I applied for Advance Parole(AP) to go to a country where I was studying (not country of my origin) just for a one day exam to complete my terminal degree. Then, they requested for additional evidence and I sent it which was received 15 Jan 2019. Since then, it says USCIS is working on it. Additionally, since it has passed the average processing time for that center, I made an inquiry. USCIS, replied that they are still working on the case.
Due to this delay my University rescheduled the first exam and since, I dont know when I may get the travel document, I dont really know what I might tell my University. And I am a bit lost as to what I might do next.
Would you please give me some direction?
Sorry for your experience. But sadly it doesn’t appear there is a whole lot you can do.
It is very frustrating that they are doing this – there is probably no good reason for the delay. I suppose you can call them again (800-375-5283). You can also try the USCIS Ombudsman – a link is at right. They sometimes help with a slow case, but they are not super-fast either. Finally, it may be possible to file a mandamus lawsuit – you can talk to a lawyer about that. But I would try the Ombudsman first. Take care, Jason
Dear lale i feel u
Unfortunately USA immigration doesnt have a feeling- it looks like machine handle our case not human being –
I lost alot of stuff because of this painful process – no country have such a process
Hi Jason, et al.,
Thank you all for your feedback. It is comforting to hear those positive words and get directions as to what I should do next.
I will do accordingly and update you the progress.
Thanks a lot once again!
Dear Jasón , what kind of documents should asylum office give or mail after approving asylum ? Thank you
I did a post about this on June 29, 2018, but they should send you an approval letter, an I-94, and after that, a new work permit. Take care, Jason
Thank you Jason for everything you do. I would like to share my timelines
Applied April 2015 in Houston Texas, interviewed in January 2019, approved in April 2019. I have a question Jason, How long it takes for the family petition to gi through ? And also on April 2020 it will be one year since I was granted. Should I apply for permanent residence or I should wait for my family to get approved for coming here
Thank you Jason
Many congratulations on your case approval. Could you please tell us if you did to expedite our case or shortlist your case?. I apply in October 2015 in Houston but still waiting for my interview. God knows when will I get interview… Please guide.
Thank you.
The I-730 forms are taking over 15 months + the processing time at the embassy (usually only a few months). I plan to post something about this process in the next week or so, so maybe check back. If you apply for permanent residence, it has no effect on the I-730 petitions (however, if you become a US citizen while your family members still have asylum status, they will lose their asylum status – there is no problem if they have GCs and you become a citizen). Take care, Jason
Hi Jason
Processing time for Refugee/Asylee Relative Petition (I-730) at Nebraska Service Center
9.5 Months to 12 Months
Processing time at Texas
17.5 Months to 22.5 Months
Do you think at Nebraska it takes Over 15 months ?
Or the processing time at Nebraska is correct ?!
I sent my i-730 form 10 months ago
Thank you
Processing times are more-or-less correct, at least in my experience, and so maybe Nebraska is less than 12 months, as they say, but we see such variability in wait times that it is difficult to guess how long any particular case will take. If you sent it 10 months ago, hopefully, you will receive an answer soon. Take care, Jason
hi Jason sir
and also I wanna know
what a whole process in the USA for the i730 petition. we both in the USA already got a receipt number 10 days ago. I checked online but didn’t get an answer that’s the reason I wanna know from you
I will be posting something, but here is a link to a new manual that might help:
Take care, Jason
hello Jason
please, please do a post about i730 petition for relative
thanks so much
I’m working on it. Maybe check back by next week…
Hi Jason
Happy holidays ! We again thank you for being kind and generous enough to answer numerous asylum-related issues in this blog for no charge. Thank you.
Does a judge have the authority to terminate removal proceedings (based on asylum) and let something get a student visa instead if in a program while asylum is pending ? If an immigration judge does not have the authority, can we ask a federal judge to exercise such discretion ?
If the person can get a valid status, the judge can terminate the case. So for example, if the person can be re-instated into F-1 status, I guess the judge can terminate. I do not think this would be easy, and I am not even sure it would be possible, but you can try. Normally, to get back into student status, you would need to leave the US and get a new visa, which may or may not be possible – talk to a lawyer about that. Take care, Jason
Hello Jason! I hope you are doing well. I talked to my lawyer and he told me that there is another option instead of expedite. He will talk to the other attorneys or put a listing for an exchange the court date in NY and ask them if there is sooner court date so he would exchange our court date which is Oct. 2021 with people who has sooner court date. Can you tell me if you have any client that has a court date in 2020 and would like to get a date for later time? Thank you.
Maybe that can work, but I imagine it depends on the judge. I do not have any cases in NY. Take care, Jason
Hi Jason,
Thanks for your efforts to help us out.
I want to send my I-485 form, I got my asylum , thru my religion
I have question ,
I’m going church in this country
What should I answer to this question
Part 8 : Have you EVER been a member of, involved in, or in any way associated with any organization, association, fund, foundation, party, club, society, or similar group in the United States or in any other location in the world including any military service?
I’m a member of a church
And I’m going to two more other church
I have to answer yes ?!!
If you are a member of a church, you should indicate that and list the church (or churches, if you are a member of more than one). Most important, make sure that your memberships on the I-485 are consistent with the memberships on the asylum form, I-589. I did a post about this issue on November 13, 2017. Take care, Jason
Happy holidays to you Jason, and to everyone reading this.
Happy Holidays, Jason
Hi Jason,
The administration is sending Mexican and central american asylum seeker to Guatmala. This new rule only apply for people in southern border or all asylum applicants regardless of their entering to US?
It only applies to certain people entering from the Southern border, and so far, it has been very limited. Nonetheless, it is concerning, as they are being sent to somewhere that is not safe. Take care, Jason
Hi Jason!! I have a quick question. I’am the one who received two mails at the same time last month. The first was my interview schedule and the second mail was the cancellation of the interview saying that I will be reschedule. Now when I check my status it says that they are rescheduling my interview. Do you think it takes time to be reschedule? Chicago asylum Office
Do you mind share when did you applied for asylum ? I just want to know the time long so that might help to have an idea of how long does it takes Chicago office to schedule an interview.
I applied in November 2016
The holidays may delay things, but normally, they reschedule in a few weeks or maybe a month or two maximum. If not, you should reach out to them. Take care, Jason
Happy Hanukah Jason!
It is a very nice article and very informative about the history of this celebration. Every religion celebrates its religious days because of some reason or miracle. All those reasons are based on good deeds. It may be for humanity or for the Almighty. We must respect each other, that is what the message is.
I agree – every religion properly followed should result in people doing good. Maybe in 2020 we will move in that direction. Happy Holidays, Jason
Happy Hanukkah!!! Wish you the best for new year !!!
Thank you – Happy Holidays to you too, Jason
Hi Jason,
Thanks for your efforts to help us out.
I had had my asylum interview in Chicago Office 1 year ago. When I had called the office around 2 months ago, they had told me that they were prioritizing the applications from 2019 and one day later another friend of mine who had his interview in January 2019 got his approval.
Looking at other offices mostly Newark and San Francisco, they send approvals in 2 weeks while I have been waiting for more than a year so far. What do you think I should do? Should I go to the office and ask in person or maybe should I hire a lawyer? I don`t really know what to do but wait.
It is probably less to do with the office and more to do with the background check, but you never know. You can go in person or inquire by email. You can find their contact info if you follow the link at right called Asylum Office Locator. Also, I did a post on November 6, 2019 that has some ideas for delayed decision (in the bottom part of that posting). Take care, Jason
Well said Jason. Thank you for putting things into perspective for me.
Happy Hanukkah.
Thank you – to you as well, Jason
Dear jason , I received recommended approval one month ago, does this mean a good thing? they said I would receive my final within a month but have not receivced anything, is this normal, did i get sent to headquartrs? how long do background checks take , i Am worried as to if this is normal, I WONDER IF YOU HAVE ASEEN a pattern if this type of deciision, thnak you mister.!
Did they send you the approval via email ? or they to told you to get it with in 15 days ? if you don’t mind which office you get grant approval?
It is good news. It means you qualify for asylum, but the background checks are not yet complete. Usually it takes weeks or a few months, but it could take longer. There is nothing much you can do. I suppose you can make an inquiry, but I would wait at least another month (especially given the holidays). Hopefully, you will get the final approval soon. Take care, Jason
This writing gave me goose bumps!
Very thoughtful and wise! There should be more people like you around and especially more people like you leading the world.
Wish you a great Hannukah !
Thank you – Happy Holidays, Jason
Thank you, Jason, for your ALWAYS wise, thoughtful and timely articles! Wishing a Happy Hanukkah and a Hopeful year of 2020 ahead.
To you as well. Thank you, Jason
Hi Jason!
My friend applied for adjustment of status in 2017 from asylee to green card. He went to interview in the beginning of 2019. Yesterday he received a denial letter stating that he filed form I-485 based on being “the beneficiary of an immigrant petition” which is really confusing me. And UScis sent a letter in July 2019 requested him to provide additional regarding eligibility for adjustment of of status, but he did not respond to the request which he has never got that in mail yet. Uscis stated that he may not appeal this decision. However if he believes that the denial is in error, he may file a motion to reopen or reconsider using form I-290B. Finally my friend never go school and he doesn’t even know how to read and the person who filed the application did not give him any copy so we can know what is in it. Can please advise of what we can do to help him out. Thanks!
I would probably not file the I-290B, at least not without talking to a lawyer first – it is expensive and normally does not work. In most cases, it makes more sense to file the I-485 again. However, it depends on the case. You should have a lawyer review the whole file to see what went wrong and determine how to proceed from here. Also, if the I-290B is the correct approach, there is a very limited time to file it, so you would need to talk to a lawyer as soon as possible. Take care, Jason