Preemptive Asylum for Ukrainians

Vladimir Putin has had a gun to the head of Ukraine for years. The most recent troubles began in 2014, when a pro-Russian president of Ukraine fled to Russia, rather than submit to an impeachment vote (he was impeached anyway). Several regions of Ukraine declared loyalty to the former president, and fighting broke out. Ultimately, parts of Ukraine came under Kremlin control, including the Crimean peninsula, which Russia annexed after an “election” by that region’s residents. Since then, fighting and allegations between the two nations have waxed and waned, but the Russians did not move towards a major escalation–until recently.

The current buildup began last fall, and there are now more than 100,000 Russian soldiers and Ukrainian separatists deployed for war. Analyst have suggested that a large-scale invasion is likely in the coming days or weeks. What does this mean for Ukrainian citizens in the United States who face possible persecution if Russia takes over or installs a pro-Russian puppet? Can such people file for asylum now, even though a Russian invasion is still speculative? (more…)

I’m a Dependent in an Asylum Case (part 1)

Asylum seekers may include their spouse and unmarried, minor (under 21-years old) children as dependents on their asylum case, as long as the dependents are physically present in the United States. Here, we’ll discuss issues related to dependents at the Asylum Office. In a future, post, we’ll discuss dependents in Immigration Court, as there are some differences. Let’s get right to it. (more…)

Expedited EAD Renewals for Healthcare Workers

On December 28, 2021, USCIS announced that. “if you are a healthcare worker who has a pending Employment Authorization Document (EAD) renewal application [Form I-765] and your EAD expires in 30 days or less or has already expired, you can request expedited processing of your EAD application.” This is a positive development, since EAD renewals have lately been very slow.

One group that has been impacted by the delayed renewals is asylum seekers, and we are seeing people wait up to ten months for their new EAD cards (asylees–people whose asylum cases have been granted–are also experiencing long delays to renew their EADs, but such people are eligible to work even without an EAD). Here, we’ll talk about the EAD renewal process and the new rules for healthcare workers (and while it probably goes without saying, yes, I will complain about the new expedite procedure). (more…)

Want to Save Democracy? End Asylum at the Southern Border

As an attorney who represents asylum seekers, I believe our country has a moral duty to help those coming to us for protection. I also believe that we as a nation benefit from our asylum system. Aside from enriching our country with patriotic, hard-working individuals, the asylum system makes manifest our highest ideals–freedom of religion and speech, democracy, equality, and women’s and minorities’ rights.

Unfortunately, those of us who support a robust humanitarian immigration system have not convinced enough of our countrymen on that point. Indeed, a poll of Trump voters found that their #2 and #3 most important issues are more secure borders and a more restrictive immigration system (the #1 issue for these voters was preservation of individual rights). Contrast that with Biden voters, who feel less strongly about reducing barriers to migration (ranking “being open to immigration” as the #27 most important issue facing our country, out of 55 issues surveyed).

There is little doubt that these views find expression in the voting booth–President Trump based his 2016 campaign on anti-immigration themes and we know how that turned out. (more…)

2021: It Could Have Been Worse

There’s never a lack of bad news to report in asylum world, but it’s almost the New Year, and so I’d rather focus on the positive. A year ago, I wasn’t sure whether President Trump would even leave office, but–fortunately for our democracy–he did. At the time, immigrant advocates were hopeful that President Biden would reverse many of the bad policies enacted by his predecessor. While change has been slower and less consistent than expected, there are certainly positive developments to report.

Most obvious is the general attitude towards asylum seekers. During the Trump Administration, officials from the top down viewed asylum seekers as fraudsters and criminals who were intent on cheating the system. While many of the lower-level appointees from the Trump Administration remain, the overall attitude towards asylum seekers is certainly more balanced and respectful. The tone from the President and his leadership team is also more positive. And that makes a difference “in the trenches,” where decisionmakers are more willing to grant relief when they don’t feel that such a decision goes against their bosses’ preference. (more…)

Circularity in Particular Social Group Decisions

This post is by Jim Feroli, an attorney with Immigration Legal Services (ILS) of Catholic Charities, Washington, DC. He has worked with ILS since 2014 and helps to manage the pro bono program. He focuses on asylum, U Visa and VAWA cases, and removal defense generally. He has also represented immigration clients before the Board of Immigration Appeals and U.S. Courts of Appeals.

I’m a movie fan. If you haven’t seen it, I recommend the film Gladiator. Russell Crowe stars as Maximus, a Roman general who is betrayed, sold into slavery, and forced to fight in gladiator matches. The movie has some good action scenes and strong acting by Crowe and Joaquin Phoenix, who plays the demented and cruel heir to the throne. It’s about persistence, redemption, and the human spirit and is worth a watch on Netflix.

As an immigration lawyer, I wondered would Maximus, as a slave in ancient Rome, qualify for membership in a particular social group? I’m sure most people watching the film had the same concern. My answer is yes. Maximus’s status is immutable. Slavery in this context is both a status and a condition. As much as Maximus may want to change his status, it is beyond his control. By chance he could be emancipated, but more likely, he will die a slave. Being a member of the group of slaves is also particular. It is distinct and the borders of the group are clear. There is a strong contrast between persons who are slaves—and thus private property—and those who are not. Generally, people should understand if they fit within the group of slaves or free persons, in this case Roman citizens. Lastly, the group is socially distinct. Legally and economically, society recognizes slaves as different. They are deprived the rights to participate in civic life and may be bought and sold by others. Certainly, a runaway slave should qualify for refugee status and not be returned to face additional persecution. (more…)

After the Asylum Grant: Asylee Benefits

This post is by Amy Doring, the Asylee Outreach Specialist at HIAS Headquarters in Maryland. The HIAS Asylee Outreach Project can be reached at or at (240) 284-3306. Learn more about the initiative on its website,, and follow @asyleeoutreach on Facebook to attend an upcoming national Asylee Benefits Orientation webinar. If you are an asylee in Maryland, please reach out to the Asylee Outreach Project to access resettlement services. If you are in another state, please visit the For Asylees page of the project’s website to contact a resettlement agency near you.

Asylees are eligible for a variety of refugee benefits and services following their asylum grant. If you’re an asylee or an attorney and this is the first time you’re hearing about asylee benefits—you’re not alone! Fewer than 20% of asylees access resettlement benefits, most often because they are unaware that they are eligible for these benefits, or that they even exist.

Benefits for asylees are funded by the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and include, but are not limited to: Cash assistance, medical insurance, employment services, English classes, and job training. It’s important to note that eligibility for these benefits is time sensitive. Free health screenings, which will help satisfy medical requirements for your future Green Card applications, are available only during the first three months after an asylum grant. Eligibility for refugee cash assistance and medical insurance, in turn, ends eight months after the date of an asylum grant. Lastly, the availability of free English classes, job training, case management, and employment support services ends five years after an asylum grant. With these strict timelines, it is immensely important that asylees be connected with resettlement services as soon as possible to take full advantage. Family members who are derivative asylees will also be eligible for these same benefits. (more…)

No One Should Have to Wait Years for the U.S. to Consider Their Asylum Claim

This article is by Andrea Barron, the advocacy program manager at the Torture Abolition and Survivors Support Coalition International, based in Washington, DC. The article was originally published in the Washington Post.

Genet Lire Dobamo was a 17-year-old elite sprinter with the Ethiopian national team when she defected at Dulles International Airport in 2014, terrified of returning to her native Ethiopia. She held Ethiopia’s national title for the 400-meter race and had an excellent chance of representing her country in the 2016 Olympics. But Dobamo had been severely beaten by police for opposing Ethiopia’s one-party dictatorship and was frightened of being tortured again or even killed if she returned home.

She applied for asylum in March 2015 and was featured in a Washington Post story on elite Ethiopian runners seeking asylum in the United States. The Post reporter said the asylum process can take “months, sometimes more than a year.” Six years later, Dobamo has still not been interviewed by an asylum officer at the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), part of the Department of Homeland Security. (more…)

Cancel Culture in Immigration Court

For “respondents” (non-citizens in removal proceedings) and their lawyers, Individual Hearings in Immigration Court are a big deal. Evidence must be gathered. Affidavits have to be prepared, checked, and re-checked. Witnesses must be identified, convinced to attend the hearing, and prepared for trial. Respondents practice their testimony. In most cases, the noncitizen has been waiting for many months or years for the trial date. The result of the trial determines whether the applicant can remain in the United States or must leave. When a respondent receives asylum, he is permitted to stay in the U.S. If he loses, he may be deported to a country where he faces danger. In many cases, respondents have family members here or overseas who are counting on them, and the outcome of the case affects the family members as well as the respondent. All of this provokes anxiety and anticipation. In short, Individual Hearings are life-changing events that profoundly effect respondents and their families.

So what happens when the Individual Hearing is canceled? (more…)

A Tale of the First Thanksgiving – or – The Beginner’s Guide to Immigration Bureaucracy

This year marks the 400th anniversary of the first Thanksgiving, celebrated in Massachusetts in 1621 by 53 Pilgrims and 90 Native Americans from the Wampanoag tribe. To commemorate this grand occasion, researchers here at the Asylumist have unearthed the original immigration file of one of the Pilgrim families, William and Mary Brewster, and their children Jonathan, Patience, Fear, Love, and Wrestling (and yes, those are their real names; if you don’t believe me, look it up). Here, for the first time, is that story.

The Brewster family arrived in North America on the Mayflower on November 21, 1620. They and their shipmates did not encounter anyone from Homeland Security, and so they entered without inspection and immediately began working without authorization to find food and shelter. But the land was barren and frozen, and the Pilgrims began to die off one-by-one. Seeing their plight, a group of Native American activists, calling themselves No More Deaths, illegally provided food to the beleaguered migrants. The Wampanoag council later charged these do-gooders with felony alien smuggling and other crimes, but failed to obtain a conviction. Predictably, this encouraged more Europeans to make the dangerous journey to America. These included nonconformists and Anabaptists, though some, we assume, were good people. (more…)

Asylum for Capitol Rioters

I suppose it was inevitable that some of the Trump supporters charged in the attack on our Capitol would seek asylum overseas. These people are already pre-disposed to victimhood, and so it makes sense that some would see their prosecution–for harming law enforcement officers, threatening government workers, disrupting an election, damaging federal property, and trespassing–as a form of persecution.

Also, there are plenty of governments around the world that want to harm our country by sowing division and encouraging further violence. And so it’s hardly surprising that certain nations would be only too happy to offer asylum to the Capitol rioters, as a way to stick it to the United States.

We now have our first (known) example of a Capitol rioter seeking asylum abroad. Evan Neumann is wanted in the U.S. on charges of violent entry and disorderly conduct on the Capitol grounds, and for assaulting, resisting and obstructing law enforcement during civil disorder. He has fled to Belarus and applied for asylum. It would be easy to mock Mr. Neumann and the “Republic” of Belarus, but here, I want to discuss whether Mr. Neumann might qualify for asylum under international law. (more…)

Ten Suggestions for David Neal, the New EOIR Director

On September 24, 2021, Attorney General Merrick Garland announced that David Neal would take over as Director of the Executive Office for Immigration Review (“EOIR”), the organization that oversees our nation’s Immigration Courts and the Board of Immigration Appeals (“BIA”).

Director Neal was Chairman of the BIA, from 2009 to 2019, when he was apparently forced out by the Trump Administration. Mr. Neal also served as Vice Chairman of the BIA, Chief Immigration Judge, Assistant Chief Immigration Judge, Immigration Judge (“IJ”), and Assistant to the Director. Indeed, he comes to the Directorship with probably more and diverse EOIR experience than any prior director. To top it off, he has a Master of Divinity from Harvard University (and of course a JD, but those are a dime a dozen).

The new Director will certainly need to draw on his past experience–and possibly seek divine intervention–as the agency he is now helming is a real mess. Currently, there are more than 1.4 million cases in the Immigration Court backlog. I have not found recent data on the BIA backlog, but in April 2020, it stood at 70,183 cases. To address the court backlog, EOIR is staffing up–from 535 judges to a projected 734 by the end of the current fiscal year (September 30, 2022). We are also seeing an increase in online and training resources for respondents (noncitizens in immigration proceedings) and practitioners.

Even during his short tenure, Director Neal has begun to take some positive steps. Aside from the new resources, EOIR has ended case completion quotas for Immigration Judge and also signaled a willingness to work with the National Association of Immigration Judges (the judges’ union), which the prior Administration had tried to de-certify.

These are encouraging signs, and hopefully we will also start to see improvements related more directly to respondents’ cases in Immigration Court and the BIA. Luckily for David Neal, I am here to offer my own suggestions (and who doesn’t love unsolicited advice?). These are my ten great ideas for EOIR– (more…)

Looking for Fraud in All the Wrong Places

Maybe you’ve heard this old joke–

One night, a policeman sees a drunk man searching for something under a streetlight and asks what he has lost. The man says he lost his keys and they both look under the streetlight together. After a few minutes the policeman asks if the drunk is sure he lost the keys here. The drunk replies, no, he lost them in the park. Surprised, the policeman asks why he is searching here, and the drunk replies, “This is where the light is.”

Asylum interviews these days remind me of this joke. We spend–literally–hours sifting through testimony and evidence, as the Officer goes on a fishing expedition for fraud, even in cases where it’s quite clear that no fraud exists. Why is this happening? How can you prepare for these questions? (more…)

Death by Bureaucracy

What’s it like to practice immigration law these days?

For a case in Immigration Court, we write the affidavit, gather evidence, get witness statements, research country conditions, organize everything, copy it, and submit copies to the court and to DHS within the 30-day deadline. We then hold practice sessions with the client and witnesses. A few days before the trial date, we check the online system. The case is canceled. There is no new date. There is no explanation.

We file an application for an asylee’s Green Card. The case takes forever. The client moves. We file a change of address and get an online confirmation. Finally, the client receives an online notice: The Green Card has been mailed and delivered. But not to his current address. USCIS has sent the card somewhere else. Maybe to his old address, but who knows? He does not have it, and requests to re-deliver the card have no effect. (more…)