Last time, we talked about contacting the Asylum Office to expedite a case that had not yet been interviewed. Here, we’ll discuss what to do when your case has been interviewed, but the decision is delayed.
One common question in this situation is, What do we mean by a “delayed” decision? How long should an applicant wait after the interview for a result? As usual, there is no clear answer to this question. Of course, there is an average wait time, which is theoretically knowable. But since the Asylum Offices have not been releasing much data lately (since 2019), we do not know how long applicants normally wait for a decision after the interview.

Even if we knew the average, however, I doubt it would be helpful to anyone. That’s because there is a very wide range of wait times, depending on the case. Some people wait only a few days for their decision; others wait many months or years. At least in my experience, there is usually no way to look at a case and predict the wait time in advance. I remember one case I did where the applicant worked for the U.S. embassy in his country, and so would (presumably) be well known to the U.S. government. He waited many months for his decision. In another case from the same country, the applicant came to the United States on a student visa, but was otherwise unknown to the U.S. government. That case took only a few days for a decision. Why this would be, I have no idea, but it illustrates how unpredictable (and often counter-intuitive) wait times can be.
Normally at the asylum interview, I try to ask the Officer whether they have any idea about how long we will wait for the decision. I ask this question not because I think we will get an answer–the Officers almost always indicate that they do not know (this is because they do not control the entire process and have to wait for security background checks and supervisor approval). Rather, I ask so the applicant can hear for herself what the Officer has to say.
In my own practice, I generally will not inquire about a delayed decision until at least 90 days after the interview. But there are no rules about this, and you can start inquiring the same day if you so choose (though you should try not to annoy the Asylum Office too much; after all, you want them to issue a good decision!).
Below are three examples of inquiries about the decision. They each represent slightly different circumstances, and so I have included all three here. Note that the subject line of each email contains what we want (an expedited decision) and the asylum seeker’s name, Alien number, date of birth, and country–
Example 1: Health Issue
Subject: Request to Expedite Decision – Gippy GLYNSKI, A 314-159-926, DOB 10/31/1950, Nigeria
Dear ZAR –
I am the attorney of record in the above-listed case. Applicant was interviewed on November 18, 2021, but we have had no news since that time. Applicant’s health is being adversely affected by the stress of the wait. He previously suffered a heart attack, and his doctor believes that resolution of this matter would reduce his stress level and improve his health (see attached letter). We respectfully request a decision as soon as possible.
Thank you, Jason
Example 2: Expedited Interview
Subject: Request to Expedite Decision – Stan SHMENGE, A 173-205-080, DOB 12/07/1941, Serbia
Dear ZAR –
I am the attorney of record for the above-listed case, which your office had graciously agreed to expedite (see attached). The interview was held on September 22, 2021, but since that time we have had no news. Can you please let us know whether there are any updates for this case?
Thank you, Jason
Example 3: Multiple Requests for a Decision
Subject: Request to Expedite Decision – Linsk MINYK, A 141-421-356, DOB 04/18/1953, Indonesia
Dear ZAR –
I am the attorney of record for the above-listed case. The interview was held on April 5, 2021, but since that time we have had no news. We last inquired on September 10, 2021 and January 4, 2022. The wait has been a hardship for Applicant. Can you please let us know whether there are any updates for this case?
Thank you, Jason
The most common responses to Inquires such as these are (1) no response or (2) a standard (boilerplate) response indicating that the Asylum Office is working on the case. It is rare to get a substantive response and even more rare for an inquiry to result in a more rapid decision. Indeed, my general feeling is that inquires are basically useless. Then why do them? There are a few reasons.
First, maybe they will actually do some good. While I think this is highly unlikely, you never know, and certainly, inquiries do no harm.
Second, if you plan on seeking help from the USCIS Ombudsman (an office that sometimes assists with delayed cases – I wrote more about that here), an inquiry to the Asylum Office is a prerequisite. In other words, you have to show that you tried to resolve your case in a “normal” way before the Ombudsman will assist you. The same is sometimes true if you intend to seek help from your Congress person or Senator. Also, if you plan to file a mandamus lawsuit (which we wrote about here), you need to demonstrate that you “exhausted your remedies” (i.e., tried to resolve the problem directly with the agency) before you file suit. So basically, inquiries represent a first step before you try more aggressive approaches.
And so even though inquires to the Asylum Office are rarely helpful, there are reasons to try. Maybe, just maybe, such inquiries will help get a decision more quickly. If nothing else, they will give you something to do while you wait…
Hello Jason,
It’s a great joy having found the website you has been building for Asylumist.
You act like a Pro Bono, may God bless you.
I am trying to write a appropriate expedite a almost 2-year delayed decision, do you think it’s a good idea to include something like “I, as a Field Service Engineer, can’t seek a job involving international travel that is a basic requirement for the role.”
Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas! To be honest, I do not know that it will make any difference what you write – if you make the inquiry, it will hopefully at least cause them to look at the file. That said, if you have a compelling reason to get the decision, that information could help. Maybe if you have lost job opportunities because you could not travel, that is a compelling reason (I wrote about expediting in general on January 29, 2020, and that posts lists the issues that USCIS considers a valid basis to expedite). If you have any evidence of these issues, such as rejection letters from potential employers, you can include those as evidence. Take care, Jason
Which Asylum office bro? I have the same issue. Arlington VA.
hello my interview was on June 6th and at 3 pm my ststut indicated decision is pending and on June 7th it has changed for application is pending until now what would that mean that I have not been granted?
I think it has no real meaning. I think the system indicates that a decision is mailed once that happens, but otherwise, those message do not tell you anything that you don’t already know. Take care, Jason
hello jason I also included my husband in my box in my interview but he just received a program notice for his interview is that normal his box was from 2015 and he had never had an interview
I am not sure I understand what you mean, but if your husband is a dependent on your case, it is normal to only ask him the questions thar bar him from obtaining asylum if he says “yes” – questions like: Are you a terrorist? Are you a criminal? Maybe they need to ask him more about these issues? Or if he did not attend your interview, they just need to ask him these questions. If he has his own case, maybe it is an interview for that. Take care, Jason
yes he is independent in my case and included we asked him all these questions during my interview and now we are giving him an interview too
He should review the whole case and be prepared to discuss everything. Also, if he has notes from the prior interview, he should review those as well. Take care, Jason
Hi me too in the same situation..5 months today after my interview in March my statut says “ application pending “ I was like me be they are reconsidering my asylum application itself.. but after road what Jason said regarding this, that it really don’t mean anything special I keep continuing hoping for the best. Let’s just wait and be positive. Take care and you too Jason take care.
I had 2 interviews in 2017 for my asylum case. I was a minor when I introduced my case. Up until now , the decision was pending , but suddenly, I am being called for a third interview now. Why is that? I told them everything from the 2 interviews. Also, government changed in my home country since my interview, could this be the reason they are calling me again? I just recently got married to a USA citizen and we have a child, will this affect my case? Do they have to come with me at the interview?
The government change may be something you need to discuss. If you are still in danger, you should get evidence about that – maybe there are recent human rights or news articles that are relevant to why you still face harm in your country. Take care, Jason
I was interviewed twice in 2017 for my asylum case. The decision was pending up until Now in 2022. However, I’m receiving a notice for a 3rd interview, why am I being interviewed again? I already told them everything. What could be the reason that I am being called again?
I just recently got married to a USA citizen and we just had a baby. Will this affect my case?
What will happen at the third interview? Am going to be interrogated like at my first? It’s been 5 years now
I do not know why they are interviewing you again, but you should prepare as if this is a first interview. Also, if you have any notes about prior interviews, you should review those. If you have new evidence or country condition info, you should submit that prior to the interview (or at the interview if you cannot submit it beforehand). You may also want to check whether you are eligible for a GC based on your marriage – I did a post discussing that point on August 6, 2018, but you can talk to a lawyer about the specifics to see whether you might be eligible. Normally, the fact that you have a US citizen child would not affect your case, but it depends on the case (for example, if someone back home would harm you because you have a US citizen child, maybe that is an additional reason you need asylum). Take care, Jason
I did my asylum interview on 01/24/22 in San Fransisco until now I did not get the result.
I applied for work authorization and they received it on 04/13/22. I supposed to get it after one month as it is initial work authorization.
I call them and make expedite because I am an ASAP member and I have job offer from hospital and laboratories . I am a medical laboratory technologist and I have the American board of Histopathology but unfortunately the expedite denied . Can you please help or advise me.
I did a post about expediting with USCIS on January 29, 2020 – maybe that would give you some ideas. Sometimes, if you have a letter from the (potential) employer, that can help with expediting. Also, normally, the first EAD is pretty fast and so hopefully you will get it soon, even if you cannot expedite. Take care, Jason
Hi Jason,
Could you please help me suggest my case?
On 8th of December 2021, I finished the asylum interview at Arlington office. After 6 months from the asylum application, my husband applied for EAD under c8 category. Then he got a denial letter saying that he was not eligible under c8 category because our asylum case was approved on 14th of December 2021. So we did an inquiry to the Arlington office and our attorney did the same. We have waited more than 5 months to get the approval letter.
We are thinking to go directly to Asylum office to make an inquiry. Is it a good solution?
Thanks much!
I do not think it will make much difference, but maybe. Supposedly, you can go there on Wednesday mornings for inquiries (though the rules on this are constantly changing, so that may no longer be up to date). Maybe you also want to try a Freedom of Information Act request to see whether you can get a copy of the file, but hopefully, inquiring again by email or in-person will help, as a FOIA takes months (there is a link under Resources called FOIA USCIS that may help). Take care, Jason
Hey Jason!
Thank you for your advice. I did my interview October 2017, but since I didn’t get a decision. I tried to contact congress, and USCIS keep saying that they will conduct a follow up interview and it’s been 2 years we get the same response. I was wondering if I can go to Ombudsman or what else I can do?
Try interviewing the asylum office directly, as discussed in the above article. You can also try the USCIS Ombudsman (a link is under Resources). I think they are unlikely to help, but it is free and easy, so there is no harm in trying. If nothing else works, you can try a mandamus lawsuit – we wrote about that on October 2, 2018. Take care, Jason
Hi Jason,
Thank you for your continuous efforts. My interview was back in 2017 until today my decision is pending (my husband has an asylum case too and officer made me sign a document after interview that my decision will be available once my husband’s interview is complete). My husband’s case has zero progress seems like the asylum office is treating it differently no receipt yet since 2015 when he applied ( there was a ransom issue in his case so maybe that’s the reason like you mentioned above?) . My question is can we file mandamus lawsuit? What happens if we lose?
If he does not have a receipt, that means his case may never have been received, but I think that is not what you mean. For your case, you may want to file a mandamus, since you were already interviewed years ago. If you lose the case, you would be referred to court unless you have some other status to remain in the US. Take care, Jason
Thank you for your quick reply! Yes my husband never received receipt but when I had my interview the officer asked me to sign a paper that said I won’t get a decision until my husband does his interview ( so I assume they received the case?). Our lawyer has been saying that my husband’s case is being handled differently for some reason. If we go with the mandamus and lose in court what will happen? We have a TPS as well? I haven’t seen my parents/ siblings in 7 years and I’m really depressed about that 🙁
Also what if we drop my husband’s case and keep mine only is there a chance they’ll give us a decision or is that not a good idea
Thank you!
It is strange to me that he does not have a receipt. Maybe email the asylum office directly to be sure the case is pending – you can find their email if you follow the link under Resources called Asylum Office Locator. Also, you can try to expedite his case on the basis that it is holding up your case. I wrote about expediting on March 31, 2017. If you do a mandamus, you should get a decision (we wrote about that on October 2, 2018). If you have TPS and if the case is denied, I am not sure whether they would send you to court or just deny the case, since you are not deportable (I think I have seen examples of both from the asylum office and I am not sure what the policy is now, or even if they have a consistent policy for TPS people). If you do go to court and lose, you can appeal, but if you lose that, you likely will have to leave the US (potentially, you can file a case in federal court to try to stay). If you have TPS, it is relatively easy to get Advance Parole – maybe you could use that to travel to see your family. In terms of dropping your husband’s case, I doubt that would help you, but I am not sure. It seems to me that whatever the reason for the hold, dropping his case would not solve that problem. Maybe you want to email the asylum office and see if you can remove him as a dependent from your case – maybe that would help, but I do not know. If you did that, maybe it would help and if you were granted, you could file an I-730 to get his status (it may take a long time, given the current hold, but at least you would have your status) and he could also remain here based on his own pending case, assuming he actually has a pending case. Good luck, Jason
My master hearing date has been changed four times and now on eoir portal there is no any date .. can I ask my lawyer to appeal the court directly for individual hearing date surpassing master hearing .. what options I have please let me know
This is happening a lot and it is a real problem (and shows EOIR’s disdain for the people who it supposedly serves). I did a post about expediting in court – on April 20, 2017 – and your lawyer can try to do that. I think trying to call them is useless, at least that has been our experience so far. They seem not to understand the damage all this reshuffling is causing (or they do not care). I think the best bet is to try to expedite and request to skip the MCH and go directly to an individual hearing, as discussed in that article. Whether it will work, I do not know, but I think it is one option to try. Take care, Jason
Dear Jason, I have a question for you
Me and wife applied for gc through asylum granted
And the case is under her name and she added me to the case
Today she got her gc , and me I didn’t receive it yet
My question is does that happen usually?and why.
2nd :how long u think it will gonna take to send my gc
Thank You
Assuming you filed at the same time, it is very common for one person to get the GC faster than another. Usually, the difference in time is not so much, and so assuming there are no problems with your case, you should get the GC relatively soon (maybe in the next few weeks or months). Take care, Jason
Tnx for your respond
God bless you
Hi Jason,
Thanks for the nice blog. I wonder in your client’s case that was held that long for TRIG issues, did you inquire from USCIS about whether TRIG is causing the delay? Did they say no or just remain silent? Does also in your client’s case, the USCIS still says the case is pending security background checks?
In that case, it was pretty obvious (he paid ransom to kidnappers). We tried to get him a GC based on a family petition that became available, but that has also been held up. I have encouraged him to try a mandamus lawsuit, but so far, he does not want to. I think he is mostly satisfied to live with his work permit and travel document (based on the family petition). Take care, Jason
JASON thank you for your help to us, asylum seekers.
I have a question. I crossed the border in San Ysydro and received a 1 year stay permit (I94). If I file i589 form, are we required to submit the statement with the form? Or we can just send a form and later the statement? The border force gave us the documents where they say that the immigration court hearing date is to be set. Thank you and God bless you for everything you have done for us.
The general rule is that you must submit the I-589 form within one year of arrival (I wrote about this on January 18, 2018), and so I think that is very important. You do not need to submit the statement, however. For the questions on pages 5 to 8, we usually give a very basic answer (just a few sentences) and then write “I will submit an affidavit with additional details.” You can submit the affidavit later, as you develop the case and gather evidence. But it is vert important to submit the I-589 form to the court within the one year; otherwise, you case could be denied for not filing on time. Talk to a lawyer of you need help, as it is sometimes tricky to know what to do if the case has not yet been assigned to a judge. Take care, Jason
with the new law from ICE on waiving cases in court for asylum by ICE, my girlfriend in the USA had her final hearing 2months ago no result from the judge yet. The judge asked if she was an immigration priority, the Ice lawyer said no. but the judge said she will have to wait for some time until he (the Judge) can make a decision on the case. its 2months now no result. what do you think will happen? will ICE new law to waive cases affect the court if they find out the asylum applicant in court don’t have any bad record? or will the judge make the decision positively or negatively?
I think you are referring to prosecutorial discretion, where the ICE attorney agrees to stop prosecuting the case and so the case would either be administratively closed or terminated. It sounds like that did not happen in your girlfriend’s case, and if she wanted PD, she would have to specifically request it. Unless that has happened, I expect the judge will issue a decision. Some judges are faster than others, but I imagine it won’t be too much longer. I suppose she can call the court and inquire with the judge’s clerk if she wants – she can find the phone number if you follow the link under Resources called Immigration Court. Take care, Jason
Hi Jason,
I have a few questions which im hoping you might be able to help answer. I applied for a GC in Dec 2020 after being granted asylum. My case is pending at the National Benefits Center. My job offers immigration assistance i guess they would do an i140 first then i485 not sure the process but my questions is
1) What happens to my asylum GC application. Can i have 2 gc applications at the same time?
2) Do you still qualify for citizenship after 5yrs with an employment GC
3) Can i have a work gc and still keep my asylum status until i become a citizen through asylum if work GC does not qualify me for citizenship
PS* I will be speaking to one of the lawyers this week but im trying to do my own research so we can help each other on how best to proceed with my case.
1 – I think so, but you should ask the I-140 lawyer about that. 2 – Yes. 3 – I think not. If you get a GC based on asylum or a job, your status changes from asylee to GC. However, you would still be eligible for a Refugee Travel Document, since you had asylum at one time. In my opinion, it is probably not worthwhile to do the employment-based case, as you will get your GC in probably another 6 months or a year. I guess if someone else is paying for it, and maybe if they can expedite through premium processing, it may be worth a try, but keep in mind that when you get your asylum-based GC, it will be back-dated one year, and this is not true for the employment-based GC. For this reason, even if you get your employment GC faster, you will likely not get to US citizenship any faster based on the employment case. Anyway, these things are worth discussing with the lawyer to see what the lawyer thinks. Take care, Jason
Thank you so much for your insight.
I applied and Virginia office 2017 I’m still waiting for my interview, Is that normal?
Sadly, it is normal. I plan to post something tomorrow about delays and how things might get even worse, if you want to check back. Your main option is to try to expedite – I wrote about that on March 30, 2017. Take care, Jason
And also I was told (RFE for GC), I made a mistake while filling the form and missed Part 7 of biometric information (Item # 1). My question, do I need to send the form again or I can only send the missed information ?
Probably you just send the missing info, but check the RFE to see exactly what they want. Take care, Jason
One of the RFE (for GC) uscis sent to me is about the birth certificate, and I don’t understand what that mean,! It says “ The certificate must have been registered near the time of birth” we don’t have such records in a country where I born and grown. And also I have found there is a discrepancy on my actual age and in the certificate, any advice on this ?
Hi Sambod, I am not Jason. He’ll respond soon. For this, I’d probably get a lawyer to review the case. The lawyer may want to provide a written response to USCIS explaining the discrepancy and why the records are not available. You may/may not need to submit affidavits attesting to actual date of birth.
Actually I don’t have a lawyer, I was doing by myself.
There are alternatives to submitting a birth certificate, including getting affidavits from people who knew you when you were born. However, this is a little tricky (and I do not remember all the rules) and so I would recommend you use a lawyer to help you, as the case could be denied if you do not get them what they need. Take care, Jason
Is there a deadline to respond for RFE ?
Sorry Jason, I overlook the sentence that states the deadline for the submission of documents. It is in there ! 60 days!
No worries, I overlooked this comment until just now…
Don’t be cheap and get an attorney as soon as possible! I don’t get you people who don’t spend money on attorneys when it comes to your future in this country. When it comes to the immigration it’s no joke so go spend some money and see an attorney!
The RFE itself should give you a deadline. Take care, Jason
Hello Jason
My case is transferred to court and my master hiring will be next month . What do you advice me do I need to file a motion or do I need to go in person. Thanks
Call the court to ask them – you can find their number of you follow the link under Resources called Immigration Court. If you have a lawyer, you will probably appear via WebEx (which is like Zoom). If you do not have a lawyer, I am not sure how they will proceed and you need to ask. Take care, Jason
Dear Asylumist community,
Jason, first and for most, and other great contributors.
Please accept my sincere gratitude for being here and providing great support for eachother. Without this forum, I would be lost and had many difficulties on the way to normalization. This is more than a forum, it is a school that educates us, it is a therapy group that creates a sense of community, it is a hope that gives us another try when we feel we are exhausted. And all of these because of you Jason. With your humble support and sharing all you know over and over again even expecting no monetary return, Thank you. I received my green card. My journey started around 2016 and finally, thankfully I got my permanent residency in less than 5 months. like a miracle.
I can not say if it is because things are getting better but at least my nightmares are ended for now.
Best for all
Good luck for everyone
Such a great news and congratulations to you
When you had applied for GC and which centre? medical with application or requested after
I have applied in December 2021 and a few days ago got the request of medical exam
I applied at the Same month like you. Medical was in it my application. Request of medical exam looks like a good sign. Do not wait to send it back. The more you wait and postpone sending medical exam, the longer time you wait for your final decision.
Thank you for those kind words and for your contributions to this blog over the years. Take care, Jason
Hi Jason,
I sent back my ead card for correction and then I received two emails (03/26 and 03/29) from uscis stating “we have taken an action on your case” but I never received any updates. Do you know how long it takes to receive mails in the mailbox?
Probably a couple weeks – hopefully, you will receive something soon. If not, I guess you can try to call: 800-375-5283. Take care, Jason
Hello everyone,
My individual hearing immigration court is day after tomorrow on Wednesday, By reading the FOIA request they mentioned that firm resettlement is the mandatory bar because the time I applied for asylum in 2015 My Permit work Visa still valid in the passport but it was canceled in the system of the UAE ( I can’t show them that )
Now after 7 years I have no longer status IN ANY ANOTHER Country.
Any advice about plz ?
Note: In the FOIA the officer mentioned that my testimony was consistent, Detailed and plausible and credible,
Almost no one is firmly resettled in the UAE because that is not an option in their system. I do think you should try to get some evidence about this, if you have not done so. If you have a lawyer, make sure the lawyer is aware of this issue so it can be addressed (and really, it should have already been addressed when you submitted documents for your case, but it is better to do that now than not at all). Good luck, Jason
Hello Asylumist community and Jason
Hope everyone had a great weekend,
I was talking to my mom in home country and I felt That I missed her so much. As a result this thought of here visiting me here in US came to mind. I know it’s tough for her to get a visa but I just want to give a try!
So my question is can I send her invitation letter stating that she will just visit me as she has no danger to return back (she has zero involvement in politics and she won’t intend to apply for asylum)
Any success story on this? I am from African country
You can try that – I think if you have some life event (graduation, wedding, new baby, etc) and invite her for that, it might increase her chances. Also, if she has someone else here who can invite her for a life event, that could work as well. Of course, she needs to show attachments to her home country and convince the embassy that she will return home after her visit. Take care, Jason
My asylum case been pending for almost 6 years. So, we gave it a try and asked my parents to apply for tourist visa and come here visit us. I wrote a letter to embassy officer and it worked. My parents got the visa right away.
David, would you please tell me the procedure and how did you do that. Did your parents include the letter from you or did you send a separate letter to the embassy? thanks
Hello Jason and Community,
As an avid reader of this blog, I want to share an update regarding my GC application and hope that it will help some of you to make sense of the Texas Service Center. I know the information on the USCIS website is misleading, vague, and not helpful at all about processing time. So below is my timeline for my immigration journey up to this point:
Applied for Asylum: April 2016
Expedite interview: May 2019
Asylum Approval: May 2019
GC application: June 2020
GC Fingerprints: January 2021
Submitted GC Medical: March 2021 (USCIS did not ask for it through RFE, but I sent it in to complete my application)
GC Approved: March 31st, 2022
I hope this helps you and wish you all the best!
Thank you for sharing. You have been a great contributor here for a long time, so thank you for that as well. Congratulations on the GC. What a long journey. Take care, Jason
Hi Jason,
I posted the same questions here twice, but none showed here. Do you know why that is?
This was last night.
I do not know – other comments seem to be working. Sometimes, if a comment has too many links, it requires me to approve it, but I have not seen any of those recently. Maybe try again, sorry, Jason
GC Approved,
Thanks for sharing your time frame. Mine is almost same to you, so you saying, you send the medical exam report without having RFE from USCIS? You think I can send them now ?
We never send the medical without getting an RFE. USCIS is a mess and if you do that, they may lose it. Also, even if they do not lose it, I doubt it will make the case any faster by sending the medical now vs. once you get the RFE. Anyway, that is at least how you do it. Take care, Jason
GC Approved, congrats on your GC approval. I believe, since recently, workloads are being, and were, shared among field offices and centers. That may explain the relatively quick approval- in comparison to say 1 year ago, for example. A lot of asylum based applicants are getting approvals and RFEs. It’s just that somebody at USCIS, it seems, has agreed that they have tortured us enough. It’s not that the processing times on the USCIS website were wrong/should be used as a guide. They just need to update the information.
“…shouldn’t be used as a guide.”
Hello Jason,
The asylum system is the craziest thing I have ever experienced in my life. It will have been 6 years soon since I was interviewed but USCIS never issued a decision on my case. I worked for the US Embassy before I came to this county and at the best of my recollection, my salary used to come from the state department but I am very confused to see that the asylum office keeps telling me that they cannot issue a decision at this point because my application is still pending background checks. That is something I still do not understand. I have exhausted all the avenues without luck. May God have mercy
And your asylum office is ….?
It is insane and disgraceful. I also had a client who worked for a US embassy and I think it took about 2 years to get a decision. Your case is much worse. I did a post on June 2, 2021 with some ideas, but if you have tried those, you should consider a mandamus lawsuit (also discussed in that post). Good luck, Jason
I am really fed up and don’t know where to turn to. They don’t want to send my case to court neither do they want to issue a decision. This is more than persecution. I once emailed and asked them to send my application to court if they believe they cannot issue a decision but they didn’t give a damn. Have you ever had a client whose case took almost 6 years after interview to be resolved?
Yes, but usually those cases involve a TRIG issues – a terrorism-related inadmissibility ground. For example, I have a case of a man who was kidnapped and he paid the kidnappers to let him go (otherwise, he would have been killed). His case is (I believe) being held up because he gave money to terrorists, at least that is presumably the government’s position. I do not think I have had a case held that long without a TRIG issue. And it is a form of persecution. I would encourage you to file a mandamus lawsuit, assuming you have tried other avenues. Take care, Jason
Jason, I completely agree.
That must be the same case with me. When I was almost killed, i paid those soldiers lots of money to let me go. Do you think that could be the case?
I would think so. Unfortunately, there may not be a lot you can do about it. I suppose you could try a mandamus lawsuit to force a decision – you may have better luck even if the case is referred to court. Also, if these are government soldiers, they are probably not terrorists (at least in the technical, legal sense) and so maybe there is an argument to be made, but I suspect this argument will need to be made in court. Good luck, Jason
Talking about TRIG, does it mean if you have some kind of TRIG issues you cannot be granted asylum? That is ridiculous! I wouldn’t have applied for asylum if I hadn’t paid that money.(I would have been killed) This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard my entire life. I will reach out to your friend a pursue the mandamus lawsuit path
It is incredibly ridiculous – I did a post about it on June 24, 2016. Maybe that would be of interest. Take care, Jason
Dear Jason,
I am also waiting to hear a decision after 3 years. In my application I stated my uncle (affiliated with IRGC and Islamic Revolutionary Committee in 1979) as a person who has controlled/abused my family in the past and stated him as a potential threat to me in the future if I return home. I never stated that I paid any money to him. Do you think my case is being held for TRIG issues as well? How can I make sure about it?
I doubt your relationship with him would cause your case to be held for TRIG. I know of no way to find out, as they do not easily tell people about that. I guess you can email the asylum office to ask – you can find their email if you follow the link under Resources called Asylum Office Locator. I do not think they will tell you, but you can ask. You might also consider a mandamus lawsuit to force a decision. I did a post on June 2, 2021 discussing that and some other ideas for dealing with delay. Take care, Jason
Jason, I became really worried after reading your post on June 24, 2016. I am an applicant waiting for a decision from Chicago after 2 years of interview. In my declaration, I stated my brothers as fervent Muslims with extreme ideas about how I should behave and live. I said they had beaten me multiple times and even one time they were forcing me to kill myself due to my misbehavior. In one part of my story I mentioned that when I was young I forfeited part of my belongings to them to persuade them to leave the home and go to live in a separate place than me. Are my brothers considered “terrorists” and what I did is considered a support to them? They are not part of any groups they are just psychos who were angry and abusive toward me and forced me to live the life they wanted me to.
I guess it is not impossible that this is a TRIG issue (a person does not need to be a member of a group to be a terrorist under the “Tier III” category – apparently terrorists are categorized into different tiers or levels). However, I doubt this is the issue. I would continue following up and if there is nothing after some time, you might consider a mandamus lawsuit. Good luck, Jason
Jason, thanks for your reply. Could you please answer my questions below?
1. have you ever seen/heard someone get a decision on the Asylum case after a very long time (5+) after the interview without filing a mandamus? I mean if it gets to a point like 5 years can you be sure that it won’t get resolved after that and you should sue to get a decision?
2. If USCIS does not respond if someone asks them whether their case is related to TRIG, how that person would know that is the case? Will anyone in this world know the answer? If USCIS denies the case after a mandamus will it say the reason?
3. If a case is barred due to TRIG matters, why the USCIS does not deny/reject the application? Why it just leaves the application with no answer? What is holding USCIS to issue a decision like denial?
1 – I only have one case where the person has waited that long after the interview and he did not want to file a mandamus, so I do not have an example of that. My guess is that if you waited 5 years after the decision, you probably won’t get a decision at all unless you file a mandamus, but I am not certain about that. 2 – You can try to get a copy of your file using a Freedom of Information Action request (there is a link under Resources called FOIA USCIS). Maybe that would get you the info. Otherwise, you would just have to evaluate the case and decide whether TRIG may be a factor. 3 – Supposedly, they are writing regulations to address the issue, but that has been ongoing for many years (I think more than 15 years) and so I doubt those regulations will ever be finished. I think the idea is that if they finish the regs, they will make a decision according to them. Take care, Jason
Hi Jason,
Thanks for the nice blog. I wonder in your client’s case that was held that long for TRIG issues, did you inquire from USCIS about whether TRIG is causing the delay? Did they say no or just remain silent? Does also in your client’s case, the USCIS still says the case is pending security background checks?
In that case, it was pretty obvious (he paid ransom to kidnappers). We tried to get him a GC based on a family petition that became available, but that has also been held up. I have encouraged him to try a mandamus lawsuit, but so far, he does not want to. I think he is mostly satisfied to live with his work permit and travel document (based on the family petition). Take care, Jason
Sorry let me add this to the above list:
4. If USCIS puts someone’s case on hold for TRIG, when an applicant inquires about the case, shouldn’t USCIS tell the person that their case is on-hold? When they say the case is pending background check this means the case is not on-hold due to TRIG and they are indeed working on it. I think determining if someone is barred due to TRIG is a deterministic answer and it does not depend on background check. Isn’t this correct? Thank you so much
I think they should tell you, but they normally do not. I do not know how TRIG holds relate to the background checks, but certainly a person can make a statement raising TRIG issues and that could cause the hold, even if there is nothing in the background check. Take care, Jason
My friend EAD will be expiring in 8days. So she have 8days to work. Her employers have told her even by telling them she is waiting for her EAD. She applied for a renewal 9months ago. If she lost her job in 8days, can she apply for unemployment if she don’t recieved her EAD after a week of not working due to not having EAD? How will she pay her rent?
AlSo if she get the EAD in 4months from now, does this mean she and everyone applying for EAD should be applying 1yr ahead so they don’t go out of work like what is happening now?
This EAD things is very serious for some people.
What do u think?
The EAD renewal process is a disaster. Soon, the automatic extension will increase to one year (it is currently 180 days, and so if she filed to renew, her old card should be extended by 180 days – maybe this is what is expiring? If the card itself is expiring, she is probably eligible to legally work for another 180 days). In terms of expediting the delayed EAD, if she is a healthcare worker, there is a process for that – I wrote about it on January 19, 2022. Otherwise, she can try to expedite in the “normal” way – I wrote about that on January 29, 2020. Take care, Jason
Hi Jason,
I have related question. I have filed my EAD renewal more than 9 months ago. My EAD extension as well as my driver license will be expired in 9 days. I tried to expedite, send inquiry for outside processing time but no luck yet. If it doesn’t come before it expires, can I file for unemployment benefit?
I do not know about that, as I am not sure whether you need valid work authorization to get unemployment benefits. Maybe you can ask the unemployment office, but I have a feeling that it will not work. On the other hand, I could be wrong and it is worth looking into. Take care, Jason
Ok, Thank you Jason. I have one more question, is the new premium processing fee rule applied for I-765? Does it already implemented? Please let me know.
It is not implemented and it probably will not apply to asylum pending EADs, but we shall see. Take care, Jason
Just throwing it out there: I think it would be nice if you looked into functionality to allow for encrypted messages to you. I think there are a fair number of Asylum Officers who might want to reach out, but only if they could obfuscate their posting/messages.
I am not so sure about that, but it is easy enough to send a message without revealing your name or identifying info, and we have had AOs comment on this blog now and again without giving their name. Take care, Jason
Hi Jason,
I have attended and graduated with MSN-RN and now working in critical care at a Hospital. I applied for asylum in 2016 through the Chicago office and have not had an interview since. How do you think this will help my interview in any way?
Thank you for all you do.
It shows you are a good person and are pursuing an important profession, so in this sense, it looks good and may make the decisionmaker feel better about your case. In terms of the legal requirements for asylum, though, it would normally not have much effect (unless I suppose you were fleeing the country due to being a healthcare worker or something like that). Take care, Jason
Your education and profession should be of great help. I am a nurse too and I went before the judge for my master hearing in Nov 2021. My lawyer knew that that particular judge really appreciates education so he helped me to prepare on how to really showcase my achievements academically and professionally. Big and small achievements count . The judge approved my case.
Dear Jason
My sister came to US as a parole, she is from Afghanistan! She has been evacuated last August, but im trying to file her asylum next week everything is ready! Her English is good but not enough to comprehend at asylum office once she show up for her interview, since i m an asylee as well and preparer would be me as well ? My question
If I prepare her asylum application dont u think it would affect her asylum! Since we cant afford lawyer
Second question on interview day how can she get an interpreter I assume i cant be her interpreter ( I believe her interview will come fast that is why i wanna be prepared)
Hi Koko,
I am also from Afghanistan 🇦🇫. Don’t worry about interview yet as it may take a couple of years. By then, she will learn English.
Please make sure to keep a good copy of all the documents you submit. Make sure the asylum case falls under one of the categories and be be very specific. Don’t say that Afghanistan was not safe or I could not stay there.
1 – No. You can assist her. You cannot give her legal advice, but you can help her read and understand the questions and answer them. You have to list your name on page 9, where the form asks whether someone helped you prepare it, but that is normal and should not be an issue. 2 – At this time. USCIS supplies the interpreter (at least for Dari and Pashto). Unfortunately, the quality of the interpreters has not been great. Also, we have had some interviews canceled because USCIS could not find an interpreter. It has been pretty frustrating, but eventually, it gets worked out. Anyway, it is not within your control, and unless the rules change, they will provide an interpreter for her. Finally, she may be eligible for an expedited interview. Check the I-589 web page available at Take care, Jason
Hello Jason,
I wonder if the USCIS premium processing includes processing asylum-based green card? Thanks for your time.
No it does not.
It does not, unfortunately. Take care, Jason
Dear Jason,
My Ukrainian friends are currently stuck in the Caribbean and can’t return to Ukraine because of the war. They consider coming to the US via Mexico and turning themselves in under Humanitarian parole (they don’t have travel visas). They have a few questions they wanted to clarify, so I thought of your blog immediately that was a wealth of knowledge and support during our asylum process.
1) Can the Humanitarian parole be adjusted to an asylum after they are admitted into the US in case?
2) If they leave the US when/if conditions in Ukraine improve, would it create an issue for them to come back to the US in the future?
3) I’d assume that if they need to leave the US under this status, it would be canceled.
Thank you!
First, the US has indicated that we will accept 100,000 Ukrainian refugees, and so they might want to look into this before trying to go to the border. They can contact the US embassy of the country they are currently stuck in, and see if the embassy can assist. As to your questions: 1 – If a person enters the US using HP, the person can file for asylum once they are physically here. A person can also file for asylum of they are at a point of entry, though many people are still being turned away at the US/Mexico border due to Title 42 (a rule related to the pandemic). 2 – Probably not, as long as they can explain why they did it. The main issue here is that the US government would accuse them of submitting a fake asylum case, but that seems very unlikely in the case of a Ukrainian (though I think most Ukrainians would not have a strong claim for asylum at this time – I wrote something about this before the war, on January 27, 2022). 3 – If a person has filed for asylum and leaves, they can cancel their application. Take care, Jason
I had applied for asylum based gc in dec 2021 and today received a letter for medical
How long does it take to receive the GC after this
Anyone having any recent experience
Thank you
I applied for my GC BASED ON asylum too in August 2021 but they have asked any medical report from me? Have you submitted ur medical report with your application or they just request since you haven’t? Do u mind saying from which state u applied?
I have submitted from NJ and I applied in December 2021
No I didn’t submitted the medical with initial application but they have asked it now
If you had submitted your medical with your first application you would receive your green card now. That is what I have done when I applied in Dec 2021. I received my GC this week.
Now you may wait 1 week to 3 months for them to complete the process.
I just received a bunch of such requests in my office. I am not sure if USCIS is just requesting them in all cases, and so maybe this has changed, but in the past, once we submitted the medical exam, the person usually received a decision in a month or two. Take care, Jason
I had my asylum interview back in December 2018. Since then I wrote to Chicago Asylum Office at least 10 time to get a status update. Recently I expressed the psychological pressure I am under and requested a decision. But the response was if I wanted to do expedite a decision I would need to provide evidence.
They haven’t made a decision on my case 3.5 years after the interview.
Would it help if we moved and my wife submitted a new application to another office?
I feel like I am out of options but stuck at Chicago Asylum Office.
Should I even try expediting? Should I try mandamus
did you use outside the normal procesing time request? if not this would be the one you use.
If yes Just visit a therapist, tell about your mental status and how this affects your mental health. Ask a letter from them. This would be the evidence they are looking for. Ask for help from the congressman of your district and forward this expedite request over the congressman. A letter that says Joseph mental well being is negatively being affected by the wait. Tell them put some key words like major depression, suffering from ,,,..
This would be enough.. .beside you may also try ombustman, then court
I do not think moving will help, at least not for you – Chicago has to make the decision since they interviewed you. Maybe if your wife has an independent case, she can file, but if she is a dependent on your case already, it may not result in a decision any sooner. I did a post about ideas for getting a decision – on June 2, 2021. Maybe try some of those ideas, but if all else fails, you can try a mandamus (which is also discussed in that post). Take care, Jason
If a mother in USA applied for asylum has daughter 20 years old but still overseas. If the case of the mother got resolved after 5 years, would the girl age be locked to the age when the mother applied for asylum.
As long as the child is under 21 when the case was filed and remains unmarried, the mother can bring her to the US if she (the mother) wins asylum. Even if the child is over 21 at the time asylum is granted. This is pursuant to the Child Status Protection Act. Take care, Jason
Hi Jason,
I found an academic report by ACLU, exposing problems in the Boston Office. Just want to share with you.
Thank you – I am actually trying to write something about that report, as it is very interesting, but I am not sure when I will get to it. Take care, Jason
Jason, I have been saying this for this longest while and my concerns are always treated like overreactions or overthinking of these denials and or delays. I have always been asking for independent audits of these offices and government bureaucrats. There needs to be an independent audit of especially the Texas centers. Most of these offices- and the courts, too- are rife with bias. I am not sure how this is not clear to most people.
I think that there must be other solutions before referring to immigration court. My asylum officer didn’t have the cognitive skills to evaluate the situation, my answer, and provided documents. His reasoning was proof of his misevaluation but there is no way to explain yourself other than immigration court which I have been waiting four years.
Houston Asylum Office.
I think the TSC is biased against any case that involves a human being…
Hi Jason, thank you for all you do. Your articles are extremely helpful. Two questions:
1. From your experience, if the case is added to the short list, how long it might take now to be called for the interview? I applied in 2014(Arlington office )
2. The war in Ukraine itself is not a reason for asylum, but I have an application since 2014, will the fact that my city/country is occupied now may positively affect the decision?
1 – Arlington eliminated their short list several years ago. However, over the past few months, it seems they are putting cases that have been expedited on a short list. I do not know how long this takes, as things keep changing, but if I remember correctly, we had one case where I filed the expedite request in September and the person was interviewed in February (and as usual, so far there is no decision). So if they accept the expedite request, it may be several months before the interview. But again, since things are rapidly changing, that may no longer be accurate. 2 – Maybe. I do not think the war is a basis for asylum for most people. However, it may depend on why you are seeking asylum. More importantly, it is a “human factor” that may cause the officer to be more sympathetic to your situation, which might help the case. Take care, Jason
My green card application through asylum is exactly three years this month. Before a year they transferred to NBC and after that nothing happened. What is going on with USCIS? To be honest I am not in good feeling about the waiting time. What can I do?
Thank you
Almost all GC applications based on asylum are very slow, and so it may not be related to your case, but to USCIS processing delays. On January 29, 2020, I did a post about trying to expedite with USCIS and maybe that would help. You could also open a case with the USCIS Ombudsman (there is a link under Resources). They sometimes help with delayed cases. Good luck, Jason
Hello jason
Is the asylum system working right? I see many approvals recently which makes me feel the USCIS ain’t seriously investigating the cases right? Have you ever seen anyone with referral recently? Sometimes i fee the biden administration just will accept anyone and that’s dangerous! I see approvals everywhere
We will need to see the data from the asylum offices to have any real sense of that (data which the asylum offices have not been releasing since 2019). We are getting approvals now and again in my office, but mostly, we are waiting forever for decisions, so I do not have much sense about whether grant rates are changing. Take care, Jason
Hi Jason,
We had our asylum interview on December 01,2021, I checked every day for USCIS ststus. Today got this notification. What is meaning of this notification? I thought you are the one who can give me best answers.
“On December 2, 2021, we received your case and waived the filing fee for your Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization, Receipt Number ZLA…………..We mailed you a notice describing how we will process your case. Please follow the instructions in the notice. If you have any questions, contact the USCIS Contact Center at……..”
Some commentors on this blog view that as a positive sign – in that, it means the case was granted and USCIS is producing a new EAD card (form I-765). I do not think that is necessarily the case, and so I always urge people to wait for the paper decision in the mail, but hopefully, it is a positive sign. Good luck, Jason
Thank you so much for your response. You are a blessing for us.
Zika, you to mind your own business with your lies about asylum approval/denial rates! There is no data on asylum decisions since Biden took office. And your personal experiences, if you have any experience, are not a reflection of asylum decisions since Biden took office. I seriously hope you people would focus on yourselves/cases and allow the US government to do its job.
My name is Zk and I have an unresolved N-400 application for citizenship. I applied in mid-May 2020. I received an update at the end of Jan 2021 about the reuse of my fingerprint. I did not hear back from USCIS until January 2022 when I received a response from my service request which stated that my application is pending due to the transfer of my files from a local USCIS facility center to another for processing and the delay was due to Covid-19. I received a similar response to my second service request from USCIS in February 2022. My question is, does a transfer of file take this long? If not then what else could be the reason and what should I do to speed up my application?
Many citizenship cases are moving more quickly these days, so it is possible something is up. I do not know your case, but if there were issues with your green card or other applications, maybe that is a factor. You might talk to a lawyer about the specifics. On the other hand, it may be nothing. I guess one step you can take is to contact the USCIS Ombudsman’s Office – they sometimes help with delayed cases and a link is under Resources at left. Take care, Jason
Hello Jason
I filled a motion to the court but I haven’t got a decision or a response and it has been more than two months
How long does it take usually to receive a decision?
What do you recommend to do next?
The wait time is not predictable, but you can call the court and try to talk to the judge’s clerk. You can find their phone number if you follow the link under Resources called Immigration Court. Take care, Jason
Which court i also requested my attorney to submit advance motion to Master hearing to get final date in NJ.
Hello Jason,
My asylum case was moved to immigration court, we were supposed to go to MCH last month, but they canceled at the last minute, but no communication for rescheduling. Have been here for more than 10 years, 1.Am I eligible for cancellation of removal in case my asylum rejected again?
2 Do I need to request for cancellation of removal or Judge will determine?
3.During MCH or child hearing only we can ask for a cancellation of removal?
3.Can you represent my case? we are in California.
1 – For Cancellation, the “clock” stops once they issue the NTA (starting the court case), so unless you had 10 years here before the court case began, you cannot qualify. 2 – If you qualify, you need to apply for it. 3 – Yes. 4 – Maybe, especially with cases being remote, though it is often more convenient to have a local lawyer. If you want to arrange a consul, you can email me at Thank you, Jason
How fast does asylum cases take nowadays?
Anywhere from 3 or 4 months to 7+ years. Most new cases are still not being interviewed, though as Covid restrictions lift, that may change. Also, certain new cases (Afghan parolees) can receive priority for an interview. Take care, Jason
Dear Jason,
its been over two years since I applied for my citizenship, I asked ombudsman office’help as well no positive outcome, I call them every month and request services request, all they give me that my case has been transferred from local office to another office, its frustrating, I’m wondering if I can do info pass in Virginia because I lives in Virginia and I want to met them in person what is your suggestion how to request a info pass regarding my citizenship I’m tired of inquiring via phone I want to do in person , guide me please to me them in person ( where should I go how can I make this appointment because I couldn’t find online option to make this appointment)
I think the only way to get an Info Pass is to call USCIS (800-375-5283) and ask for it. Also, I think they will not give you an Info Pass for this purpose. Normally, with a delay like this, there is some issue with the case, and so you might want to talk to a lawyer to see whether you can determine that. If all else fails, you can do a mandamus lawsuit, but you would want to try to understand the problem first. We wrote about mandamus lawsuits in the asylum context on October 2, 2018, though it is basically the same idea for an N-400 case. Take care, Jason
Hello Jason,
I have sent my application for N400 citizenship. my wife visited Canada for 8 days but my application preparer made a mistake and did not fill that in the forms.He also made some clerical mistakes exile filling online.How can I correct them??
It might be easiest to just write all the errors down and bring that page to the naturalization interview to show the officer. Alternatively, if these errors might cause USCIS to think you are lying about something or might cause the case to be denied, you can mail them to USCIS (or upload them to the portal if you have a USCIS account). That way, at least there will be a record of you correcting the errors. You may also need to explain these errors, but I doubt that will be a problem. Take care, Jason
Well, I agree with the last part of this that these inquiries may not do any help but it will be something we will be doing instead of doing nothing. Tried congressman, senator, ombudsman, and also trying personally, and lawyer is also trying to get help but it has been more than 4 years since the interview. mandamus is very expensive, so this is all I am doing. thanks
I have been asking Arlington asylum office to transfer my case to an immigration judge for 5 years since my visa type was crew. And also I asked the Maryland senator and ombudsman to help me in this matter. But nothing is happening. I’m asking you what should I do to resolve my case. Thanks
I would think they would be happy to get rid of a case, but I do not know what else you can do aside from email them. Make sure your email includes all the relevant info and a copy of your visa. I guess the Senator and the Ombudsman might also help, but I would think that emailing them would be the best way. Maybe keep trying to see if they respond. Take care, Jason
They transferred it now. Can we submit motion to pass master hearing and got the final interview or I have to go there in person next month for the master hearing
If the hearing is next month, I would attend that, as it is probably too late to file a motion. I did write about expediting court cases on April 20, 2017, so maybe that would be of interest. Take care, Jason
Hi Jason,
Thanks again for all your help. My 180 days automatic extension expired 2 weeks ago so I lost my job, insurance and all benefits. I saw the memo released yesterday about prolonging the 180 days extension to a year. What does that mean for those of us who have lost jobs? Is it automatic or do we need to receive some kind of document to restart work again. My ead renewal has been pending since July 6 2021.
My congress is submitting a request for me but I’m so desperate.
That rule is not yet in effect. It will help in the future, but not now (also, we will have to see how it looks once it is finalized). For your current situation, if you are a healthcare worker, you can try to expedite on that basis – I did a post about it on January 29, 2022. If you are not healthcare worker, you can still try to expedite, but it is more difficult. Basically, you need to show that you cannot pay your bills or will be evicted. I did a post about expediting with USCIS in general on January 29, 2020. Good luck, Jason
Hello Jason,
I thank you for all you do for the Asylum community. God will bless you for lifting us all up.
I applied for Asylum in 2019 and till now I have not heard anything. My EAD is expired in November 2021 and before that I had applied for a renewal in June 2021. I am so mentally stressed. My EAD receipt expires in 3 weeks and my employer has notified me that I will be terminated if I don’t get an EAD. I contacted my congressman and he said he will inquire and tell me. I have done everything humanly speaking to contact USCIS. I hear there was a memo from USCIS yesterday about clearing the backlog. What are you hearing about that memo please? What else can I do to avoid losing my job?I have a wife and a daughter to take care of. Please help me
You can see the memo if you Google “USCIS news” – it is from March 29, 2022. It will not help immediately, but in the future, it seems the automatic EAD extension will be one year and not 180 days. In terms of you, if you are a healthcare work, you can try to expedite on that basis – I did a post about it on January 29, 2022. If you are not healthcare worker, you can still try to expedite, but it is more difficult. Basically, you need to show that you cannot pay your bills or will be evicted. I did a post about expediting with USCIS in general on January 29, 2020. Good luck, Jason