Not long ago, USCIS started accepted the I-589 asylum form online. Of course, I resisted filing online because (1) I don’t like learning new things, (2) I don’t like computers, and (3) I REALLY don’t like learning new things on computers. But I also don’t like waiting (literally) six months for my clients’ asylum receipts, all the while not knowing whether USCIS has lost their application. And so urgency and lawyerly duty have finally overcome inertia, and I filed my first I-589 online.
Here, I want to talk about the process of filing online and give some suggestions for improving the “user experience” (short answer: There are advantages to filing online, but there is also room for improvement). (more…)
It’s common these days to find asylum seekers at the Asylum Office and in Immigration Court who filed their asylum application, form I-589, five, six, seven or more years ago. During that time, some information on the form becomes out of date. Also, new events occur which need to be added to the form. What is the best and most efficient way to update your asylum application at the Asylum Office and in court? (more…)
If you’ve filed an asylum application recently, you may have noticed that receipts are taking longer, and many applications are being rejected for seemingly minor omissions. What’s going on?
Starting about a month ago, our office has had a number of new asylum applications returned to us after a longer-than-expected delay. The reason is because we left certain boxes on the form I-589 blank. Mind you, the boxes that we left blank were boxes where there was no answer–for example, for a client without a middle name, we left the “middle name” box blank. In another case, on the signature page where the form asks for your name in your native alphabet, we left it blank because the client’s native alphabet is the same as the English alphabet, which was already included in an adjacent box. In other words, things we’ve been doing for years with no problem have now resulted in applications being rejected. The issue seems to be that USCIS has changed its practice and now requires all boxes to be filled. This would have been fine, if they had told us in advance. They did not. As a result, many people’s cases are being rejected and delayed, we have to incur extra expenses and wasted time, and people who have one-year bar issues now have some extra explaining to do. All because USCIS changed its policy without providing advance notice.
Except for that lack of notice, this change is not a big deal. If you are filing a new case, and you have a box on the form that will be left blank, you should write “N/A” for not applicable. If you have no middle name, or no apartment number, or no social security number, do not leave the box blank, write N/A. If you have three siblings, but the form has room for four, write N/A in the fourth box. If you’ve only entered the U.S. one time, and the form provides room for three entries, write N/A in the remaining two spaces. For questions such as the ones about your spouse and children, if you check that you do not have a spouse or child, I do not think you need to write N/A in every box (though given USCIS’s capriciousness, it couldn’t hurt). Make sure you check all the “yes” or “no” boxes on pages 5 through 8 of the form, and if you check “yes,” provide an explanation in the corresponding space. Also, on the signature page of the I-589, there are some check boxes that people often overlook. Failure to check those boxes can also result in a rejection.
The Asylum Office’s newest employee: “You forgot to check a box? No refuge for you!”
So why did USCIS implement this new policy? And why didn’t they tell us in advance?
Giving USCIS the benefit of the doubt, it makes sense that the I-589 form is 100% complete. Blank spaces–especially for information like names, Alien number, and family members–can create issues for the case. Assuming–and perhaps it is a big assumption–that USCIS does security checks in advance, this information is necessary to implement a complete check. Also, if the Asylum Officer researches the case in advance of the interview (again, another big assumption), it is helpful to have all pertinent information. In short, I think it is fair to require that applicants complete the form and answer all questions, and this includes writing “N/A” where a particular question does not apply.
That said, the problem here is not that USCIS now requires a complete form. The problem is that USCIS changed the definition of “complete” without telling us in advance, and has rejected scores of applications that do not meet the new requirements. In my office alone, we’ve had about six or seven cases rejected in the last three weeks. This is probably more cases than we’ve had rejected in the previous 15 years of my practice as an asylum lawyer. And I am not alone. Many other attorneys are commenting on our list serves about the same issue.
Now, to be completely fair, USCIS did quietly post something on their website–without any sort of announcement–in maybe late September, but by then, it was too late for applications that had already been submitted. If you look at their website today, and check the section “Where to File,” and then scroll all the way to the bottom, you will find this warning–
We will not accept your Form I-589 if you leave any fields blank. You must provide a response to all questions on the form, even if the response is “none,” “unknown” or “n/a.” We will not accept a Form I-589 that is missing the explanation of why you are applying for asylum or that is missing any addendums that you reference in your application.
Don’t forget to sign your form! We will reject any unsigned form.
Why this information is listed under “Where to File” and why it is not more prominently displayed, I do not know (similar information can be found on page 5 of the I-589 instructions). But the decision to start rejecting cases that do not meet this new standard shows–at best–a complete indifference to the plight of asylum seekers and to their right to a fair process.
For those who have not had an asylum application rejected, it may be difficult to understand how upsetting it is. Preparing the application is time-consuming and can be very stressful, especially for people who are already traumatized. When the application is returned, it is often re-arranged and contains numerous USCIS stamps and hand-written information. There is also a two-page Notice of Deficiency, which usually (but not always) explains what needs to be corrected. In the most recent incidents, it took USCIS six or seven weeks to return the errant forms. So applicants, who thought that their cases were pending, their Asylum Clocks had started, and their status in the U.S. was safe, are learning after a month and a half, that none of those things has happened and they have to start over again.
So if your asylum application has been rejected, what do you do? The short answer is, read the Notice of Deficiency, make the required changes, and re-submit the form. But also, double check all the boxes on the form, and if there are any that you left blank, make sure to fill those boxes with N/A, none, unknown, or whatever you think appropriate. Don’t leave them blank. When we re-submit a rejected application, we include a copy of the Notice of Deficiency. Finally, when you re-submit the application, keep a copy of the Notice of Deficiency and any pages that were stamped by USCIS (usually, USCIS stamps the first page of the I-589 with the date the form was received). This provides evidence that the application was filed and rejected. It is important to have such evidence, especially in cases where the one-year asylum filing deadline is an issue, but it is good to have it for any case, as you never know when you might need such proof. Also, the American Immigration Lawyer’s Association is tracking such cases in order to communicate the problem to USCIS. If you would like to be include in this effort, please email me.
What about the situation where the I-589 was initially filed within one year of your arrival in the U.S., but now the case has to be re-filed after the one-year deadline? Not to worry; the regulations provide an exception to the one-year bar where–
The applicant filed an asylum application prior to the expiration of the 1-year deadline, but that application was rejected by the Service as not properly filed, was returned to the applicant for corrections, and was refiled within a reasonable period thereafter.
8 C.F.R. § 208.4(a)(5)(v). The key here is that the application must be re-filed within a reasonable period of time after it is returned to you. To prove that, you need a copy of I-589 stamped by USCIS and the Notice of Deficiency, which provide the initial filing date, and you need proof that the application was re-filed within a reasonable period of time. For that, you need the USCIS mailing envelope and the Notice of Deficiency, which both show when the form was returned to you. For example, we received a returned I-589 on November 7 (after the one year bar), but the stamp on the I-589 indicates September 24 (before the one year bar). We did not cause the delay between September 24 and November 7; USCIS caused that delay. Since we have the Notice of Deficiency and the USCIS mailing envelope, we can prove that that portion of the delay was not our fault. We re-submitted the I-589 on November 8, and we have a copy of our mailing receipt. Thus, our client should be protected in terms of the one-year bar, since we only caused one day of delay, which is certainly a “reasonable” period of time to re-file a rejected application. How long is a “reasonable period” of time to re-file? There is no specific definition, and so the sooner you re-file, the better, but if it takes you a few weeks (maybe to consult with a lawyer), that should be fine.
What about the Asylum Clock? Unfortunately, as I understand the clock, it will not start running until the application is received and accepted. And so in the above example, my client’s clock will start running on November 9 (assuming USCIS accepts the application this time); it will not start on September 24, when the I-589 was initially received (once 150 days passes on the Asylum Clock, an applicant can apply for a work permit).
I think that is enough for now. This recent incident of USCIS using the asylum bureaucracy–which is meant to facilitate asylum applications–as a weapon against asylum seekers is not an isolated event. In a future post, I will discuss USCIS’s plans to raise filing fees and delay or block work permits for future asylum seekers. Stay tuned for more good news…
This posting is by Elizabeth Rosenman, a Seattle asylum attorney and a member of Northwest Immigrant Rights Project’s pro bono panel. A former editor of UCLA’s law review, she has a master’s degree in journalism from Columbia University. Among other publications, she has written for The Seattle Times, the Los Angeles Times, and most recently, The Hill.
When I’m helping a client prepare his I-589, the first thing I do is download the 10-page application, officially called the “U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Form I-589 Application for Asylum,” from the USCIS website. The first half of the I-589 asks simple biographical questions and the second half probes for responses intended to tease out whether the applicant likely qualifies for asylum or is possibly barred from staying here permanently.
The form is written in plain English and even the questions that call for long answers are straightforward. Everything is self-explanatory. That’s why it’s tempting to skip over another document on the same website called “Instructions for I-589” — a 14-page document that is far denser than the form it’s supposed to clarify.
Read the instructions.
Elizabeth Rosenman
The first time I did, I was stunned by how helpful they were. The instructions contain both a concise tutorial on asylum law and a superb how-to manual for preparing an entire asylum case, not just filling out the I-589.
There’s also a lot of practical stuff that isn’t immediately obvious to asylum seekers and inexperienced lawyers: The one-year time limit for submitting the I-589 in most circumstances, the rule that the form has to be either typed or filled out in black–not blue–ink, and the requirement that an asylum seeker can’t leave the U.S., even for an emergency, without prior approval unless he wants to forfeit his claim.
Only about two pages of the instructions actually offer help filling out the I-589, but who cares? The document is an invaluable legal tool. And it’s free. But there’s a flip side. The instructions are also confusing, misleading, annoying, and bizarre. My take: Reading the instructions is a must, but following them all is a big mistake.
Consider this–even before you finish the first sentence, you realize there’s an obvious problem. The instructions, like the I-589, are only printed in English. Nobody in our government appears to care that the vast majority of asylum seekers aren’t native English speakers.
Just as bad, the instructions leave out some basic information, like where asylum seekers temporarily living in certain states–California, Nevada, and Pennsylvania–should send the I-589 to get the process rolling. Immigration officials have divided each of these states into two parts, but the instructions don’t explain where the dividing line is.
Take California. The instructions say that affirmative asylum seekers living in Northern Californian should send their completed I-589 to a post office box in Lincoln, Nebraska. Those in Southern California are told to send their asylum applications to Laguna Niguel, California (asylum seekers in court follow a different set of rules). Is Fresno considered north or south? How about Bakersfield? The instructions are silent. Instead, a few phone numbers are listed in the instructions for the asylum seeker or her lawyer to call with questions. My clients have all lived in Washington State, so this hasn’t been an issue for me. But I couldn’t resist calling the first phone number listed, the one for USCIS’s National Customer Service Center, to see how hard it would be to get an answer.
Very hard, if you aren’t an attorney, it turns out. That general phone number has recorded messages for almost any immigration problem I’ve ever heard of, except the I-589 address question. I spent several minutes trying to get a customer care representative on the line to talk me through the problem. I couldn’t figure out how to do that. Every time I pushed a keypad number I thought would get me to a person, I instead got a recorded voice that referred me to the USCIS general website. So I called back again, this time taking advantage of the one keypad prompt that’s only for attorneys. In less than two minutes, a USCIS employee came on the line and cheerfully offered to help. Instantly, she pulled up a directory of which California counties were included in one address or the other.
“Why not list this on the I-589 instructions pages?” I asked. “We don’t really know why they wouldn’t,” she said. Me either. Given a chance, I’m not sure I could dream up a way to make the task of addressing an I-589 more complicated than the one our government has already put in place.
Another complaint: The instructions leave out some key facts. For instance, they note that people who are granted asylum “may eventually adjust to lawful permanent resident status.” That means an asylum seeker who is granted asylum may, a year later, apply for a green card. So what’s the big deal? The instructions omit the most important part–an asylee is also eligible to apply to become a U.S. citizen, with all of the rights and protections that come with citizenship, four years after getting a green card. He’d probably figure the citizenship part out somewhere along the way. Why not let him know from the start?
Then there’s an omission that I find mean spirited and annoying: The instructions never mention that documents submitted as part of an asylum case don’t need to be notarized. All of my clients have needlessly paid money to a Notary Public to translate a few documents before I began representing them. They could have instead had a friend do the translating and used the extra money to buy food or bus fare.
Even more troubling, the instructions contain some misleading advice. At one point, they say “you are strongly urged to attach additional written statements and documents to support your claim.” “Strongly urged” sounds scary. Don’t worry. I’ve ignored that instruction for every client. Let me explain.
Remember that rule about asylum seekers not being allowed to request work authorization until 150 days after USCIS receives the I-589? That clock starts ticking whether or not an asylum applicant submits all of his supporting documents with the I-589 or just the bare I-589. Since all of my clients are anxious to get legal work authorization, I quickly fill out and submit the I-589 to get the 150-day clock going.
Then, after it’s in the mail, I begin the long process of gathering the supporting documents. I don’t send in those documents, which make up the bulk of the asylum case, until closer to the date of a client’s court hearing or asylum interview.
Two paragraphs later, the instructions give horrible advice: “You can amend or supplement your application at the time of your asylum interview with an asylum officer and at your hearing in immigration court….” That’s not true. Asylum officers and immigration judges have various rules about when evidence is due. If an asylum seeker misses that cutoff, he may be barred from submitting crucial documents later. This isn’t a problem for a lawyer who has been through the rigmarole a few times and is aware of the rules. But what about an asylum seeker who has been unable to obtain a lawyer?
Then there’s this bizarre fact: The instructions explain that an asylum seeker attending an interview who doesn’t speak English fluently must bring an interpreter and cover the cost. But if the asylum seeker is hearing impaired, that’s a different story. In that instance, the government will supply a sign language interpreter in any language–on the house.
Enough complaining. Even though I’m aware of most potential pitfalls, I always re-read the instructions the night before meeting with a client to fill out an I-589. They are updated frequently without prior warning–oops, another complaint–so I always check to see if anything important has changed.
If you’re reading this blog, you’re probably already familiar with the form I-589, Application for Asylum and Withholding of Removal. Whether your case is in Immigration Court or the Asylum Office, this is the form that you use to apply for asylum, withholding of removal under INA § 241(b)(3), and relief under the United Nations Convention Against Torture.
“You should have listed all your names on the immigration form, Superman. Or should I say, Clark Kent, Kal El, or Man of Steel?”
At the beginning of the asylum interview or the court case, the applicant has an opportunity to make corrections to the I-589. It’s not a problem to make corrections, and generally, correcting errors on the original form does not reduce the likelihood that the application will be granted. In the worst case, the applicant will need to explain the mistake(s), but even this is fairly rare.
You might think that the most important questions on the I-589 are the ones on page 5 related to why you need asylum. It makes sense, since that is the whole point of the form. But, au contraire, in asylum world, things that make sense are rarely the correct answer. The questions about asylum are generally easy to answer on the form, and you have ample opportunity to elaborate on your answer in an affidavit or at the interview.
So what is the most important question on the form? It’s the question that appears on page 1, near the very beginning of the form, in Part A.I., question 6: “What other names have you used (include maiden name and aliases)?” What’s so important about this question, you ask. I will endeavor to explain. But first, a bit of background.
Every asylum applicant must undergo a background check. The check is a bit of a mystery, but it involves a biometrics check and a name check. The background check also involves multiple data bases, and it can be quite time consuming–some people wait years for the completion of their checks. Theoretically–and hopefully–the background check will be completed before the interview or the court case. That way, the applicant can receive a decision shortly after being interviewed. If the check is not complete, or if new information arises at the interview and the check must be augmented, the case will be delayed–possibly for a very long time.
In my office, for example, we have dozens of clients who have been interviewed, but are still waiting for decisions in their cases. Some have been waiting for weeks or months; the longest delayed applicants have been waiting over two years! Most of these delays seem to be because the security background checks are not complete. For people who are single, or whose spouse and children are with them in the United States, the wait may be tolerable (stressful and unpleasant, but tolerable). For people who are separated from their spouse and children, the wait is horrific. How can a mother or father be apart from small children for months or years? Yet this is what many applicants are enduring today.
Which brings us back to the question about “other names used.” If you fail to include every name you have used in your life, the Asylum Office may have to start the security background check all over again for any names that you add to the form during your asylum interview or your court case. So while it is not a problem to correct this question, adding a new name to the form could cause months (or more) of delay. For this reason, it is important to include any and all names you have used when you first submit the form.
Your name on the I-589 (Part A.I., questions 3, 4, and 5) is generally your name as it appears on your passport. So what “other names” should be listed on the form? You should include the name on your U.S. visa, including the notorious “FNU” or “first name unknown,” which often appears on US visas for people who have only one name. If you have a maiden name, include that. Also, list any different spellings of your name that you (or others) have used. If you have nicknames, pseudonyms or aliases, list those too. Of course, if you have ever changed your name, list all previous names you have used. If you ever list your name as “son of” or “daughter of,” include that. Finally, different countries and cultures have different naming conventions. Sometimes, a person’s name is the given name, followed by the father and grandfather’s name, or a tribal name. You should list all iterations of your name.
It is important to answer all questions on the I-589 form as completely and as accurately as possible. But the question about “other names used” is particularly important. If you forget to include all the names you have used, it could cause additional long delays in your case. To paraphrase the immortal Dr. Seuss, “Be your name Buxbaum or Bixby or Bray, or Mordecai Ali Van Allen O’Shea, make sure to include all your names on the I-589 form. Then you’ll be off to great places. So, get on your way!”