Comments on: What You Can Do While Courts Are Closed: Get a Copy of Your File Asylum and Its Discontents in the United States Fri, 05 Mar 2021 20:47:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jason Dzubow Fri, 05 Mar 2021 20:47:07 +0000 In reply to Jackob.

I think the online updates are very general and not particularly reliable. I know USCIS was working on their online platform over the last couple years, and hopefully, they will keep working on it. Take care, Jason

By: Jackob Fri, 05 Mar 2021 12:38:55 +0000 Hi Jason,

I have a question regarding USCIS online case status:

FOIA sequesters are always updated on the online status check by USCIS.
Your request is currently number 35437 of 40850 pending requests in track 2?”

Why the online case status not always updated by USCIS who filed form I-130? The case still continues to process even when the online status never updates.

Thank you.

By: Jason Dzubow Wed, 05 Aug 2020 01:01:21 +0000 In reply to Henry.

I think it will, but I am not sure. You can file FOIAs for each person – there is no harm in that, but it may be redundant. Or if you are not in a rush, wait to see what you get, and then if you need to file additional FOIAs, you can do that. Take care, Jason

By: Jason Dzubow Wed, 05 Aug 2020 00:50:14 +0000 In reply to Henry.

Unfortunately, I do not know about that, as I have never litigated a FOIA denial. Some attorneys specialize in that, and you might want to contact them (maybe Dave Cleveland, who wrote the above article can assist). Take care, Jason

By: Henry Tue, 04 Aug 2020 22:13:19 +0000 If a principal applicant submitted application and included all his dependents, when request FOIA for the principal applicant, would it include all his dependents’ A file? For example, does it include all dependents’ passports, I-589 submitted to USICS before, etc.?

By: Henry Tue, 04 Aug 2020 19:57:17 +0000 I got partially denied for FOIA, and they withheld around 50 pages in full. The reasons are those pages contain no reasonably segregable portions of non-exempt information pursuant to 5 U.S.C. § 552 (b)(3), (b)(6), (b)(7)(c), and (b)(7)(e) of the FOIA. For example, (b)(6) allows the government to withhold all information would constitute invasion of personal privacy, drivers’ licenses, or information belonging to a third party, etc. At the time, I was given 90 days to file an appeal. Please help me to evaluate if it is possible to appeal successfully? How can I successfully do that? Any suggestions would be really appreciated.

By: Jason Dzubow Tue, 02 Jun 2020 19:41:41 +0000 In reply to abdulhakim.

I have never tracked a FOIA request, but when you send the request, the should send you a paper document with a pin number on it. This allows you to create an account, make your request and track it (you might also be able to do that here What I do not know is whether non-lawyers can do this. I assume so, but I have not looked at it closely. Take care, Jason

By: Jason Dzubow Tue, 02 Jun 2020 19:38:45 +0000 In reply to Abdulhakim.

I have never tracked a FOIA request, but when you send the request, the should send you a paper document with a pin number on it. This allows you to create an account, make your request and track it (you might also be able to do that here What I do not know is whether non-lawyers can do this. I assume so, but I have not looked at it closely. Take care, Jason

By: abdulhakim Mon, 01 Jun 2020 14:50:04 +0000 Hi Jason,

I have a question for you. I sent FOIA Request Appeal to FOIA Public Liaisons. May i know if they have a tracking number to check the status of my request?

Thank you!

By: Abdulhakim Mon, 01 Jun 2020 11:07:14 +0000 Hi Jason,

I have a question for you. I sent FOIA Request Appeal to FOIA Public Liaisons through an email, may i know if they have a tracking to check the status of my request?

Thank you for your continued assistance!
